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Academic Year 2024 – 2025

S.No Name of the Faculty Member Title Organized by Date
1. Dr.G.Balaji Technical Communication for Engineers NPTEL – AICTE July -August- 2024
2. Dr.A.Rathinam Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
3. Dr.C.Arulkumar Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
4. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
5. Dr.S.Ramachandran Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
6. G.Umamaheshwari Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
7. Dr.S.Rathinavel Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
8. S.Manikandan Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
9. R.Satheeshkumar Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
10. Dr.S.Suganya Four Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
11. M.Raja Twelve Weeks Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Internet of Things” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
12. R.Muthukumar Twelve Weeks Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Internet of Things” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
13. T.Nandhagopal Eight Weeks Faculty Development Program on “Principles of modern CDMA/ MIMO /OFDM Wireless communication” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
14. G.Deivamani Twelve Weeks Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Internet of Things” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
15. V.Kumarakrishnan Four Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Technical Communication for Engineers” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
16. Dr.S.Siddik Four Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Python for Data Science” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
17. Dr.S.Siddik Eight Weeks Faculty Development Program on DC Microgrid and Control System NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
18. Dr.V.Aiswariya A Four weeks Faculty Development Program on “CO PO Mapping amp; CO PO Attainment ” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2024
19. Dr.C.Arulkumar One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
20. Dr.D.Boopathi One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
21. G.Deivamani One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
22. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
23. V.Kumarakrishnan One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
24. R.Muthukumar One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
25. M.Raja One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
26. Dr.S.Ramachandran One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
27. Dr.S.Rathinavel One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
28. R.Satheeshkumar One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
29. Dr.S.Suganya One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
30. G.Umamaheshwari One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Advance Power Engineering Applications” Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 22.07.2024 to 26.07.204
31. Dr.G.Balaji A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Atal-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Empowering Sustainable Mobility through Innovative Engineering” Mahendra Institute of technology 19.08.2024 to 24.08.2024
32. Dr.C.Arulkumar A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Atal-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Empowering Sustainable Mobility through Innovative Engineering” Mahendra Institute of technology 19.08.2024 to 24.08.2024
33. Dr. S.Suganya A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Atal-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Empowering Sustainable Mobility through Innovative Engineering” Mahendra Institute of technology 19.08.2024 to 24.08.2024
34. M.Raja A One Week Online FDP on “Atal-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Empowering Sustainable Mobility through Innovative Engineering” Mahendra Institute of technology 19.08.2024 to 24.08.2024
35. Dr. S. Siddik Two Day Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence Based Design and Testing of Electric Vechicle” ST Joseph’s college of Engineering OMR, Chennai 119 02.08.2024 to 03.08.2024
36. Dr. S. Siddik One week FDP on “Internet of things for Emerging technical applications” M.P.Nachimuthu M.Jaganathan Engineering College, Chennimalai, Erode 12.08.2024 to 17.08.2024
37. G.Umamaheshwari One week FDP on “Atal-Artificial Intellience’s Potential Applications In Energy Management and Energy Storage Systems: A Tchnological Revolution” KSR College of Engineering 09.09.2024 to 14.09.2024
38. G.Umamaheshwari One week FDP on “Atal-Integration of AI and IIoT for design of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging infrastructure for Greener future” Erode senguthar engineering collge 21.09.2024 to 29.09.2024
39. S.Manikandan One week FDP on “Atal-Integration of AI and IIoT for design of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging infrastructure for Greener future” Erode senguthar engineering collge 21.09.2024 to 29.09.2024
40. S.Suganya One week FDP on “Atal-Artificial Intellience’s Potential Applications In Energy Management and Energy Storage Systems: A Tchnological Revolution” KSR College of Engineering 09.09.2024 to 14.09.2024
41. Dr.A.Rathinam One day seminar on “Modern power system Practices for Electric Vehicle” III-Power amp; Energy society madras chapter amp; SSN IEEE PES student chapter 23-11-2024
42. Dr.S. Siddik One day seminar on “Modern power system Practices for Electric Vehicle” III-Power amp; Energy society madras chapter amp; SSN IEEE PES student chapter 23-11-2024
43. G.Umamaheshwari One week FDP on “Atal-Recent Advancement and Chellenges in the Realm of Flexible amp; Transparent Wearable Electronic Devices for Precision Health Care systems using Iot, AI amp; ML” Mahendra Engineering College 11.11.2024 to 23.11.2024
44. K. K.Poongodi One week FDP on “Atal-Recent Advancements and Challenges in the Realm of Flexible amp; Transport Wearable Electronic Devices for Precision Healthcare System Using Iot AI and ML” Mahendra Engineering college 11.11.2024 to 23.11.2024
45. R.Satheeshkumar One week FDP on “Atal-Recent Advancements and Challenges in the Realm of Flexible amp; Transport Wearable Electronic Devices for Precision Healthcare System Using Iot AI and ML” Mahendra Engineering college 11.11.2024 to 23.11.2024
46. P.Elakkiya One week FDP on “Atal-Engineering Solution for Sustainable Future: Uniting Discipline to Tackle Carbon Footprint Reduction” KCG College of Technology, Chennai 04.11.2024 to 09.11.2024
47. Dr.S.Siddik One week FDP on “Atal-Engineering Solution for Sustainable Future: Uniting Discipline to Tackle Carbon Footprint Reduction” KCG College of Technology 04.11.2024 to 09.11.2024
48. Dr.V.Aiswariya One week FDP on “Atal-Role of Power Electronics in Electrical Vehicle Technology” KKR amp; KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences 25.11.2024 to 30.11.2024
49. Dr.A.Rathinam One week FDP on “Atal-Green Energy and E mobility for Sustainable Environoment” Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women 02.12.2024 to 14.12.2024
50. Dr.V.Aiswariya One week FDP on “Atal-Innovating Agritech for Sustainable Tomorrow: Aligning withSDG Goals” KLS Instt. Of MGT. Education and research 02.12.2024 to 07.12.2024
51. Dr.G.Balaji Dr. Sarbepalli Radhakrishnan Nation Connectionist Award Welred foundation 14.12.2024
52. Dr.S.Rathinavel APJ AbdulKalam Nation Star Award Welred foundation 13.12.2024
53. Dr.A.Rathinam Sir Isaac Newton Education Empowerer Award Welred foundation 13.12.2024
54. M. Raja Certificate of appreciation IoT NPTEL Jul-Dec 24
55. R.Satheeshkumar Certificate of appreciation Technical Communication for Engineering NPTEL Jul-Dec 24

Academic Year 2023 – 2024

S.No Name of the Faculty Member Title Organized by Date
1. Dr.S.Ramachandran Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
2. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
3. Dr.C.Arulkumar Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
4. S.Suganya Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
5. Dr.G.Balaji Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
6. R.Satheeshkumar Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
7. M.Raja Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
8. G.Deivamani Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
9. V.Kumarakrishnan Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
10. Dr.A.Rathinam Four Week Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL – AICTE Jul-Aug 2023
11. V.Kumarakrishnan One Week FDP on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology Sree Sakthi Engineering College 03.07.2023 to 08.07.2023
12. G.Umamaheswari A Five Day Faculty Development Program on “Future Trends and Advances in Electrical Engineering” Aditya Engineering College 05.07.2023 to 09.07.2023
13. Dr.S.Rathinavel Ten days virtual FDP On “Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research” SRM Institute of Science and Technology 07.07.2023 to 18.07.2023
14. Dr.K.Jagatheesan Ten days virtual FDP On “Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research” SRM Institute of Science and Technology 07.07.2023 to 18.07.2023
15. R.Satheeshkumar Ten days virtual FDP On “Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research” SRM Institute of Science and Technology 07.07.2023 to 18.07.2023
16. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Ten days virtual FDP On “Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research” SRM Institute of Science and Technology 07.07.2023 to 18.07.2023
17. Dr.D.Boopathi Ten days virtual FDP On “Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research” SRM Institute of Science and Technology 07.07.2023 to 18.07.2023
18. M.Raja A Five Day Faculty Development Program on “CO PO Mapping amp; CO PO Attainment ” GKCEM, Baruipur 10.07.2023 to 14.07.2023
19. G.Deivamani A Five Day Faculty Development Program on “CO PO Mapping amp; CO PO Attainment ” GKCEM, Baruipur 10.07.2023 to 14.07.2023
20. G.Umamaheswari A One-week National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Green Energy Initiatives and Soft Computing Techniques” Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad 11.07.2023 to 15.07.2023
21. Dr.S.Rathinavel One Day Seminar on “Diagnosis and Curing of DR (Diabetic Retinopathy) By Using Modified Genetic Method ” R P Sarathy Institute of Technology 15.07.2023
22. Dr.G.Balaji Five days Virtual Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends and Challenges in Power Generation and Power Quality Improvement Techniques ” JCT College of Engineering and Technology 17.07.2023 to 21.07.2023
23. Dr.K.Jagatheesan Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Design Thinking” R P Sarathy Institute of Technology 20.07.2023 to 21.07.2023
24. Dr.G.Balaji Two Days Seminar on “The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Grid Technology and its Applications for the Future Generation” Mahendra Institute of Technology 24.07.2023 to 25.07.2023
25. R.Satheeshkumar Two Days Seminar on “The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Grid Technology and its Applications for the Future Generation” Mahendra Institute of Technology 24.07.2023 to 25.07.2023
26. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Two Days Seminar on “The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Grid Technology and its Applications for the Future Generation” Mahendra Institute of Technology 24.07.2023 to 25.07.2023
27. Dr.C.Arulkumar Two Days Seminar on “The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Grid Technology and its Applications for the Future Generation” Mahendra Institute of Technology 24.07.2023 to 25.07.2023
28. S.Suganya Two Days Seminar on “The Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Grid Technology and its Applications for the Future Generation” Mahendra Institute of Technology 24.07.2023 to 25.07.2023
29. M.Raja Two Day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Smart Micro Grid Model and Challenges for Energy Storage Management System” NPR College of Engineering amp; Technology 07.09.2023 to 08.09.2023
30. V.Kumarakrishnan A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
31. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
32. R.Satheeshkumar A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
33. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
34. Dr.S.Ramachandran A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
35. R.Satheeshkumar Two Day International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) Selvam College of Technology 21.09.2023 to 22.09.2023
36. V.Kumarakrishnan Two Day International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) Selvam College of Technology 21.09.2023 to 22.09.2023
37. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Two Day International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) Selvam College of Technology 21.09.2023 to 22.09.2023
38. Dr.C.Arulkumar Two Day International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) Selvam College of Technology 21.09.2023 to 22.09.2023
39. R.Satheeshkumar 20th IEEE India Council Conference International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 14.12.2023 to 17.12.2023
40. Dr.D.Boopathi 20th IEEE India Council Conference International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 14.12.2023 to 17.12.2023
41. Dr.K.Jagatheesan 20th IEEE India Council Conference International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 14.12.2023 to 17.12.2023
42. R.Muthukumar One Week Faculty Development Program on “Renewable Energy Based Electric Vehicle Technologies” Fatima Michael College of Engineering and Technology 18.12.2023 to 23.12.2023
43. G.Deivamani A One Day Workshop on “Energy Auditing ” Knowledge Institute of Technology 28.12.2023
44. M.Raja A One Day Workshop on “Energy Auditing ” Knowledge Institute of Technology 28.12.2023
45. M.Raja One Day Seminar on “Recent Trends, Challenges and Future perspectives of sodium-ion batteries for Electric Vehicles” IFET College of Engineering 05.01.2024
46. R.Muthukumar Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Engineering Teaching In Practice” NPTEL,IIT Madras 19.02.2024 to 23.02.2024
47. Mrs.G.UmaMaheswari 5 Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Bridging Research amp; Innovation in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering” Galgotias University,Greater Noida 02.01.2024 to 06.01.2024
48. Mrs.G.UmaMaheswari 5 Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Exploring Teaching Strategies and Research Scope in renewable Energy Sectors” Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology 02.01.2024 to 06.01.2024
49. Mrs.G.UmaMaheswari Aiming Towards 3D’s in Electrical Engineering Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Technology 11.03.2024 to 15.03.2024
50. Dr.C.Arulkumar Innovation ambassador “Foundation Level” MOE Innovation Cell and AICTE 10.04.2024
51. Dr.C.Arulkumar Innovation ambassador “Advanced Level” MOE innovation cell and AICTE 13.04.2024
52. Dr.S.Rathinavel Innovative PLC Applications for Industrial Optimization RP Sarathy Institute Of Technology 28.03.2024
53. Dr.G.Balaji A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
54. Dr.D.Boopathi A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
55. Dr.K.Jagatheesan A One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” AVS College of Technology 11.09.2023 to 16.09.2023
56. Dr.S.Ramachandran “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
57. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
58. Dr.C.Arulkumar “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
59. S.Suganya “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
60. Dr.G.Balaji “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
61. R.Satheeshkumar “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
62. M.Raja “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
63. G.Deivamani “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
64. V.Kumarakrishnan “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
65. Dr.S.Rathinavel “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
66. Dr.K.Jagatheesan “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” NPTEL Jul-Aug 2023
67. Dr.A.Rathinam “Introduction to Internet of Things” NPTEL Jul-Oct 2023
68. R.Muthukumar Effective Engineering Teaching In Practice NPTEL Jan-Feb 2024
69. Dr.D.Boopathi Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching NPTEL Feb-Mar 2024
70. R.Satheeshkumar Frequency Management of an Interconnected Power System Using Ant Colony Optimization Technique Enhanced PI Controller Techno International New Town (formerly Techno India College Of Technology) 11.05.2023 to 13.05.2023
71. Dr.D.Boopathi Frequency Management of an Interconnected Power System Using Ant Colony Optimization Technique Enhanced PI Controller Techno International New Town (formerly Techno India College Of Technology) 11.05.2023 to 13.05.2023
72. Dr.K.Jagatheesan Frequency Management of an Interconnected Power System Using Ant Colony Optimization Technique Enhanced PI Controller Techno International New Town (formerly Techno India College Of Technology) 11.05.2023 to 13.05.2023
73. K. Jagatheesan Application of Genetic Algorithm-Based Controllers in Wind Energy Systems for Smart Energy Management Springer, Singapore 02.07.2023
74. D. Boopathi Application of Genetic Algorithm-Based Controllers in Wind Energy Systems for Smart Energy Management Springer, Singapore 02.07.2023
75. K. Jagatheesan Mayfly Algorithm Optimized FOPID Regulator for Frequency Improvement in Wind Power Systems COEP Technological University (COEP TECH), Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune, 14.12.2023
76. D. Boopathi Mayfly Algorithm Optimized FOPID Regulator for Frequency Improvement in Wind Power Systems COEP Technological University (COEP TECH), Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune, 14.12.2023
77. R.Satheeshkumar Automatic Frequency Control for Interlinked DSTS Power Grid Using Dragonfly algorithm tuned PID Controller CMR Institute of Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad, 501401 14.12.2023
78. Dr.D.Boopathi Automatic Frequency Control for Interlinked DSTS Power Grid Using Dragonfly algorithm tuned PID Controller CMR Institute of Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad, 501401 14.12.2023
79. Dr.K.Jagatheesan Automatic Frequency Control for Interlinked DSTS Power Grid Using Dragonfly algorithm tuned PID Controller CMR Institute of Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad, 501401 14.12.2023
80. Dr.C.Arulkumar Textural Feature based ANFIS Classifier for Identifying Non-Lesional Focal Cortical Dysplasia Goa University, Goa, India 22.03.2024 to 23.03.2024.
81. Dr.C.Arulkumar Automated Shopping Cart Annapoorana Engineering College 22.03.2024 to 23.03.2024.
82. Dr.G.Balaji Online Analysis of LT/HT and Industrial Transformers with Dataloggers Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan 23.03.2024 to 24.03.2024
83. R.Satheeshkumar Wireless Power Transfer System for Changing of Electric Vehicle Selvam College of Technology, Tamilnadu 23.03.2024 to 24.03.2024
84. V.Kumarakrishnan IoT Based Automatic Gas Level Monitoring System with Load Cell Selvam College of Technology, Tamilnadu 23.03.2024 to 24.03.2024
85. Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Battery Management Selvam College of Technology, Tamilnadu 23.03.2024 to 24.03.2024
86. Dr.C.Arulkumar Stair Climbing Robot Selvam College of Technology, Tamilnadu 23.03.2024 to 24.03.2024

Academic Year 2022 – 2023

S.No Name of the Faculty Member Title Organized by Date
1 Dr Jagatheesan K Seminar on “Impact of the Artificial Intelligence in Technological Development (IAITD)” Dambi Dollo University, Ethiopia 27.01.2023
2 V.Kumarakrishnan International Virtual Seminar on
“Smart Grids and Distributed Energy Systems”
Prathyusha Engineering College 12.09.2022
3 R.Muthukumar International Virtual Seminar on
“Smart Grids and Distributed Energy Systems”
Prathyusha Engineering College 12.09.2022
4 M.Raja International Virtual Seminar on
“Smart Grids and Distributed Energy Systems”
Prathyusha Engineering College 12.09.2022
5 Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Webinar on “Comparative Analysis of Vertical Axis amp; Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Using QBLADE Software” Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering 11.02.2023
6 Dr.D.Boopathi Webinar on “Distributed Generation and Microgrid” SRM TRP Engineering College 24.01.2023
7 Dr.D.Boopathi Webinar on “Incubation Ooportunities for Students amp; Faculties- Early Stage Entrepreneurs” Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala Ramp;D Institute of Science and Technology 08.07.2022
8 Dr.D.Boopathi A National Level Webinar on, “Adaptive Control Schemes for Grid-Tied Inverters
to Improve Power Quality of Micro-Grid Systems
SRM TRP Engineering College 17.08.2022
9 R.Muthukumar power quality issues Mepco Engineering College 28.4.2023 to 29.04.2023
10 Dr.K.Jagatheesan IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2022) IEEE PECon2022 05.12.2022 to 06.12.2022
11 G.Umamaheshwari International Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology (ICASHT 2023) SIMATS School of Engineering 09.01.2023 to 10.01.2023
12 Dr.S.Ramachandran International Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology (ICASHT 2023) SIMATS School of Engineering 09.01.2023 to 10.01.2023
13 V.Kumarakrishnan International Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology (ICASHT 2023) SIMATS School of Engineering 09.01.2023 to 10.01.2023
14 Dr.G.Balaji International Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology (ICASHT 2023) SIMATS School of Engineering 09.01.2023 to 10.01.2023
15 Dr.G.Balaji International Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology (ICASHT 2023) SIMATS School of Engineering 09.01.2023 to 10.01.2023
16 R.Satheeshkumar International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable growth (ICATS 2023) Paavai Engineering College 17.03.2023
17 S.Ramachandran International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (RESET-2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 22.03.2023 to 23.03.2023
18 R.Satheeshkumar 7th IEEE International Conference on Engineering , Technology and Science Muthyammal College of Engineering 31.03.2023
19 M.Raja 7th IEEE International Conference on Engineering , Technology and Science Muthyammal College of Engineering 31.03.2023
20 Dr.A.Rathinam 7th IEEE International Conference on Engineering , Technology and Science Muthyammal College of Engineering 31.03.2023
21 G.Umamaheshwari 7th IEEE International Conference on Engineering , Technology and Science Muthyammal College of Engineering 31.03.2023
22 Dr.C.Arulkumar 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology ICRIET 2023 SAMP (Society of Aerospace and Mechanical Professionals) amp; SICEE (Society for Information, Communication amp; Electrical Engineers) 05.04.2023 to 06.04.2023
23 Dr.G.Balaji 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology ICRIET 2023 SAMP (Society of Aerospace and Mechanical Professionals) amp; SICEE (Society for Information, Communication amp; Electrical Engineers) 05.04.2023 to 06.04.2023
24 Dr.S.Ramachandran 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Automotive Technology(ICAAT) 2023 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 05.04.2023 to 06.04.2023
25 Dr.C.Arulkumar National Conference on Recent Technologies and Computing Sciences-NCRTCS’23 Velammal Engineering College 11.04.2023
26 Dr.K.Jagatheesan ISTE Sponsored Two Days National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Science amp; Technology(ETSET-23)” Hindusthan Institute of Technology 19.04.2023 to 20.04.2023
27 V.Kumarakrishnan ISTE Sponsored Two Days National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Science amp; Technology(ETSET-23)” Hindusthan Institute of Technology 19.04.2023 to 20.04.2023
28 Dr.C.Arulkumar ISTE Sponsored Two Days National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Science amp; Technology(ETSET-23)” Hindusthan Institute of Technology 19.04.2023 to 20.04.2023
29 S.Sugnaya 11th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology 2023 Prince Dr.K.Vasudevan College of Engineering and Technology 01.05.2023 to 02.05.2023
30 Dr.D.Boopathi 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ICISA 2023) Institute of Artificial Intelligence
MIT World Peace University
03.05.2023 to 04.05.2023
31 Dr.K.Jagatheesan 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ICISA 2023) Institute of Artificial Intelligence
MIT World Peace University
03.05.2023 to 04.05.2023
32 Dr.A.Rathinam ISTE Sponsored Two Days National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Science amp; Technology(ETSET-23)” Hindusthan Institute of Technology 19.04.2023 to 20.04.2023
33 R.Muthukumar 7th IEEE International Conference on Engineering , Technology and Science Muthyammal College of Engineering 31.03.2023
34 R.Satheeshkumar International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights (ICDAI 2023) Techno International Town, Kolkatta 13.05.2023
35 Dr.G.Balaji A Three-Day Online Faculty Development Programme On “Real-Time Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation of Advanced Power Electronics for Electric Transportation and Renewable Energy Applications” Anurag University, Hyderabad 01.06.2022 to 03.06.2022
36 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Five Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles” Sri Krishna College of Technology 30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023
37 V.Kumarakrishnan Five Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles” Sri Krishna College of Technology 30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023
38 R.Muthukumar Five Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles” Sri Krishna College of Technology 30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023
39 Dr.D.Boopathi Five Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles” Sri Krishna College of Technology 30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023
40 M.Raja Five Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles” Sri Krishna College of Technology 30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023
41 Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Five Days Online FDP on “Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles” Sri Krishna College of Technology 30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023
42 Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu A One Week FDP on “Research Innovations and Emerging
Advances in Electrical Engineering”
Eswari Engineering College 5.01.2023 to 12.01.2023
43 Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu Five Days FDP on “Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles” PSN College of Engineering and Technology 25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022
44 Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu FDP on “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice NPTEL-AICTE Jan-Feb 2023(4 Weeks)
45 V.Kumarakrishnan Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice NPTEL-AICTE Jan-Feb 2023(4 Weeks)
46 Dr.G.Balaji Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice NPTEL-AICTE Jan-Feb 2023(4 Weeks)
47 R.Satheeshkumar Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice NPTEL-AICTE Jan-Feb 2023(4 Weeks)
48 Dr.C.Arulkumar Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice NPTEL-AICTE Jan-Feb 2023(4 Weeks)
49 G.Uma Maheswari A six day Online Faculty Development Program “Recent
Advancements in Power Systems”
GIET 28.11.2022 to 03.12.2022
50 G.Uma Maheswari International Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematical Modelling of Biosystems with Special Focus on Epidemiology” Mizoram University 22.08.2022 to 27.08.2022
51 G.Uma Maheswari International Faculty Development Programme on “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications” KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022
52 G.Uma Maheswari A One Week FDP on “Challenges and Measures in
Evolving Power Systems”
Mahathma Gandhi Institute of Technology 06.06.2022 to 11.06.2022
53 G.Uma Maheswari Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid with Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development Sri Ramakrishnan Engineering Collge 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2023
54 Dr.D.Boopathi A one week FDP on “Hybrid Electric Vehicles” GMR Institute Of Technology, Rajam
V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada
21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022
55 G.Uma Maheswari A Three-Day Online Faculty Development Programme On “Real-Time Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation of Advanced Power Electronics for Electric Transportation and Renewable Energy Applications” Anurag University, Hyderabad 01.06.2022 to 03.06.2022
56 Dr.K.Jagatheesan A one week FDP on “Hybrid Electric Vehicles” GMR Institute Of Technology, Rajam
V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada
21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022
57 Dr.G.Balaji A Five Days FDP on “Challenges and New Trends in Power Electronics” JCT College of Engineering and Technology 13.02.2023 to 17.02.2023
58 Dr.S.Rathinavel A Five Days FDP on “Challenges and New Trends in Power Electronics” JCT College of Engineering and Technology 13.02.2023 to 17.02.2023

Academic Year 2021 – 2022

S.No Date(s) Name of the faculty Titlle of the Webinar Organized by
1 11.06.2021 Dr.G.Balaji Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power System Area Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
2 26.06.2021 S.Suganya Innovative control techniques for hybrid electric vehicles Vinayaka missions kirupanandha variyar engineering college, salem
3 5.06.2021 S.Suganya Autonomous vehicles:past and present PSG institute of Trchnology and Applied Research, Coimbatore
4 07.06.2021 To 17.06.2021 Dr.G.Balaji EV Motor Drives – Power Electronics, Control Strategies and Implementation” (Renewable Energy and Power Electronics for Industrial Drives Applications Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam
5 17.06.2021 C.Arulkumar Entrepreneurship Development Academy of Maritime Education and Training, Chennai
6 16.06 2021 S.Ramachandran Innovation startup Webinar KCT , Coimbatore.
7 21.06.2021 to 21.06.2021 C.Arulkumar Recent Trends and Development in Electrical Power Engineering Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College, Tirupathi
8 31.05.2021 to 04.06.2021 Poongodi. K. K Recent Trends and Research Perspective on Energy and Power System PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli
9 08.06.2021 to 12.06.2021 Poongodi. K. K Recent Advances in Electrical Energy Management Control and Automation Lakireddy Bali Reddi College of Engineering, AP
10 19.06.2021 Poongodi. K. K Industrial Applications of Power Easwari Engineering College, Chennai
11 21.06.2021 to 25.06.2021 Poongodi. K. K Recent Trends and Developments in Electrical Power Engineering Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College, Tirupathi
12 18.06.2021 to 19.06.2021 D.Boopathi Applications of Power Converters in Control of Drives Using Mat lab / Simulink The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore
13 26.06.2021 D.Boopathi Past, Present amp; Future of Electrical Engineering with HVDC amp; FACTS Technologies K. K. Wagh Institute Of Engineering Education And Research, Maharashtra
14 26.06.2021 D.Boopathi Students Perception and Preference for Online Education in India During COVID -19 Pandemic New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
15 26.06.2021 D.Boopathi Innovative Control Techniques for Hybrid Electrical Vehicles Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupannanda Variyar Engineering College, Salem
16 21.06.2021 D.Boopathi Stress Management CSI Engineering College, Ooty
17 19.06.2021 D.Boopathi Idea to product: A Research Pathway New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
18 18.09.2021 D.Boopathi Machine Learning for Electrical Engineers TRP Engineering College (SRM Group), Thirchy
19 16.06.2021 D.Boopathi Climate Change and Global Capitalism: Collapse or Transformation Mizoram University
20 12.06.2021 D.Boopathi Research Report Writing using LATEX Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, Bengaluru
21 11.06.2021 D.Boopathi Artificial Intelligence in Power System Area Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
22 26.06.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Innovative control techniques for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda variya Engineering College
23 07. 06.2021 to 17.06.2021 Uma Maheswari.G EV – Motor Drive – Power Electronics, Control Strategies and Implementation Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology ,Kottayam
24 05.06.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Ecosystem Resortation The Institutions of Engineers ( India), Rajasthan
25 31.05.21 to 04.06.22 M.Raja Recent trends and research perspective on energy and power system PSNA college of engineering and technology, Tirunelveli
26 26.6.2021 kumarakrishnan.v Online Education During Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflections based on Students Perception New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
27 26.6.2021 Kumarakrishnan.V Innovative Control Techniques for Hybrid Electric Vehicles” Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College, Salem.
28 19.6.2021 Kumarakrishnan.V “Idea to Product : A Research Pathway” New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
29 21.6.2021 Kumarakrishnan.V Stress Management CSI College Of Engineering Ooty
30 18.06.2021 amp; 19.06.2021 Kumarakrishnan.V Applications Of Power Converters In Control Of Drives Using Matlab / Simulink The Oxford College of Engineering
31 11.06.2021 Kumarakrishnan.V Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power System Area Dr. Mahalingam College Of Engineering
32 31.05.2021 to 04.06.2021 Kumarakrishnan.V Recent trends and research perspective on energy and power system PSN College Of Engineering And Technology
33 26.06.2021 Dr.S.Surendiran Innovative Control Techniques for Electric Vehicles VMKV Engineering College
345 11.06.2021 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Artificial Intelligence in Power System Area Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
35 28.06.2021 to 03.07.2021 S.Thirunavukkarasu Power system analysis St.xaviers catholic college of engineering(Kanyakumari)
36 21.06.2021 to 25.06.2021 Uma Maheswari Recent Trends and Development in Electrical Power Engineering Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College, Andrapradesh
37 17.06.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Circuit simulator software proteus Paavai Engineering College
38 07.06.2021 to 17.06.2021 A.Rathinam EV Motor Drives – Power Electronics, Control Strategies and Implementation RIT – Govt Engineering College,Kottayam
39 17.06.2021 A.Rathinam (Webinar Organized) International one-day workshop on “Circuit Simulator Software-Proteus” Paavai Engineering College ,Namakkal
40 18.06.2021 amp; 19.06.2021 A.Rathinam Applications Of Power Converters In Control Of Drives Using Matlab / Simulink The Oxford College Of Engineering,Bengaluru
41 26.06.2021 G.Deivamani Webinar Vinayaka Mission Kirubanandha Variyar College
42 30.06.2021 D.Boopathi Control and Applications in Robotics TRP Engineering College (SRM Group), Trichy
43 30.06.2022 R.Satheeshkumar Control and Applications in Robotics TRP Engineering College (SRM Group), Trichy
44 26.06.2021 R.Satheeshkumar Innovative Control Techniques for Hybrid Electrical Vehicles Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupannanda Variyar Engineering College, Salem
45 18.06.2021 to 19.06.2021 R.Satheeshkumar Applications Of Power Converters In Control Of Drives Using Matlab / Simulink The Oxford College Of Engineering,Bengaluru
46 31.05.2021 to 04.06.2021 R.Satheeshkumar Recent trends and research perspective on energy and power system PSN College Of Engineering And Technology
47 18.09.2021 R.Satheeshkumar Machine Learning for Electrical Engineers TRP Engineering College (SRM Group), Thirchy
48 11.06.2021 R.Satheeshkumar Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power System Area Dr.Mahalingam College Of Engineering,Pollachi.
49 18.06.2021 to 19.06.2021 S.Rathinavel Applications Of Power Converters In Control Of Drives Using Matlab / Simulink The Oxford College Of Engineering,Bengaluru
50 11.06.2021 S.Rathinavel Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power System Area Dr.Mahalingam College Of Engineering,Pollachi.
51 19.072021 Dr.G.Balaji Solar Cell : Fabrication and Characterization SSN College of Engineering, Chennai
52 15.072021 Dr.G.Balaji SoftComputingTechniques Faculty Development Cell,
All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE)
Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi -110070
53 15.072021 Dr.G.Balaji OBE – in Pursuit of Academic Excellence – V Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore .
54 09.07.2021 to 10.072021 Dr.G.Balaji Recent Technological Development in Electric Vehicle (EV) System and its Applications in Defence A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Kallakurichi
55 05.07.2021 to 10.072021 Dr.G.Balaji Modern Trends Of Research In Electrical Engineering Modern Trends Of Research In Electrical Engineering-Its Impact On Society and Future Aspects (MTREEIISFA2021).
56 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 Dr.G.Balaji Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies SRM TRP Engineering College (SRM Group), Tiruchirappalli
57 20.07.2021 Dr.G.Balaji Capacitive dc-links in Power Electronic Systems Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad.
58 15.07.2021 Dr.A.Rathinam OBE- In Pursuit of Academic Excellence – V Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore
59 01.07.2021 S.Suganya OBE- In Pursuit of Academic Excellence III EEE, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore.
60 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 Dr.A.Rathinam Recent technology development in Electric vehicle system and its Applications in Defence A.K.T.Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Kallakurichi
61 05.07.2021 to 10.07 2021 S.Suganya FDP- Mathematics and Statistics in Emerging Field KPR institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
62 02.07.2021 S.Suganya Approaches for system analysis using MATLAB RAAK college of Engineering and Technology, pondicherry
63 28.06.2021 to 03.07.2021 S.Suganya AICTE sponsored – Hybrid electric vehicle technology for sustainable mobility HEVTSM 2021 Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathi Raj College of Engineering, Andrapradesh
64 03.07.2021 S.Suganya FDP on Research planning and business development using IPR SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy
65 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 S.Suganya Recent technological development in electric vehicle system and its applications in defence AKT Memorial college of Engineering and Technology, Kallakurichi
66 28.06.2021 to 03.07.2021 S.Rathinavel AICTE sponsored – Hybrid electric vehicle technology for sustainable mobility HEVTSM 2021 Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathi Raj College of Engineering, Andrapradesh
67 11.07.2021 R.Satheeshkumar EYE Q, for influential Communication Mind Mega Matters, Annammal Street, Thiruverkadu, Chennai
68 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 R.Satheeshkumar Recent technological development in electric vehicle system and its applications in defence AKT Memorial college of Engineering and Technology, Kallakurichi
69 06.07.2021 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Power Systems Protection in Smart Grid Environment Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
70 11.07.2021 Dr.K.Jagatheesan EYE Q, for influential Communication Mind Mega Matters, Annammal Street, Thiruverkadu, Chennai
71 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Recent Technological Development in Electric Vehicle (EV) System and its Applications in Defence A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Kallalurichi
72 12.07.2021 to 17.07.2021 S.Thirunavukkarasu Recent trends in green technologies GMR Institute of technology,Rajam
73 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 S.Thirunavukkarasu Recent technological development in electric vehicle system and it’s applications in refence AKT Memorial college of engineering and technology, kalakuruchi
74 12.07.2021 to 17.07.2021 T.Nandagopal Recent trends in green technologies GMR Institute of technology,Rajam
75 17.07.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Vehicle Electrification Challenges and Opportunities SRM TRP Engineering College
76 09.07.2021 to 20.07.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Recent Technological development in Electric Vehicle EV System and it’s Applications Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO),Delhi
77 05.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Modern Trends of Research in Electrical Engineering Natula Institute of Technology,NIT
78 19.07.2021 to 31.07.2021 Uma Maheswari.G Design and Operational Perspective of Electric Vehicle With Distributed Resources using Physical System KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
79 06.07.2021 Poongodi. K. K Power Systems Protection in Smart Grid Environment Dr. Mahalimgam College of Engineering and Technology
80 26.06.2021 to 01.07.2021 Poongodi. K. K Green Technology amp; Sustainable Engineering Bhilai Institute of Technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
81 28.06.2021 to 02.07.2021 Poongodi. K. K Modern Trends in Power Electronics and their Applications Vidya Jothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
82 9.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 S Ramachandran Recent Technological Development in Electrical Vehicle (EV) System and its Application in Defence. A.K.T memorial college of engineering and technology –Kallakurichi
83 5.7.2021 to 9.07.2021 Boopathi D Exploring Entrepreneurship amp; Startup Opportunities Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology, Puducherry
84 09.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 Boopathi D Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies SRM TRPEC
85 12.07.2021 to 19.07.2021 Boopathi D Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore
86 03.07.2021 Boopathi D Challenges in Integration of Renewable Energy Sources with Smart Grid Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
87 06.07.2021 Boopathi D Power Systems Protection in Smart Grid Environment Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
88 06.07.2021 Boopathi D Recent Technological development in electrical Vehicle (EV) System and its Application in Defense A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
89 03.07.2021 V.Kumarakrishnan “Challenges in Integration of Renewable Energy Sources with Smart Grid” Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering Pollachi
90 06.07.2021. V.Kumarakrishnan “Power Systems Protection in Smart Grid Environment” Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering Pollachi
91 22.07.2021 Dr.S.Surendiran OBE – In Pursuit of Academic Excellence-VI Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore
92 09.07.2021 M.Raja Impact of EV Charging on Electrical Grid Performance A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology Kallakurichi
93 06.07.2021 C.Arulkumar Power Systems Protection in Smart Grid Environment Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
94 05.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 C.Arulkumar Modern Trends of Research in Electrical Engineering Narula Institute of Technology, West bengal
95 9.07.2021 to 10.07.2021 R.Muthukumar Recent Technological Development in Electrical Vehicle (EV) System and its Application in Defence. A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology
96 9.07.2021amp; 10.07.2021 G.Deivamani Recent Technological Development in Electrical Vehicle (EV) System and its Application in Defence. A.K.T memorial college of engineering and technology –Kallakurichi
97 21.08.2021 D.Boopathi Short Video Lecture on Content Writing Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
98 16.8.2021 to 21.08.21 Dr.G.Balaji FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING , KADAPPA
99 28.08.2021 Dr.G.Balaji webinar on Cyber security threats in smart grid – A research perspective Approach SRM University,Chennai
100 03.08.2021 04.08.2021 Mr. R.Satheeshkumar FDP on Power System Design Simulation and Analysis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory Software DIgSILENT GmbH, Germany in association with M/s DELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
101 05.08.2021 Mr. R.Satheeshkumar FDP on Microgrid System Design amp; Simulation using HOMER Pro amp; HOMER Grid Software. HOMER Energy by UL, USA in association with M/sDELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
102 21.08.2021 Mr. R.Satheeshkumar Short Video Lecture on Content Writing Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
103 13.08.2021 Mr. R.Satheeshkumar Web Development Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
104 16.08.2021 to
Dr.A.Rathinam FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering, Kadala,Andarpradesh
105 16.08.2021 to
G.Uma Maheswari FDP on Computatioal Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering, Kadala,Andarpradesh
106 06.08.2021 G.Uma Maheswari New Education Policy (NEP)2020 – Quality Education,Accerdatiion and Teacher Development PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,dindigual
107 06.08.2021 G. Uma Maheswari Hands on Training Session on PLC Series – I SRM TRP Engineering College,Trichy
108 21.08.2021 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Short Video Lecture on Content Writing Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
109 13.08.2021 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Web Development Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
110 16.8.2021 to
Dr.K.Jagatheesan FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kadapa,Andarpradesh
111 26.07.21 to 31.07.21 V.Kumarakrishnan NEEDS AND CHALLENGES IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal
112 13.08.2021 V.Kumarakrishnan Web Development Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
113 17.08.2022 V.Kumarakrishnan Photoshop for Begineers Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
114 16.08.2021 to
V.Kumarakrishnan FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering, Kadala,Andarpradesh
115 21.08.2021 V.Kumarakrishnan Short Video Lecture on Content Writing Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
116 16.8.2021 to
Dr.S.Thirunavukkarasu FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kadapa,Andarpradesh
117 16.8.2021 to
G.Deivamani FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kadapa,Andarpradesh
118 17.08.2021 G.Deivamani Photoshop for Begineers Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
119 13.08.2021 G.Deivamani Web Development Life Changers Academy,Bengaluru.
120 16.08.2021 to 21.08.2021 S.Ramachandran FDP on computational intelligence and it’s application KSRM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING , KADAPPA
121 16.08.2021 to 21.08.2021 Dr.S.Surendiran FDP on Computatioal Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING , KADAPPA
122 16.08.2021 to 21.08.2021 D.Boopathi FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING , KADAPPA
123 19.08.2021 D.Boopathi Fundamentals of Research Article Writing Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College and Researcher Academy on Campus Elsevier
124 16.8.2021 to 21.08.2021 M.Raja FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kadapa,Andarpradesh
125 05.08.2021 S.Suganya FDP on Microgrid System Design amp;Simulation using HOMER Pro amp; HOMER Grid Software. HOMER Energy by UL, USA in association with M/sDELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
126 03.08.2021 04.08.2021 S.Suganya FDP on Power System Design Simulation and Analysis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory Software DIgSILENT GmbH, Germany in association with M/s DELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
127 16.08.2021 to 21.08.2021 T. Nandagopal FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kadapa,Andarpradesh
128 28.08.2021 T. Nandagopal Current trends in power system CMR Institute of technology,Bengaluru
129 16.08.2021 to 21.08.2021 C.Arulkumar FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kadapa,Andarpradesh
130 28.08.2021 K.K.Poongodi webinar on Cyber security threats in smart grid – A research perspective Approach SRM University,Chennai
131 16.08.2021 to 21.08.21 K.K.Poongodi FDP on Computational Intelligence and it’s Applications ( CIamp;A – 2021) Ksrm College Of Engineering , Kadappa

Academic Year 2020 – 2021

S.No. Name Duration FDP/STTP Title Institute / Organization
1 Dr.G.Balaji 04.06.2020 to 10.06.2020 FDP Scilab Prakasam Engineering College in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay.
2 Dr.G.Balaji 11.06.2020 FDP Stress Management Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon.
3 Dr.G.Balaji 21.06.2020 to 23.06.2020 FDP Present Control Systems in Industry and Research Persective Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
4 Dr.G.Balaji 23.06.2020 to 25.06.2020 FDP Applications of Power Electronics for Renewable Energy and Power Systems Rajalakshmi Engineering College
5 Dr.G.Balaji 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
6 Dr.G.Balaji 06.07.2020 to 10.07.2020 FDP Real Time Aspects of Power System Scenario Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Telangana – 500075.
7 Dr.G.Balaji 20.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 FDP Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Modern Power System St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai.
8 Dr.G.Balaji 18.08.2020 to 21.08.2020 STTP Instrumentation in Chemical Plant N.G. Patel Polytechnic, Isroli-Afwa
9 Dr.G.Balaji 12.10.2020 to 16.10.2020 FDP Recent Trends on Green Energy (RTGE-2020) GMR Institute of Technology, Kakinada.
10 G.Umamaheswari 11.06.2020 FDP Stress Management Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon.
11 G.Umamaheswari 11.06.2020 to 13.06.2020 FDP Emerging Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering J B Institute of Engineering and Technology
12 G.Umamaheswari 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
13 G.Umamaheswari 15.07.2020 to 21.07.2020 FDP Electric Vehicles Design, Development and Challenges Sridevi Women’s Engineering College
14 G.Umamaheswari 20.07.2020 to 22.07.2020 FDP Excerpts of Research Methodology and Processes Tirumala Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh.
15 G.Umamaheswari 20.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 FDP Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Modern Power System St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai.
16 G.Umamaheswari 24.07.2020 FDP Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation: Tool for Future Electrical Engineers Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Telangana – 500075.
17 G.Umamaheswari 17.08.2020 to 21.08.2020 STTP Recent Trends and Challenges in Smart Grid Technology Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
18 G.Umamaheswari 31.08.2020 to 04.09.2020 FDP Recent Trends in Deep Learning Techniques for Image Processing Applications Kongu Engineering College.
19 G.Umamaheswari 08.09.2020 to 12.09.2020 FDP Applications of Different Control Techniques for Sustainable Energy Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar, Odisha -758002
20 G.Umamaheswari 11.09.2020 to 12.09.2020 FDP Intellectual Property Rights and Patent filing Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Telangana – 500075.
21 G.Umamaheswari 21.09.2020 to 25.09.2020 FDP Industrial Automation using PLC/SCADA with IoT Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai
22 G.Umamaheswari 05.10.2020 to 09.10.2020 FDP Outcome Based Education and Accreditation ISTE Telangana Section in Association with JNTUH College of Engineering; Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology.
23 G.Umamaheswari 19.10.2020 to 24.10.2020 STTP Solar PV Technology: Envisaged Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration Paavai Engineering College
24 G.Umamaheswari 26.10.2020 to 31.10.2020 STTP Digitally Controlled Power Converters for Industrial and Renewable Applications (Phase-I) SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Jalgaon – 425001.
25 G.Umamaheswari 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020 STTP Advances in Power Electronics to Renewable Energy Systems and E-Mobility Applications Anurag University.
26 G.Umamaheswari 23.11.2020 to 28.11.2020 STTP Digitally Controlled Power Converters for Industrial and Renewable Applications (Phase-II) SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Jalgaon – 425001.
27 K.K.Poongodi 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020 FDP eSim – A Free and Open Source EDA Tool Pragati Engineering College in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay.
28 K.K.Poongodi 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
29 K.K.Poongodi 06.07.2020 to 10.07.2020 FDP Real Time Aspects of Power System Scenario Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Telangana – 500075.
30 K.K.Poongodi 13.07.2020 to 18.07.2020 FDP Research Challenges in Power Systems (R-CHIPS – 2020) CMR College of Engineering and Technology
31 K.K.Poongodi 20.07.2020 to 25.07.2020 STTP Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Applications Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram.
32 K.K.Poongodi 19.10.2020 to 24.10.2020 STTP Solar PV Technology: Envisaged Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration Paavai Engineering College
33 K.K.Poongodi 26.10.2020 to 31.10.2020 STTP Digitally Controlled Power Converters for Industrial and Renewable Applications (Phase-I) SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Jalgaon – 425001.
34 K.K.Poongodi 30.11.2020 to 05.12.2020 STTP Technical Writing and Research Methodology ChaitanyaBharathi Institute of Technology
35 Dr.S.Surendiran 01.06.2020 to 05.06.2020 FDP Technological Advances in Power Switching Converters for Renewable Energy Sources and Fuel Cell Technology for E-vehicles Bapatla Engineering College :: Bapatla
36 Dr.S.Surendiran 02.06.2020 to 07.06.2020 FDP Modern Teaching, Evaluation and Research Methods VinayakraoPatilMahavidyalaya, Aurangabad
37 Dr.S.Surendiran 08.06.2020 to 12.06.2020 FDP Recent Innovations and Technologies in Electric Vehicles GATES Institute of Technology
38 Dr.S.Surendiran 09.06.2020 to 13.06.2020 FDP Design of Solar PV System using PVSYST Software Vaagdevi College of Engineering
39 Dr.S.Surendiran 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020 FDP eSim – A Free and Open Source EDA Tool Pragati Engineering College in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay.
40 Dr.S.Surendiran 15.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 FDP Industrial Relevance of Electrical Engineering BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women
41 Dr.S.Surendiran 21.06.2020 to 23.06.2020 FDP Present Control Systems in Industry and Research Persective Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
42 Dr.S.Surendiran 22.06.2020 to 27.06.2020 FDP Recent Advances in Electricrical and Electronics Engineering Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana.
43 Dr.S.Surendiran 23.06.2020 to 25.06.2020 FDP Research Aspects in the Development of Sustainable Energy Solutions Stella Mary’s College of Engineering, Kanakumari District.
44 Dr.S.Surendiran 20.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 FDP Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Modern Power System St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai.
45 Dr.S.Surendiran 23.11.2020 to 28.11.2020 STTP Solar PV Technology: Envisaged Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration Paavai Engineering College
46 S.Thirunavukkarasu 24.05.2021 to 29.05.2021 STTP Emerging Trends in VLSI Technology Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women
47 S.Thirunavukkarasu 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
48 S.Thirunavukkarasu 09.11.2020 to 14.11.2020 STTP Solar PV Technology: Envisaged Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration Paavai Engineering College
49 V.Kumarakrishnan 06.07.2020 to 10.07.2020 FDP Real Time Aspects of Power System Scenario Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Telangana – 500075.
50 V.Kumarakrishnan 21.06.2020 to 23.06.2020 FDP Present Control Systems in Industry and Research Persective Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
51 V.Kumarakrishnan 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
52 S.Ramachandran 19.10.2020 to 24.10.2020 STTP Solar PV Technology: Envisaged Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration Paavai Engineering College
53 T.Nandagopal 19.10.2020 to 24.10.2020 STTP Solar PV Technology: Envisaged Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration Paavai Engineering College
54 R.Satheeshkumar 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
55 R.Satheeshkumar 21.06.2020 to 23.06.2020 FDP Present Control Systems in Industry and Research Persective Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
56 R.Satheeshkumar 20.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 FDP Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Modern Power System St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai.
57 M.Raja 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
58 R.JohnnieHepziba 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
59 R.Priyanka 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020 FDP Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources Paavai Engineering College
60 G.Umamaheswari 04.09.2020 Workshop Online Laboratory Class for EEE/EIE using Open Source Software (LTSPICE) Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai
61 G.Umamaheswari 06.10.2020 Workshop EMI/EMC Issues in Power Converters and in Electric Vehicle Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai
62 G.Umamaheswari 07.01.21 to 08.01.21 Workshop Dimensions of Control Systems SRM TRP Engineering College
63 R.Satheeshkumar 26.04.21 to 27.04.21 Workshop Hands-on Training on Virtual Lab SRM TRP Engineering College
64 D.Boopathi 26.03.21 Workshop India’s National Education Policy 2020 Coimbatore Institute of Technology
65 Dr.K.Jagatheesan 26.03.21 Workshop India’s National Education Policy 2020 Coimbatore Institute of Technology
66 R.Satheeshkumar 21.05.21 Workshop How should Students Projects Foster IPRs SRM TRP Engineering College
67 Dr.G.Balaji 01.06.2020 Webinar Electric Circuit Quizophile PottiSriramuluChalavadiMallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering and Technology
68 Dr.G.Balaji 10.06.2020 Webinar Relays for Industrial Applications Sri ChandrasekharendraSaraswathiViswaMahavidyalaya
69 Dr.G.Balaji 13.06.2020 Webinar Data Analytics in Electrical Engineering Paavai Engineering College
70 Dr.G.Balaji 13.06.2020 Webinar Power Conditioning System for Remote Microgrid and Reliability Assessment Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai.
71 Dr.G.Balaji 19.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 Webinar Modern Trends in Power System Protection P.A. College of Engineering and Technology
72 Dr.G.Balaji 28.06.2020 Webinar Electrical Machines for Electrical Vehicles Francis Xavier Engineering College
73 Dr.A.Rathinam 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
74 Dr.A.Rathinam 09.07.2020 Webinar Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Power Converters Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology
75 G.Umamaheswari 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
76 G.Umamaheswari 05.06.2020 Webinar Applications of Engineering Mathematics Selvam College of Technology
77 G.Umamaheswari 06.06.2020 Webinar OBE Implementation for Accreditation Paavai Engineering College
78 G.Umamaheswari 06.06.2020 Webinar Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems – A Research Perspective Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
79 G.Umamaheswari 10.06.2020 Webinar Relays for Industrial Applications Sri ChandrasekharendraSaraswathiViswaMahavidyalaya
80 G.Umamaheswari 12.06.2020 Webinar Developing Digital Portfolio as Volunteer Jansons Institute of Technology
81 G.Umamaheswari 12.06.2020 Webinar Role of Big Data Analytics in Smart Grid Jansons Institute of Technology
82 G.Umamaheswari 14.06.2020 Webinar Get Awarded and Recognised with IEEE Jansons Institute of Technology
83 G.Umamaheswari 15.06.2020 Webinar Connect Electrical Systems with IOT As-Salam College of Engineering and Technology
84 G.Umamaheswari 16.06.2020 Webinar Applications of Signal Processing Techniques in Electrical Engineering Francis Xavier Engineering College
85 G.Umamaheswari 17.06.2020 Webinar Introduction to Matlabamp; Simulink for Electrical System Modelling Vaageswari College of Engineering
86 G.Umamaheswari 18.06.2020 Webinar Power System Operation Process Paavai Engineering College
87 G.Umamaheswari 18.06.2020 Webinar Webinar on Study of Switched Mode Power Supply Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering
88 G.Umamaheswari 19.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 Webinar Modern Trends in Power System Protection P.A. College of Engineering and Technology
89 G.Umamaheswari 23.12.2020 Webinar Blockchain in Fraud Proof Certification Institution of Engineers, Rajasthan State Center.
90 K.K.Poongodi 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
91 K.K.Poongodi 05.06.2020 Webinar Applications of Engineering Mathematics Selvam College of Technology
92 K.K.Poongodi 06.06.2020 Webinar Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems – A Research Perspective Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
93 K.K.Poongodi 06.06.2020 Webinar OBE Implementation for Accreditation Paavai Engineering College
94 K.K.Poongodi 06.06.2020 Webinar Blockchain Technology: Trust and the Future of Energy Gnanamani College of Technology
95 K.K.Poongodi 10.06.2020 Webinar Smart and Sustainable Home – Zero Waste Zero Energy Building Surendra Institute of Engineering and Management
96 K.K.Poongodi 11.06.2020 Webinar Importance of Switchgear for Industrial Application Paavai Engineering College
97 K.K.Poongodi 12.06.2020 Webinar Developing Digital Portfolio as Volunteer Jansons Institute of Technology
98 K.K.Poongodi 13.06.2020 Webinar Data Analytics in Electrical Engineering Paavai Engineering College
99 K.K.Poongodi 14.06.2020 Webinar Get Awarded and Recognised with IEEE Jansons Institute of Technology
100 K.K.Poongodi 15.06.2020 Webinar Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Induction Motor Drives Vaageswari College of Engineering
101 K.K.Poongodi 17.06.2020 Webinar An Overview to Project Management in IT Industry Francis Xavier Engineering College
102 K.K.Poongodi 18.06.2020 Webinar Power System Operation Process Paavai Engineering College
103 K.K.Poongodi 19.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 Webinar Modern Trends in Power System Protection P.A. College of Engineering and Technology
104 K.K.Poongodi 06.11.2020 Webinar Scope of IEEE for Engineers SRM TRP Engineering College
105 K.K.Poongodi 26.12.2020 Webinar Stress Management at workplace SJB Institute of Technology
106 K.K.Poongodi 25.05.2021 Webinar Success Journey of an Entrepreneur St. Mother Theresa Engineering College
107 K.K.Poongodi 31.05.2021 Webinar Exploring Realtime Technology Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering
108 Dr.S.Surendiran 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
109 Dr.S.Surendiran 06.06.2020 Webinar OBE Implementation for Accreditation Paavai Engineering College
110 Dr.S.Surendiran 15.06.2020 Webinar Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Induction Motor Drives Vaageswari College of Engineering
111 Dr.S.Surendiran 17.06.2020 Webinar Introduction to Matlabamp; Simulink for Electrical System Modelling Vaageswari College of Engineering
112 Dr.S.Surendiran 18.06.2020 Webinar Power System Operation Process Paavai Engineering College
113 Dr.S.Surendiran 19.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 Webinar Modern Trends in Power System Protection P.A. College of Engineering and Technology
114 Dr.S.Surendiran 24.06.2020 Webinar Solar PV Technology Francis Xavier Engineering College
115 Dr.S.Surendiran 25.06.2020 Webinar PV Application Overview and it’s Trends Paavai Engineering College
116 Dr.S.Surendiran 29.06.2020 Webinar Global South Cooling Paavai Engineering College
117 Dr.S.Surendiran 23.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 Webinar Funding opportunities on research proposals for faculty Institution’s Innovation Council, NAFEMS India
118 S.Thirunavukkarasu 03.06.2020 Webinar Emerging Trends and Research Opportunities in Electric Vehicles Rajalakshmi Engineering College
119 S.Thirunavukkarasu 03.06.2020 Webinar Design and Development of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Jai Shriram Engineering College
120 S.Thirunavukkarasu 05.06.2020 Webinar Block Chain an Opportunity for Energy Prosumers Easwari Engineering College
121 S.Thirunavukkarasu 18.06.2020 Webinar Simulation of Electronics Projects using Proteus Simulator Idhaya Engineering College for Women
122 S.Thirunavukkarasu 17.06.2020 Webinar Introduction to Matlabamp; Simulink for Electrical System Modelling Vaageswari College of Engineering
123 S.Thirunavukkarasu 29.06.2020 Webinar Global South Cooling Paavai Engineering College
124 D.Boopathi 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
125 D.Boopathi 03.06.2020 Webinar Emerging Trends and Research Opportunities in Electric Vehicles Rajalakshmi Engineering College
126 D.Boopathi 06.06.2020 Webinar Research Challenges in Solar – PV Systems Rajalakshmi Engineering College
127 S.Suganya 23.05.2021 Webinar Performance and Analysis of Dye-Semsitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Arasu Engineering College
128 R.Satheeshkumar 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
129 R.Satheeshkumar 01.06.2020 Webinar Industrial Automation and Robotics Builders Engineering College, Kangeyam.
130 R.Satheeshkumar 03.06.2020 Webinar Piezoelectric based Energy Harvesting Techniques Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering
131 R.Satheeshkumar 21.06.2020 Webinar Question Paper Settings: OBE AnnasahebDange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta.
132 R.Satheeshkumar 21.06.2020 Webinar Women in Engineering Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
133 R.Satheeshkumar 23.06.2020 Webinar Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Systems Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
134 R.Satheeshkumar 25.06.2020 Webinar Publishing in International Journals of High Repute: Do’s and Don’ts Saveetha Engineering College
135 R.Satheeshkumar 21.05.2021 Webinar IOT amp; Wearable Innovation for Home based COVID Care AarupadiVeedu Institute of Technology
136 G.Deivamani 25.06.2020 Webinar PV Application Overview and it’s Trends Paavai Engineering College
137 G.Deivamani 11.06.2020 Webinar Importance of Switchgear for Industrial Application Paavai Engineering College
138 S.Ramachandran 23.07.2020 and 24.07.2020 Webinar Funding opportunities on research proposals for faculty Institution’s Innovation Council, NAFEMS India
139 M.Raja 29.06.2020 Webinar Global South Cooling Paavai Engineering College
140 M.Raja 20.06.2020 Webinar Electrical Vehicle Integration Paavai Engineering College
141 M.Raja 18.06.2020 Webinar Power System Operation Process Paavai Engineering College
142 M.Raja 25.06.2020 Webinar PV Application Overview and it’s Trends Paavai Engineering College
143 M.Raja 11.06.2020 Webinar Importance of Switchgear for Industrial Application Paavai Engineering College
144 M.Raja 06.06.2020 Webinar OBE Implementation for Accreditation Paavai Engineering College
145 R.Muthukumar 01.06.2020 Webinar Modular Inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
146 R.Muthukumar 06.06.2020 Webinar Blockchain Technology: Trust and the Future of Energy Gnanamani College of Technology
147 R.Muthukumar 06.06.2020 Webinar OBE Implementation for Accreditation Paavai Engineering College


S.No Date Name of the Faculty Topic Resource Person Organizer
1. 15.05.2020 to 16 .05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Electrical power Utility Management 2020 Er.S.Selvakumar, Head,engineering amp; dean, M/s Power Projects,Chennai KLN College of Engineering
2. 18.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Basics of Electric Vechicle Fr.Josekutty Raga Technology
3. 19.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Energy Audit methodology and case Study Mr.J.Rajakumar K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
4. 21.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Design of Wireless charging using MAXWEL Prof. Mehulprajapati  
5. 22.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Research Challenges in Wind Energy Systems Dr.M.Tamilarasi Chennai Institute of Technology
6. 22.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi PQ monitoring for Hormonics and KVAH control AISSMS Institute of information Tecnology AISSMS Institute of information Tecnology
7. 25.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Opportunities for Engineers @DRDO Chennai Institute of Technology Chennai Institute of Technology
8. 22.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Challenges and opportunities in modern world through modern technologies Suriya Engineering College Suriya Engineering College
9. 26.05. 2020 K.K.Poongodi “Automated e-certificate for online webinar using Google forms M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
10. 27.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Smart grid and Distributed Energy System K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
11. 28.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Product development company opportunities on this pandemic situation Chennai Institute of Technology Chennai Institute of Technology
12. 29.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Advancement in Industrial Robotics C.S.I College of Engineering C.S.I College of Engineering
13. 29.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Resent trends in automation testing informative technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
14. 30.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Current and energy carries and opportunities in information technology Er.S.Selvakumar, Head,engineering amp; dean, M/s Power Projects,Chennai KLN College of Engineering
15. 30.05.2020 K.K.Poongodi Application of Solar PV Techniques Gnanamani Engineering College Gnanamani Engineering College
16. 01.06.2020 K.K.Poongodi Modular inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
17. 30.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Power Quality issues in Commercial and Industrial applications Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College
18. 30.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Design and development of Hybrid renewable energy System Jai Shriram Engineering College Jai Shriram Engineering College
19. 30.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari MATLAB software for power electronics – Hands on Training Arasu Engineering College Arasu Engineering College
20. 27.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Smart grid and Distributed Energy System K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
21. 26.05. 2020 G.Uma Maheswari “Automated e-certificate for online webinar using Google forms M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
22. 25.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Partical SWARM optimization technique Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College
23. 13.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Insights into quality and research innovation Vivakananda college of Engineering for women Vivakananda college of Engineering for women
24. 22.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Challenges and opportunities in modern world through modern technologies Suriya Engineering College Suriya Engineering College
25. 22.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari PQ monitoring for Harmonics and KVAH control AISSMS Institute of information Technology AISSMS Institute of information Technology
26. 18.05 .2020 G.Uma Maheswari Regulated and reregulated energy markets Arasu Engineering College Arasu Engineering College
27. 15.05.2020 G.Uma Maheswari Energy Conversion and Star Rating Bannari Amman Institute Bannari Amman Institute
28. 19.05.2020 R.Muthukumar Energy Audit methodology and case Study K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
29. 26.05. 2020 R.Muthukumar “Automated e-certificate for online webinar using Google forms M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
30. 29.05.2020 R.Muthukumar Resent trends in automation testing informative technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
31. 30.05.2020 R.Muthukumar Current and energy carries and opportunities in information technology KLN College of Engineering KLN College of Engineering
32. 30.05.2020 R.Muthukumar Application of Solar PV Techniques Gnanamani Engineering College Gnanamani Engineering College
33. 01.06.2020 R.Muthukumar Modular inverter Systems Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women
34. 16.05.2020 R.Muthukumar RF System Design Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology
35. 16.05.2020 R.Muthukumar 5G Enabling Technology and its PROS and CONS Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
36. 15.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 M.Raja Electrical power Utility Management 2020 KLN College of Engineering KLN College of Engineering
37. 14.05.2020 M.Raja grid connected and standalone microgrid design using HOMEpro Erode Sengunthar engineering college Erode Sengunthar engineering college
38. 19.05.2020 M.Raja Energy Audit methodology and case Study K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
39. 26.05. 2020 M.Raja “Automated e-certificate for online webinar using Google forms M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
40. 29.05.2020 M.Raja Resent trends in automation testing informative technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology K.Ramakrishna College of Technology
41. 30.05.2020 M.Raja Current and energy carries and opportunities in information technology KLN College of Engineering KLN College of Engineering
42. 30.05.2020 M.Raja Application of Solar PV Techniques Gnanamani Engineering College Gnanamani Engineering College
43. 16.05.2020 M.Raja RF System Design Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology
44. 16.05.2020 M.Raja 5G Enabling Technology and its PROS and CONS Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
45. 13.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Trouble shooting of induction motors Crescent institute of science and technology Crescent institute of science and technology
46. 15.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Electrical power Utility Management 2020 KLN College of Engineering KLN College of Engineering
47. 15.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Energy conversation and star rating Mr.G.pandiyan Kit institute of technology
48. 18.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Basics of Electric Vehicles Raga Technology Raga Technology
49. 19.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Energy Audit methodology and case Study Ramakrishna College of Technology Ramakrishna College of Technology
50. 19.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Wind energy conversion system challenges SRM institute of science and technology SRM institute of science and technology
51. 22.05.2020 S.Ramachandran PQ monitoring for Harmonics and KVAH control AISSMS Institute of information Technology AISSMS Institute of information Technology
52. 22.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Traction motor development status and trend for EV application St. josephs college of Engineering St. josephs college of Engineering
53. 30.05.2020 S.Ramachandran Current and energy carries and opportunities in information technology KLN College of Engineering KLN College of Engineering
54. 16.05.2020 T.Nandagopal Wind energy: Generators and power converters M.A.M college of engineering and technology M.A.M college of engineering and technology
55. 18.05.2020 T.Nandagopal Regulated and deregulated energy markets Arasu engineering college Arasu engineering college
56. 19.05.2020 T.Nandagopal Wind energy conversion system challenges Dr.S.Umashankar SRM institute of science and technology
57. 13.05.2020 to 20.05.2020 T.Nandagopal Insights into quality research and innovation Vivekananda college of engineering for women Vivekananda college of engineering for women
58. 14.05.2020 T.Nandagopal Grid connected and standalone micro grid design using HOMERpro S.Selvakumar Erode Sengunthar Engineering college
59. 18.5.2020 T.Nandagopal Basics of Electric Vehicle Gandhi Raga technologies
60. 30.5.2020 T.Nandagopal Power quality issues in commercial and industrial application Saravanan Paavai Engineering College
61. 09.05.2020 T.Nandagopal Fuzzy Logic Kristu jayanti college Kristu jayanti college
62. 15.05.2020 G.Deivamani Basic of Machining Chennai Institute of Technology. Chennai Institute of Technology.
63. 20.05.2020 G.Deivamani Climate change impacts amp; mitigation on water and Environment. RVS college of Engineering and technology RVS college of Engineering and technology
64. 19.05.2020 G.Deivamani Energy Audit methodology and case Study. SRM insistitute of science and technology SRM insistitute of science and technology
65. 22.05.2020 G.Deivamani Challenges and opportunities in moderns’ world through modern technologies. Surya Engineering college. Surya Engineering college.
66. 30.05.2020 G.Deivamani Power quality issues in commercial and industrial applications. Power quality issues in commercial and industrial applications. Power quality issues in commercial and industrial applications.
67. 30.05.2020 G.Deivamani Mat lab software for power electronics. Arasu engineering college. Arasu engineering college.
68. 31.05.2020 G.Deivamani Design of transformers. Annasaheb Dange college ofenginering and technology. Annasaheb Dange college ofenginering and technology.
69. 09.05.2020 to 10.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar An Faculty Development Programme on Challenges and Innovation in Renewable Energy Technologies Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology
70. 05.05.2020 to 11.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Role of Teachers in Quality Enhancement and Accreditation Santhiram Engineering College Santhiram Engineering College
71. 14.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Grid Connected and Standalone Microgrid Design using HOMEpro S.Selvakumar, Head Engineering amp; Design, Power Projects, Chennai Erode Sengunthar Engineering College
72. 02.12.2019 to 07.12.2019 C.Gowrishankar Control Systems Anna University sponsored Anna University sponsored
73. 07.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Webinar on Auxillary Power Supply Design for Electric Vehicle on Board Charger Easwari Engineering College Easwari Engineering College
74. 11.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Webinar on Scope of electrical components in Automobile industry Easwari Engineering College Easwari Engineering College
75. 19.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Webinar on Clif of Ice berg- EV market Easwari Engineering College Easwari Engineering College
76. 26.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar International webinar on Commanding your grip on higher education Easwari Engineering College Easwari Engineering College
77. 18.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Quiz on Control System Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College
78. 19.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Renewable Energy System RVS College of Engineering and Technology RVS College of Engineering and Technology
79. 18.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Quiz on PLC automation PSNA College of Engineering and Technology PSNA College of Engineering and Technology
80. 19.05.2020 C.Gowrishankar Quiz on Power Quality PSNA College of Engineering and Technology PSNA College of Engineering and Technology
81. 11.5.2020 to 13.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Improving your research visibility-research impact and metrics Dr.M.Jayaraman,Professor and Principal, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
82. 14.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Grid connected and standalone microgrid design using homerpro Er.S.Selvakumar, Head,engineering amp; dean, M/s Power Projects,Chennai Muthayammal Engineering Institutions
83. 18.5.2020 to 22.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Recent trends in electrical engineering RTEE -2020 Dr.K.B.Porate Prof amp; Head, Dr.R.A.Keswani,Associate Professor Priyadarshini College of Engineering Priyadarshini College of Engineering,Nagpur
84. 19.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Wind Energy Conversion System Challenges” – A Global Perspective Dr. S. Umashankar, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh SRM Institute of Science and Technology
85. 23.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Skillset for effective class room teaching Dr.T.Thyagarjan Dean-MIT Campus,Anna University,Chennai R.M.K. Engineering College
86. 27.5.2020 to 29.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Arduino Embedded programming Mr.M.Murali, Assistant Professor,S.Saravanaraj, Assistant Professor, Sona College of Tehnology Sona College of Tehnology
87. 30.5.2020 S.Thirunavukkarasu Applications of solar PV technologies Dr.A.Nazar Ali, Associate professor Department of EEE,Rajalakshmi Engineering College,Chennai Gnanamani College of Technology
88. 21.05.2020 D.Boopathi Heat pipe application of solar energy system Dr.Mohanraj Frances Xavier Engineering college
89. 09.05.2020 D.Boopathi Fuzzy Logic Fr.Josekutty KristuJayanti College, Bengaluru
90. 25.05.2020 amp; 26.06.2019 D.Boopathi Solar and smart energy system for sustainable environment Mr.J.Rajakumar Selvam College of Technology
91. 3.05.2020 to 07.05.2020 D.Boopathi Python with spoken tutorial (FDP) Prof. Mehulprajapati IIT Bombay
92. 13.05.2020 to 20.05.2020 D.Boopathi Insights into quality research and innovation (FDP) Dr.M.Tamilarasi Vivekananda college of engineering for women
93. 25.05.2020 D.Boopathi Particle Swarm Optimization Technique (PSO): Application in Power System Dr.Kanendra Naidu, Head Electrical Technology Section, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, British Malaysian Institute, Gombak, Selangor Kuala University and Paavai engineering college
94. 15.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 D.Boopathi Electrical Machines (Quiz) Dr.C.Nagaraj, Prof amp;HoD / EEE Muthyammal college of Engineering
95. 28.05.2020 D.Boopathi Microprocessor and Microcontroller (Quiz) Mr.R.Satheeskumar, Assistant Professor / EEE Paavai Engineering College
96. 16.05.2020 R.Priyanka “Session on usage of higher order thinking For implementing modern teaching pedogogy” Christ the King Engineering College, Coimbatore. Christ the King Engineering College, Coimbatore.
97. 22.05.2020 R.Priyanka “Intellectual Property Rights” Sengamalar thayaar Educational Trust Women’s College,Trichy. Sengamalar thayaar Educational Trust Women’s College,Trichy.
98. 30.05.2020 R.Priyanka “Matlab software for power electronics-hands on training” Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam, Thanjavur, Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam, Thanjavur,
99. 31.05.2020 R.Priyanka “Research methodology” Gnanmani College of Technology, Namakkal. Gnanmani College of Technology, Namakkal.
100. 18.05.2020 19.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Home Energy Assessment amp; Audit PSNA College of Egineering and Technology PSNA College of Egineering and Technology
101. 18.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Regulated and Deregulated Energy Markets Arasu Engineering College Arasu Engineering College
102. 07.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Major Challenges in Auto componenet industries in COVID-19 Mr.R.K.Sharma Chennai Institute of Technology
103. 21.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Heat Pipe applications to Solar energy systems Francis Xavier Engineering College Francis Xavier Engineering College
104. 31.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Design of Transformers Annasaheb Dange college of Engineering and Technology, Maharastra Annasaheb Dange college of Engineering and Technology, Maharastra
105. 14.05.2020 15.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar PLCs in the world of Automation PSNA College of Egineering and Technology PSNA College of Egineering and Technology
106. 18.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Basics of Electric Vehicle (2W) Raga Technologies Raga Technologies
107. 20.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Climate changes impacts and mitigation on Water and Environment RVS College of Engineering and Technology RVS College of Engineering and Technology
108. 14.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Grid connected and standalone microgrid using Homepro Er.S.Selvakumar Erode sengunthar college of engineering
109. 22.05.2020 R.Satheeshkumar Challenges and opportunities in modern world Surya Engineering College Surya Engineering College
110. 21.05.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Heat Pipe Applications to solar energy system Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli
111. 16.05.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Webinar on The Purview of Thermoelectrics for the Future Sustainable Energy Source Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli
112. 14.05.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Grid Connected and Standalone Microgrid Design Using HOMERpro Er.S.Selvakumar, Head Engineering amp; Design Er.S.Selvakumar, Head Engineering amp; Design, M/s. Power Projects, Chennai
113. 16.05.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Wind Energy: Generators and Power Converters M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
114. 21.05.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Hybrid Technology Ashok Leyland Ltd Ashok Leyland Ltd organized by Department of mechanical engineering, Jeppiaar Institute of technology, Chennai
115. 30.04.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan ELECTRIC VEHICLES – OPPORTUNITIES CADD Centre Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology in association with CADD Centre
116. 29.04.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Introduction to Scilab Department of Mechatronics Engineering, SNS college of technology, Coimbatore Department of Mechatronics Engineering, SNS college of technology, Coimbatore
117. 26.05.2020 Dr.K.Jagatheesan Industry 4.2 IQAC amp; TVS Training and Services Department of Mechanical Engineering in Association with IQAC amp; TVS Training and Services
118. 30.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Machine Learning amp; It’s Applications in Electrical Engineering Dr.RashmiKapoor VNR VignanaJyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology and IEI Student chapter
119. 29/05/2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Resonant Converters and their Applications in EV Charging Dr.P.Naresh VNR VignanaJyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology and IEI Student chapter
120. 28.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Artificial Intelligence amp; Applications in Electrical Distribution System Dr.J.ViswanathaRao VNR VignanaJyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology and IEI Student chapter
121. 27.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran State-of-the-art Research in Power Systems and Drafting Research Article Dr.MoorthyVeeraswamy VAAGDEVI Engineering College
122. 23.05.2020 to 24.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran MATLAB Applications in Process Simulation and Control Dr.G.Sakthivel /Annamalai University Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
123. 23.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Introduction to Digital Transformation S.A. Engineering College S.A. Engineering College
124. 22.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Research Challenges in Wind Energy Systems Dr.S.Senthil Kumar / NIT Trichy Chennai Institute of Technology
125. 19.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Wind Energy Conversion System Challenges – A Global Perspective Dr.S.Umashankar IE(I), Kattankulathur Local Centre amp; Dept. of EEE, SRM Inst. of Science and Tech.
126. 18.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Basics of Electric Vehicle (2W) Dr.R.Gandhi RaGa Technologies
127. 18.05.2020 to 22.052020 Dr.S.Surendiran Cutting-Edge Technologies for Electrical Engineering Dr.K.Siva Kumar
Er.K.Ramakrishna Reddy
Dr.D.Rakesh Chandra
Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology
128. 15.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Electrical Power Utility Management – 2020 Er.A.Velayutham,
Dr.S.Parthasarathy, Dr.P.Rajamani.
Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC), K.L.N. College of Engineering
129. 13.05.2020 to 14.05.2020 Dr.S.Surendiran Research Ideas amp; Performance Analysis of Switched Reluctance Motor using MagNet Software Dr.Prabu Jerusalem College of Engineering
130. 16.05.2020 Manikandan S Higher order thinking For implementing modern teaching pedogogy Dr.S.Logeshkumar Christ the King Engineering College
131. 22.05.2020 Manikandan S Intellectual Property Rights DR. S. Amudha SengamalaThyaar College for women
132. 17.05.2020 Manikandan S Beyond the boundaries reinventing horizons Prof R.K Pachar SKIT
133. 19.05.2020 Manikandan S Application of space Technology in our day to day life Dr. Murthy Remilla Sri Venkateswaraa College of Technology
134. 13.05.2020 to 20.05.2020 D.Murugesan Facuty Development Programme on “Insights into Quality Research and Innovation” Vivekandha College of Engineering and Technology Vivekandha College of Engineering and Technology
135. 21.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on “Heat Pipe applications to solar energy systems” Applied Lab-Green Energy,Dept. of Mech Francis Xavier Engineering College Francis Xavier Engineering College
136. 14.05.2020 to 15.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on “PLC’s In the World of Automation” Dr.M.ArulPrasanna
Coordinator – PSNA SIEMENS CoE,
ASP/EEE, PSNA CET, Dindigul.
PSNA College of Engineering amp; Technology
137. 15.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on “Energy Conservation and Star Rating” G.Pandiyan, Joint Director, Electrical Mainataenance Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru KIT
138. 16.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on “An Introduction to E-mobility” Er.Bharath, Electrical Division, Lluvia Industries, Coimbatore Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology
139. 18.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on Introduction to Smart Distribution System DilavarBasha K, Asst. Prof,
Placement Coordinator,Department of Electrical amp; Electronics Engineering,RMKCET
R.M.K College and Technology
140. 20-05-202O D.Murugesan Webinar on “Holistic Energy Management” Prof.B.E.Kushare, HoD/EEE, Power Quality amp; Electrical Consultant, K KWagh Institute Of Engineering Education amp; Research K KWaghInstitute Of Engineering Education amp; Research
141. 21.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on “Heat Pipe applications to solar energy systems” Applied Lab-Green Energy,Dept. of Mech, Francis Xavier Engineering College Francis Xavier Engineering College
142. 23.05.2020 D.Murugesan Webinar on “Introduction to Digital Transformation” MaruthaNayagam, Deputy General Manager- Engineering NEC Mobile Networks Excellence Centre, NEC Technologies India Pvt.Ltd.,Chennai, Tamilnadu S.A Engineering college
143. 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020 D.Murugesan FDP on “ Virtual Training For Renewable Energy Systems” S.A Engineering college amp;Labtech Electronics
144. 13.05.2020 A.Rathinam Smart Grid Excel College of Engineering and Technology
145. 06.05.2020 A.Rathinam Green Energy Excel College of Engineering and Technology
146. 05.05.2020 A.Rathinam IPR Excel College of Engineering and Technology
147. 16.05.2020 A.Rathinam Wind Energy: Generators and Power Converters M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology

Academic Year 2018-2019

Name of Faculty Name of Seminar/ Conference/ Workshop/ FDP Organized By
G.Uma Maheswari Conference: PWM controller techniques for seven level inverter – ICATS 2018 at Paavai Engineering College. Workshop: 1. Attended one day National level Workshop on Electrical Machine Design using FEM Software at Karunya University Coimbatore on August 2018. 2. Attended one day National level Workshop on “Workshop on Writing Effective Research Papers for SCI Journals and Preparing Project Proposals” on February 2019 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. FDP 1.Attended the Anna University sponsored one week Faculty development program on “Recent Trends in Industry amp; Medical Instrumentation” organized by RMK Engineering College during June 2018. 2. Attended the Anna University sponsored one-week Faculty development program on “High Voltage Engineering” organized by Nanda College of Engineering during March 2019. Seminar: 1. Attended one day National Level Seminar “Recent trends in artificial intelligence controllers in engineering and its utilization at Paavai Engineering College on June 2018. 2. Attended Two-day National Level Seminar Electrical Power Utility Management 2020 at KLN College of Engineering May 2019. Paavai Engineering College Karunya University Kongu Engineering College RMK Engineering College Nanda College of Engineering Paavai Engineering College KLN College of Engineering
K.K.Poongodi Conference: An Multisource Energy Integration system using fuzzy logic controller with grid connected system – ICATS 2018 at Paavai Engineering College. Workshop: 1. Attended one day National level Workshop on Electrical Machine Design using FEM Software at Karunya University Coimbatore on August 2018 2. Attended one day National level Workshop on “Workshop on Writing Effective Research Papers for SCI Journals and Preparing Project Proposals” on February 2019 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. FDP 1. Attended the Anna University sponsored one week Faculty development program on “Solid State Drive” organized by Muthiyammal college of Engineering during December 2018 2. Attended the Anna University sponsored one week Faculty development program on “High Voltage Engineering” organized by Nanda College of Engineering during March 2019. Seminar: 1. Attended one day National Level Seminar “Recent trends in artificial intelligence controllers in engineering and its utilization at Paavai Engineering College on June 2018. 2. Attended Two day National Level Seminar Electrical power Utility Management 2020 at KLN College of Engineering May 2019 Paavai Engineering College. Karunya University Kongu Engineering College Muthiyammal college of Engineering Nanda College of Engineering Paavai Engineering College KLN College of Engineering
Rathinavel.S Conference: An Multisource Energy Integration system using fuzzy logic controller with grid connected system – ICATS 2018 at Paavai Engineering College. Workshop: 1. Attended one day National level Workshop on Electrical Machine Design using FEM Software at Karunya University Coimbatore on August 2018 2. Attended 13 days workshop on “Challenges opportunities in execution of big data analysis for smart electrical power distribution system design” from 04.11.2019-17.11.2019at KSR college of technology. FDP 1. Attended 5 days National level Workshop on “Artificial intelligence in medical and healthcare application” from 24th to 29th dec , 2018 at Kongu engineering college,Erode 2. Attended the Anna University sponsored one week Faculty development program on “High Voltage Engineering” organized by Nanda College of Engineering during March 2019. Seminar: 1. Attended one day National Level Seminar “Recent trends in artificial intelligence controllers in engineering and its utilization at Paavai Engineering College on June 2018 2. Research trends on Smart Management system for batteries at Kongu engineering college on 11.01.2019-12.01.2019. Paavai Engineering College. Karunya University KSR College of Technology. Kongu engineering college Nanda College of Engineering Paavai Engineering College Kongu engineering college
C.Gowri Sankar Conference: “Wind Energy Using in Generation of Proficient Power with Five Level Dual Buck FullBridge Inverters” International conference on information sciences and renewable energy sources. ICISRES-2K19 on March 07, 08, 2019. Workshop: 1. Attended one day National level Workshop on Electrical Machine Design using FEM Software at Karunya University Coimbatore on August 2018 2. Attended one day National level Workshop on “Design of Power Electronics converters using MATLAB” on 23rdMarch’19 at KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. FDP 1.Attended the Anna University sponsored one week Faculty development program on “Recent Trends in Industry amp; Medical Instrumentation” organized by RMK Engineering College during June 2018. 2. Attended 5 days National level Workshop on “Artificial intelligence in medical and healthcare application” from 24th to 29th dec , 2018 at Kongu engineering college,Erode Seminar: 1. Attended one day National Level Seminar “Recent trends in artificial intelligence controllers in engineering and its utilization at Paavai Engineering College on June 2018 2. Research trends on Smart Management system for batteries atKongu engineering college on11.01.2019-12.01.2019 ICISRES-2K19 Selvam college of technology. Karunya University KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. RMK Engineering College Kongu engineering college Paavai Engineering College Kongu engineering college
R.Johnnie Hebziba Conference: 1.“Frequency Regulation of Hybrid power system using Ant Colony optimization technique”. In the International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment andSustainable Technologies (BEST ’19) at Arunai Engineering college.Feb2019. Workshop: 1. Attended one day National level Workshop on “Design of Power Electronics converters using MATLAB” on 23rdMarch’19 at KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. 2.Attended faculty development program on electrical “power distribution system design”.K.S.Rangasamy college of technology 27-05-2019 to 01-06-2019. 3.Attended national level seminar on “Emerging technologies on Nano materials”. Kongu Engineering college 20-12-018 to 21-12-2018. 4.Research trends on Smart Management system for batteries at Kongu engineering college on11.01.2019-12.01.2019. 5.Attended on line webinar on emerging trends and research opportunities vehicle..”Raja Lakshmi engineering college” 3 June 2020. Arunai Engineering college.Feb2019. KSR college of technology K.S.Rangasamy College of technology. Kongu Engineering college Kongu engineering college Raja Lakshmi engineering college
D.Murugesan 1.“Frequency Regulation of Hybrid power system using Ant Colony optimization technique”. In the International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment andSustainable Technologies (BEST ’19) at Arunai Engineering college.Feb2019. 2.Wind Energy Using in Generation of Proficient Power with Five Level Dual Buck FullBridge Inverters” International conference on information sciences and renewable energy sources. ICISRES-2K19 on March 07, 08, 2019 3.Attended five days National Level Online FDP on “Cutting-Edge Technologies for Electrical Engineering” organized by Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology from 18th to 22nd May 2020. 4.Attended national level seminar on emerging technologies on Nano material at Kongu Engineering college on20-12-018 to 21-12-2018. Arunai Engineering college. Feb2019. ICISRES-2K19 Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology Kongu Engineering college
C.Arulkumar 1.One Day workshop on “Solar Photovoltaic System” on 31.08.2018 2.One Day workshop on “Real Time Project Design Using ARDUINO: Tools and Techniques” on 20.09.2018 3.One Day workshop on “Real Time Project Design Using ARDUINO: Tools and Techniques” on 20.09.2018 4.National Conference on “Advancement in Electrical Sciences” Paper Title “Single Phase Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter for PV Applications” on 04.05.2019 Excel College of Engineering and Technology Kongu Engineering College Gnanamani College of Engineering and Technology SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore
DR.K.Jagatheesan Attended an AICTE sponsored National Seminar on “Recent Advancements in Clean Energy Technologies for Future Energy Needs” from 15th to 16th December 2017 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. Participated in the five days Faculty Development program on “Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development” during November 26th -30th, 2018 conducted by Thermal Division Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai. 2. Jagatheesan, K, Anand, B, Murugesan, D, “Frequency Regulation of Hybrid Power System using Ant Colony Optimization Technique” 4th International Conference On “Bioenergy, Environment amp; Sustainable Technologies – Best2019″, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, January 28-30, pp.110-111, 2019. 3. Jagatheesan, K, Anand, B, Nillanjan Dey, Amira S. Ashour, Rajesh Kumar, “Bat Algorithm optimized controller for Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Thermal Power System” 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITITS 2018) Xi’an, China, September 15-16, 2018. Kongu Engineering College SRM Institute of Science and Technology Arunai Engineering College, 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITITS 2018)
R.Satheeshkumar 1.One day National Level Workshop on “Solar Photovoltaic System” 31.08.2018 2.One day National Level Workshop on “Cyber Security Awareness Programme for Power System Operations” –Kerala.18.07.2018 3.Two days National Level Seminar on “Research Trends on Smart Waste Management System for Batteries” Conducted on 11 th amp; 12 th Jan’19. 4.Presented a paper titled “Experimental Investigation of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Modules” in International Conference “ICISRES-2K19” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering on 07thamp; 08th March 2019 Organised by ISTE –Excel Engineering College National Power Institute Sponsored by DST(SERB) at Kongu Engineering College, Erode. Selvam College of Technology
S.Suganya 1.One day National Level Workshop on “Solar Photovoltaic System” 31.08.2018 2.One day National Level Workshop on “Cyber Security Awareness Programme for Power System Operations” –Kerala.18.07.2018 3.National Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Engineering ERTE-‘19, 03.05.19 4.Presented a paper titled “Experimental Investigation of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Modules” in International Conference “ICISRES-2K19” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering on 07thamp; 08th March 2019 Organised by ISTE –Excel Engineering College National Power Institute Adhi sankara Institute of Engineering and Technology,Kerala. Selvam College of Technology
M.RAJA Conference “Bidirectional chopper with ZVS for SRM” International conference on information sciences and renewable energy sources ICISRES-2K19, March 07, 08, 2019 “Selvam college of technology”. Workshop: Attended national level seminar on emerging trends in smart grid and energy storage at Kongu Engineering college on 04-01-2019 to 05.01.2019 Attended one day workshop on “Modeling of power electronics converters using MATLAB at Gnnamani college of Engineering on 02nd March 2019. Seminar Attended one day National Level Seminar “Recent trends in artificial intelligence controllers in engineering and its utilization at Paavai Engineering College on June 2018 Attended national level seminar on Emerging trends in smart grid and energy storage. Kongu Engineering college 20-12-018 to 21-12-2018 Selvam college of Technology Kongu Engineering college Gnnamani college of Engineering Paavai Engineering College Kongu Engineering college
S.Ramachandran Conference: 1.“Wind Energy Using in Generation of Proficient Power with Five Level Dual Buck Full Bridge Inverters” International conference on information sciences and renewable energy sources. ICISRES-2K19 on March 07, 08, 2019. Workshop: 1.Attended 13 days workshop on “Challenges opportunities in execution of big data analysis for smart electrical power distribution system design” from 04.11.2019-17.11.2019at KSR college of technology,. 2. Attended one day National level Workshop on “Design of Power Electronics converters using MATLAB” on 23rdMarch’19 at KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. 3.Attended national level seminar on emerging trends in smart grid and energy storage at Kongu Engineering college on 04-01-2019 to 05.01.2019 Seminar: 1.Research trends on Smart Management system for batteries at Kongu engineering college on11.01.2019-12.01.2019 2. Attended national level seminar on emerging technologies on Nano material at Kongu Engineering college on20-12-018 to 21-12-2018 FDP: 1. Attended 5 days National level Workshop on “Artificial intelligence in medical and healthcare application” from 24th to 29th dec , 2018 at Kongu engineering college, Erode 2. Attended faculty development program on electrical power distribution system design.at K.S.Rangasamy college of technology.on 27-05-2019 to 01-06-2019. ICISRES-2K19 selvam college of technology KSR college of technology,. KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. Kongu Engineering college KIT Institute of technology Kongu engineering college Kongu Engineering college K.S.Rangasamy college of technology
V.Kumarakrishnan 1.One Day workshop on “Solar Photovoltaic System” on 31.08.2018 2.Presented a paper titled “Experimental Investigation of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Modules” in International Conference “ICISRES-2K19” Excel College of Engineering and Technology Selvam College of Technology
R.Muthukumar Conference: 1.Attended “Comparision Of Transient Stability amp; Harmonic Analysis For 9 Bus System Using Etap”. In the International Conference on Nexgen Technologies 2.Attended “Harmonic Analysis for 9 Bus system using ETAP” In the International Conference. Workshop: Attended in webinar on “Electrical Machine – I” on 20th to 25th may 2020. Sengunthar Engineering College Selvam College of Technology K.L.N College of Engineering
G.Deivamani Conference: Dual axis solar tracking system using arduino” International conference on information sciences and renewable energy sources ICISRES-2K19, March 07, 08, 2019 “Selvam college of technology”. Workshop: 1. Attended one day National level Workshop on “Design of Power Electronics converters using MATLAB” on 23rdMarch’19 at KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. 2. Attended national level seminar on emerging trends in smart grid and energy storage at “Kongu Engineering college” on 04-01-2019 to 05.01.2019. SEMINOR Attended national level seminar on “Emerging technologies on Nano materials”. Kongu Engineering college 20-12-018 to 21-12-2018. FDP Attended faculty development program on electrical “power distribution system design”.K.S.Rangasamycollegeof technology 27-05-2019 to 01-06-2019. Selvam college of technology KSR college of technology,. Kongu Engineering college Kongu Engineering college K.S.Rangasamycollegeof technology.
D.Boopathi Workshop: 1.Participated in two day National Level workshop on “Design of Power Electronics converters using MATLAB” at K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 23th March 2018. Seminar: 1.Attended a one day National Level Seminar on” Electromagnetic Theory” at Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam, Trichy on 25th august 2018. Faculty Development Program: 1.Participated in Faculty development program “Electronics Devices and Circuit” at Muthyammal Engineering College conducted by Centre for faculty development, Anna University on 2nd to 8th June 2018. K.S.R. College of Engineering Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology Muthyammal Engineering College


S.No Name of the Faculty Name of the programme Organized by Venue Title Duration
1. Dr.G.Balaji International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Power Generation By Human Energy Using Gym Cycle 1 Day
2. Dr.G.Balaji International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College An multisource energy integration system using Fuzzy logic controller with Grid Connected System. 1 Day
3. Dr.Rathinam International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Design and control of a High power low losses DC to DC converter for mining applications. 1 Day
4. K.K.Poongodi International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College An multisource energy integration system using Fuzzy logic controller with Grid Connected System. 1 Day
5. M.Raja International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Intelligence Surveillance Using Raspberry Pi 1 Day
6. C.Arulkumar International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College A New Approach Of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter For Solar PV System 1 Day
7. A.Udhaya Kumar International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Advanced Metering and Decentralized Method Based Residential Demand Response Smart Grid System 1 Day
8. G. Deivamani International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Power Quality Improvement In Solar By Using Fuzzy Logic Controller 1 Day
9. R.Muthukumar International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Analysis of Transient Stability and Short Circuit In Transmission Line Using ETAP 1 Day
10. V.Royna Daisy International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Detection of fault from thermal image of three Phase induction motor 1 Day
11. A.Suganya International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Hybrid Renewable Energy Using Bicycle 1 Day
12. S.Manikandan International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Smart Energy Conservation Using IOT 1 Day
13. S.Ramachandran International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Analysis Of Performance Of PMSG And DFIG Based Wind Energy Conservation System 1 Day
14. Dr.K.Jagatheesan International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Solar Charge Controller Based On MPPT Technique 1 Day
15. S.Rathinavel International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College High Sensitive Acetone And Ethanol Gas Sensor Based Mnco2o4 Microspheres By A Facile Hydrothermal Route 1 Day
16. D.Boopathi International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Multi-Stacked Buck-Boost Converters For Photovoltaic Modules Under Partial Shading With Equalization Strategy 1 Day
17. T.Nandagopal International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Implementation Of Solar Tracking System 1 Day
18. R.Johnnie Hepziba International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Analysis On A PV Installed House Power By Solar Energy 1 Day
19. R.Priyanka International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Analysis Of Hybrid Inverter Using SAPCE Vector PWM Techniques 1 Day
20. G.Uma maheswari International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College PWM Control Techniques For Seven Level Inverter 1 Day
21. C.Gowrishankar International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Design and analysis of CUK converter based wind energy conversion system 1 Day
22. D.Murugasan International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Selective Harmonic Elimination For BLDC Motor Using Frequency Filter Circuit 1 Day
23. R.Satheesh Kumar International Conference Paavai Engineering College Paavai Engineering College Analysis of Power Line distribution Bus system increase reliability of the Grid 1 Day


S.No Name of the Faculty Name of the programme Title Organized by/ Venue Date
1. K.K.Poongodi Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
2. M.Raja Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
3. R.Muthukumar Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
4. V.Royna Daisy Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
5. G.Uma maheswari Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
6. A.Udhaya Kumar Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
7. D.Murugesan Workshop Power System IIT, Kharagpur /Paavai Engineering College 10.07.2017 to 15.07.2017
8. T.Nandhagopal Workshop Design of Power Electronics Converters Using MAT LAB K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tirchengode. 23.03.2018
9. Dr.Jagathesan Workshop Design of Power Electronics Converters Using MAT LAB K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tirchengode. 23.03.2018
10. R.Satheesh Kumar Workshop Design of Power Electronics Converters Using MAT LAB K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tirchengode. 23.03.2018
11. G.Deivamani Workshop Challenges and Opportunities of IOT based Standalone and Interactive Micro Grid Systems K.S.R. College of Technology, Tirchengode. 01.11.2017 to 03.11.2017
12. Dr.G.Balaji Workshop Challenges and Opportunities of IOT based Standalone and Interactive Micro Grid Systems K.S.R. College of Technology, Tirchengode. 01.11.2017 to 03.11.2017
13. D.Murugesan Workshop Design of Power Electronics Converters Using MAT LAB K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tirchengode. 23.03.2018
14. D.Boopathi Workshop Design of Power Electronics Converters Using MAT LAB K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tirchengode. 23.03.2018
15. M.Raja Workshop Modelling of Power Electronic Converters using MATLAB Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal. 02.03.2018
16. R.Muthukumar Workshop Modelling of Power Electronic Converters using MATLAB Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal. 02.03.2018
17. G.Deivamani Workshop Modelling of Power Electronic Converters using MATLAB Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal. 02.03.2018
18. M.Raja FDP Power Electronics for renewable Energy System Tagore Engineering College,Chennai. 18.01.2018 to 20.01.2018
19. Dr.G.Balaji FDP Power Electronics for renewable Energy System Tagore Engineering College,Chennai. 18.01.2018 to 20.01.2018
20. R.Muthukumar FDP Power Electronics for renewable Energy System Tagore Engineering College,Chennai. 18.01.2018 to 20.01.2018
21. C.Arulkumar FDP Power Electronics for renewable Energy System Tagore Engineering College,Chennai. 18.01.2018 to 20.01.2018
22. Dr.A.Rathuinam FDP Power Electronics for renewable Energy System Tagore Engineering College,Chennai. 18.01.2018 to 20.01.2018
23. Dr.K.Jagatheesan Seminar Recent Advancements in clean energy technologies for future energy needs Kongu Engineering College,Peruindurai. 15.12.2017 to 16.12.2017
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