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Pedagogical Initiatives

Instructional Methods

Pedagogical approaches are pivotal in delivering content, adapting to the diverse needs of learners. In Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the faculty members prioritize student-centered learning methods to foster an optimal learning environment. Dedicated time slots within lesson plans are allocated to delve beyond the syllabus for each subject. Course materials, including handouts, notes, and tests, are meticulously crafted to align with lesson plans and course objectives. These materials are uploaded onto the Paavai Moodle platform for accessibility. Faculty members employ a range of pedagogical techniques to enhance the teaching-learning process.

Maintaining student attendance registers is a mandatory responsibility for all faculty members. Additionally, subject handling faculty prepares course files for each subject. To bridge the gap between academia and industry, the department organizes industrial visits, in-plant training, and hands-on workshops every semester. 

Course Delivery Methods

Classroom teaching

Faculty members deliver their lectures through a set of educational technology/tools such as:

  • Chalk and talk – black board.
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Animated videos
  • Activity based learning
  • Collaborative learning
  • Demonstration
  • Experiential Learning
  • Peer to Peer learning
  • Project based Learning
  • Quiz by Google form
  • Simulation based teaching and learning
  • Small group teaching
  • ICT supported learning
  • Co-curricular activities
  • Workshop
  • Guest lecture
  • Seminar


Chalk and Talk – Black Board

Power Point Presentation


Animated Videos 




 Activity Based Learning

Collaborative Learning     





Experiential Learning

Peer to Peer Learning

Project Based Learning   


Quiz by Google Form

Simulation Based Teaching and Learning 

      Small Group Teaching

ICT Supported Learning 

Co-curricular Activities   

In plant Training 


      Industrial Visits

Guest Lecture

 Seminar  Workshop

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