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Faculty Publications

Journal Publications

Academic year 2022-2023:

S.No Name of the Author Title of the Paper Name of the Journal ISSN Number
1. Dr.P.Muthusamy An Efficient Automation for Agricultural Soil and Water Irrigation Using Machine Learning and Internet of Things Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1735-188X
2. Dr.P.Muthusamy Optimizing Traffic Flow in Smart Cities: Soft GPU-Based Recurrent Neural Networks for Enhanced Congestion Prediction Using Deep Learning MDPI Sustainability 2071-1050
3. Dr.P.Muthusamy Intelligent Food Processing Industry Techniques using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research 2394-0697
4. Mrs.J.Velumani Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning International journal of advanced research in computer science engineering and information technology 2321 3337
5. Mrs.J.Velumani Brain Tumor Detection using Skull Stripping Algorithm International journal of advanced research in computer science engineering and information technology 2250-1770
6. Mrs.J.Velumani Automatic traffic control system for ambulance using RF Module International Journal of Current Science 2250-1770
7. Mrs.J.Velumani Automated Virus Defect Detection in Fruits Using Image Segmentation International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology 2321-3337
8. Mrs.J.Velumani SOS Implementation With Camera Facilities International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences 2581-4621
9. Mr.R.Loganathan FMRI Big Data Analytics in Machine Learning International journal of advanced research in computer science engineering and information technology 2395-1052

Academic year 2021-2022:

S.No Name of the Author Title of the Paper Name of the Journal ISSN Number
1. Dr.P.Muthusamy Time Dependent Anomaly Detection System for Smart Environment using Probabilistic Timed Automaton with Artificial Intelligence Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing – Springer 1868-5137
2. Dr.P.Muthusamy Optimal Confidential Mechanisms in Smart City Healthcare Computers, Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press 1546-2226

Academic year 2020-2021:

S.No Name of the Author Title of the Paper Name of the Journal ISSN Number
1. Dr.P.Muthusamy Detection and Rectification of Cloned Node Intruder in Wireless Sensor Network Materials Today: Proceedings 2214-7853
2. Dr.P.Muthusamy E-Restaurant using Artificial Intelligence for contactless dining to control the covid-19 outspread International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) 2455-6211
3. Mr.R.Loganathan Sarcasm Sentiment Detection and Classification Model on Twitter Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications 2321-4007

Academic Year 2016-2017

S.No Name of the Faculty Publications in International / National Journals Title Name of the Journal Volume No [Issue No], Page no, Year of Publications, ISSN No.
1 Mr.P.Muthusamy International Tiger Hash Attribute Encryption for Secured Cloud Service Provisioning Middle East Journal of Scientific Research Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 81-191. ISSN 1990-9233 (Annexure II & Impact Factor 0.38), 2017
2 Mr.P.Muthusamy International Secured Message Communication using One Time Key Authorization Tag based Attribute Encryption International Journal of Printing, Packaging, &Applied Sciences Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 2083-2094 (ISSN-2320-4387), 2016,(Annexure I)

Academic Year 2015-2016

S.No Name of the Faculty Publications in International / National Journals Title Name of the Journal Volume No [Issue No], Page no, Year of Publications, ISSN No.
1 Mr.P.Muthusamy International Comparison of Cloud Services on enhanced security issues using High impact encryption Methodologies International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol. 10, No. 32, pp. 23532-23537. ISSN 0973-4562, 2015 (Annexure II & Impact Factor 0.14)


Academic Year 2022 – 2023:

S.No Name of the Author Title of the Paper Title of the Proceeding of the Conference Organized by Period
1. Dr.P.Muthusamy A Cyber Security Model in Cloud Computing Environment ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
2. Dr.P.Muthusamy Digital Forensics (Evidence Handling) Using Autopsy ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
3. Dr.P.Muthusamy IoT and Energy Management ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
4. J.Velumani Analyzing Password Strength ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
5. J.Velumani Autonomous Driving in Image Processing ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
6. J.Velumani A Review about Block Chain Technology ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
7. J.Velumani Ethical Hacking: Impacts on Society ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
8. R.Loganathan Application of Cloud Computing in Banking and E-Commerce and Related Security Threats ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
9. R.Loganathan Python-Based Malware Analysis Pipeline ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
10. R.Loganathan Survey of Security Attacks ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
11. R.Loganathan Deployment of Block Chain Technology In Software Defined Networks ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
12. R. Rajalakshmi Web Application Penetration Testing ICATS 2023 PEC 17.3.2023 to 18.3.2023
13. R.Loganathan Block Chain Based Internet of Vehicles Information Transmission Mechanism International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications Gnanamani College of Technology 13.10.2022 to 15.10.2022

Academic Year 2021 – 2022:

S.No Name of the Author Title of the Paper Title of the Proceeding of the Conference Organized by Period
1. J.Velumani Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning ICATS 2021 PEC 21.10.2021
2. R.Loganathan FMRI Big Data Analytics in Machine Learning ICATS 2021 PEC 21.10.2021

Patent Publications

Academic year 2022- 2023:

S.No Name of the Patent Patent Number Title of the Patent
1 Dr.P.Muthusamy 202341001643 A System and Methods for Controlling Virtual Mouse Using Hand Gesture using AI
2 Mr.R.Loganathan 202341001644 A Design System of IoT-driven Smart Eco Inverter

Academic year 2021- 2022:

S.No Name of the Patent Patent Number Title of the Patent
1 Dr.P.Muthusamy 202141059523 Design System of Automated Microclimate Prediction System Using CNN and Internet of Things (IoT)
2 Dr.P.Muthusamy 202241009148 IoT Driven Artificial Intelligence for Smart Food Recommendation to Health Management System
3 Dr.P.Muthusamy 202241029008 IoT driven Sensor-based Crop Recommendation System using Machine Learning for Smart Agriculture
4 Mr.R.Loganathan 202241008752 AI Based Voice Medical Prescription
5 Mrs.J.Velumani 202241008752 A AI Based Intelligent Traffic Delineation System

Academic year 2020- 2021:

S.No Name of the Patent Patent Number Title of the Patent
1 Dr.P.Muthusamy 202111004765 Information System for Contamination Water Quality Monitoring Using Cloud Based IOT
2 Mr.R.Loganathan 202241008753 TRACKBOT: A quick Witted Robot for Detecting Cracks and Missing key in Railway Tracks with Unmanned Safeguard Gates
3 Mr.R.Loganathan 202041049010 A Farmers Helping Hand 2.0: A New Technological System for Monitoring and Protecting the Agricultural Field in All Weathers