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Association Activities

Academic Year 2024-2025
S.No Date Type of Programme Title of the Programme Resource Person
1. 20.11.2024 Online Webinar “The role of GATE and other competitive exams” in commemoration of National Educational Day Celebration Mr.Arjun Chhabra Faculty Member ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad
2. 19.11.2024 Workshop “Innovative Approaches to Real-time Object Detection using Deep Learning” Mr.R.Sathish Software Engineer Crisp Systems Salem
3. 16.11.2024 Online Guest Lecture “Tech powered Entrepreneurship: Bridging Innovation with Skills” Dr.B.Krishnakumar Founder/CEO New Technology Institutions Coimbatore
4. 15.10.2024 Mini Project Expo Technova’24 Jury Dr.I.Rajendran Dean, Research and Innovation PEC Dr.P.Pugalenthi AsP/Mechanical Engineering PEC
5. 09.10.2024 Seminar Business Intelligence and Cloud Platform Services for IoT in association with IEI Dr.C.Ganesh Associate Professor Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, Sri Eswar College of Engineering Coimbatore
6. 08.10.2024 Hands on Training Design of Analog and Digital Circuits in association with IETE Mr.P.Mayilsamy Embedded & IoT Developer Nebula Systems Salem
7. 13.09.2024 Alumni Guest Lecture Technological Advancement and Industry Transformation Using Artificial Intelligence Mr.S.Santha Kumar Senior Cyber Security Engineer Bannermen Inc, Bangalore
8. 11.09.2024 Online Guest Lecture Design and Analysis of Window Based FIR Filters in Signal Processing Dr.C.Bennila Thangammal Professor/ECE RMD Engineering College(Autonomous)
9. 22.08.2024 Seminar Embedded Systems – Driving Efficiency and Innovation Across Industries Er.V.Sasikumar Managing Director Mikrosun Technology Salem
10. 08.08.2024 Online Alumni Guest Lecture Exploring the Heart of Java: Core Principles and Embracing the Latest Trends Mr.K.Aishwaran System Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Chennai
Academic Year 2023-2024
S.No Date Type of Programme Title of the Programme Resource Person
1. 22.06.2024 Online Guest Lecture Innovations and Advancements in Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Mrs.R.Kalaivani Assistant Professor/ECE Coimbatore Institute of Technology Coimbatore
2. 24.05.2024 Online Guest Lecture Front End Fundamentals: Designing Interactive Web Experiences Ms.M.Yuvashri Intern Yarnscon india pvt ltd Coimbatore
3. 13.05.2024 Alumni Guest Lecture The Surprising Truth About YOU Ms.Umamaheswari Kuppuraj Tech Lead Bosch Global Technologies Bangalore
4. 13.04.2024 Hands on Training “IoT and Rasberry-Pi” in association with IETE Mr.Karthi Moorthy Senior Embedded and IIOT Developer Om Technocrafts Corporation Erode
5. 10.04.2024 Fine arts Club Event Techwaves in association with IEI Jury Mrs.A.Samundeeswari ASP/ECE,PEC
6. 23.03.2024 Electronics Club Event TECHNOVA’24 Department Level Ideation Contest in Association with IEI(Salem) & IETE Jury Mrs.T.Loganayagi Professor/ECE,PEC
7. 27.02.2024 Guest Lecture “My Story- Motivational Session by an Entrepreneur” in Association with IIC, EDC of PEC & IEI(Salem) Mr.R.Shivram,Proprietor,Sri Tubular Bags
8. 12.02.2024 to 17.02.2024 Faculty Development Programme “Recent Advances in Smart Materials and Sensor Technology” in Association with IETE-WEEC & IETE Erode Centre Dr. K M Palanisamy Professor/ECE,Dr.T.Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, KGF, Karnataka-563120 Dr.S.Jayanthi, Asst.Professor, Department of Physics, Sona College, Salem,TamilNadu-637005

Mr.Sekaran C, Technical Consultant and Trainer, HMT (Rtd AGM), Bangalore.

Dr. A.Karthikeyan, Asso.Professor/ECE, SNS College of technology, Coimbatore-641 035.

Dr.T.Meeradevi, Professor& Head/ECE, Kongu Engineering College, Erode,TamilNadu-638 060

Mr. Boopathi Sakthivel, Prashan Medical Technologies, Coimbatore

9. 24.12.2023 Alumni Guest lecture “Navigating the Career Landscape: Mastering the Job Search and Seizing Opportunities” in Association with ISTE Mr.U.Muthukumaravel, System Engineer, Equinity India Pvt., Ltd., Chennai
10. 09.12.2023 Electronics club – project expo TECHNOVA’24 in association with IEI Dr.C.Nirmala, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, Paavai Engineering College
11. 16.11.2023 Fine arts club activity Vocal Vibes in Association with IETE Dr.V.Annapoorani, Professor Department of MCA, Paavai Engineering College
12. 11.11.2023 Guest Lecture World Education Day in Association with IIC PEC. Mrs. M.Malathy, Faculty Development Department, Paavai Engineering College
13. 27.10.2023 & 28.10.2023 CSIR Sponsored two days’ Workshop “Intelligence of Silicon Carbide(SiC) and it’s Impact in Industry 4.0” Mr.T.Marthandan, Operational manager, ABE &Neura AI Solution Pvt., Ltd., Chennai

Mr.M.Karthi, Senior Embedded & IIOT Developer, OmTechnocrafts Corporation

14. 13.10.2023 Alumni Guest lecture “Cyber Security for Automotive Embedded Systems” in Association with ISTE Mr.k.Narenbabu, Senior Tech Lead, Bosch Global Software Technologies, Coimbatore
15. 12.10.2023 Electronics club Virtual Velocity in Association with IEI and Electronics Club Mr.T.Prabhu, Hod,ECE & BME, Paavai College of Engineering
16. 19.09.2023 Guest Lecture Ethical Hacking in Association With IETE and Electronics Club Mr.M.Sathishkumar, Assistant Vice President, JP Morgan, Singapore
17. 12.09.2023 Guest Lecture “Advanced Embedded System Design Solutions Using Linux OS” in Association with ISTE Mr.K.Santhakumar, Corporate Trainer, Live Wire, Namakkal
18. 02.09.2023 Alumni Guest lecture Project Management and Scrum Roles in Association with IEI Ms .S.Kaviya, Senior Test Analyst, Cognizant, Coimbatore
19. 31.08.2023 Webinar Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Foundation and Concepts in Association with GUVI ,Chennai Mr. Raja Vasanthan, CEO of Grids and Guides and Master Mentor at GUVI, Chennai
20. 24.08.2023 Electronics Club Power Prowess in Association with IEI Dr.P.Muthusamy, HoD,MCA, Paavai engineering college
21. 02.08.2023 Guest Lecture Evolution of Science and Technology-Contemporary Trends in Academia and Industries in Association with IEI Dr.A.E.Narayanan, Associate professor, Department of CSE, PMIST, Thanjavur
22. 01.08.2023 & 02.08.2023 Industrial Visit ISRO – VSSC and Kerala Automobiles Ltd(KAL) Technical Advisor, ISRO-VSSC and KAL, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
23. 22.07.2023 Alumni Guest lecture “Future of AI- Opportunity and Challenges” in association with ISTE Ms.M.Preethiga, Quality Assurance Engineer, Syneos Health, Salem
24. 20.07.2023 Electronics Club Tech Match Up – Puzzle Contest in Association with ISTE Dr.G.Balasubramani, Professor & Head/Chemical Engineering, PEC
25. 12.07.2023 to 13.07.2023 Hands on Training Advanced Technologies for Smartphone Services and Trouble Shooting in Association with IEI Mr.R.Krishnakumar, Managing Director, New Technology Mobile Service and Training Institute Coimbatore
26. 19.06.2023 to 24.06.2023 FDP AI & Deep Learning Approach for Image Processing and its Applications in association with IETE and Enthu Technology Solutions Pvt., Ltd., Dr.G.Kalaiyarasi, ASP/ECE, VSB Engineering College,Karur.

Dr.Anju Asokan, AP/CCE, Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Coimbatore Dr.Rukmani Devi, PROF/ECE, RMD Engineering College, Chennai Dr.S.Sridevi, ASP/School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT, Chennai

Dr.S.Kanagamalli, ASP/ECE, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai Dr.K.Subramanian, Technical Lead, Enthu Technologies Pvt., Ltd.,

27. 14.05.2023 Seminar Journey of Entrepreneurship-Organic Products: Milir in association with IIC & IEI Ms.A.Amalthi, Proprietor: Milir Advanced Innovation Ambassador, AP, Chemistry, Chevalier T Elizabeth College for Women, Chennai
28. 11.04.2023 Guest Lecture E-Vehicle Design for Electronics in association with IETE Erode Centre Mr.G.Karthikeyan, AP/ECE, Anjali Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College.

Mr.S.Govindarajan, EV Customer Advisor

Mr.A.Abdulbasith, EV sales Executive, Tata Motors True Sai Works Salem Branch

29. 31.03.2023 Hands on Training Signal Processing in Association with ISTE,IETE and Wizaard Systems Mrs.S.Sowndeswari, Assistant Professor, Sambhrm Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
Academic Year 2022-2023
S.No. Date Type of the Programme Title of the Programme Resource Person
1. 15.03.2023 Workshop Energy Conservation Techniques for Electronic Engineers in association with IE(I) Er.A.Sivaraman Assistant Executive Engineer/Electrical TANGEDCO/TNEB Ulunderpet
2. 20.02.2023 Electronics Club – Project Expo “TECHNOVA 23” in association with IETE Prof.R.Prabhu, Head of the Department, ECE, Paavai College of Engineering
3. 17.02.2023 Online Guest lecture CMOS in VLSI Design in association with IETE Dr.K.Nirmaladevi, Associate Professor, ECE, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai
4. 10.02.2023 Alumni Guest Lecture Recent Trends in Telecom Sector – An open vision for near future in association with ISTE Ms.A.Buvaneshwari, NOC Technical Engineer, Telnyx, Dublin, Ireland
5. 30.01.2023 to 04.02.2023 Faculty Development Programme FDP Innovation in Mentoring Pedagogy and incorporation of ICT techniques in Education in association with IETE and IIC Dr.R.Kasthuri Bai, Emeritus Professor, Sri Sarada College of Education (Autonomous), Salem.

Dr.A.Balamallika Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Sri Sarada College of Education (Autonomous), Salem Dr.K.Subhashini, Professor, Faculty Development Department, Paavai Engineering College

Dr.R.Mohana Priya, Associate Professor, ECE Paavai Engineering College

Dr.S.D.Subadra, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Indra Ganesan College of Education, Trichy Dr.P.T.TRESA, NLP Practitioner & Motivation Speaker, Kerala

6. 28.01.2023 Fine Arts Club activity Vibrant Deck Dr.C.Muthusamy Professor and Head Department of Cyber Security Paavai Engineering College
7. 30.11.2022 Online seminar Turn your ideas into patent in association with IIC Mr.T.Jayachandran, Founder and CEO, JC filings, MSME Registered company, Unit II, of Nandha Engineering College
8. 28.11.2022 to 29.11.2022 Hands on Training PCB Design and its Applications in association with IETE Mr.R.S.Jothiprasanth, Technical Engineer, Enthus Technology Solution India PVT Ltd. Coimbatore
9. 28.11.2022 Online guest lecture Nano Technology in Electronics in association with IETE Prof. A. Chandrasekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai
10. 23.11.2022 MoU activity – Workshop Industrial Approach in Digital System Design in association with IE(I) Er. P. Mayilsamy, Programmer, Design and Development, Crisp System India Pvt. Ltd, Salem
11. 18.11.2022 Online Webinar MATLAB For Engineering Applications in association with IETE Mr.Adarsh Chaunal, Application Engineer, Design Tech System Pvt, Chennai
12. 08.11.2022 Hospital Visit Course- Medical Electronics Mr.R.Suresh, Manager and Senior Lab Technician, Sree Jayam Hospial, Mallur
13. 31.10.2022 Electronics Club activity Puzzle Masters in association with IETE Mrs.K.Uma, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Paavai Engineering College
14. 29.10.2022 Fine Arts Club activity Melody Speak in association with IE(I) Dr.P.Pugalenthi, Professor, Mechanical Department, PEC
15. 08.10.2022 In house Guest Lecture Analog Electronics Mrs.A.Samundeeswari, Associate Professor, Department of ECE,PEC
16. 03.10.2022 Online seminar Opportunities after Engineering through GATE/ESE/PSU in association with ISTE Mr.Manimohan Trinath, Senior Faculty, ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad
17. 21.09.2022 National Level Conference Innovative Trends in Communication and Technology -NCITCT 22 in association with IE(I) Dr.K.Ganesha Raj, Former General Manager and Advisor, Regional Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO
18. 10.09.2022 Alumni Guest lecture Money Management Mr.Nivas Baskaran, Software Development Engineer, Flipcart Internet Private Limited
19. 08.09.2022 Online Guest Lecture Microwave Electronics-Future Trends in association with IE(I) Mr.C.Ganesh, AP/CCE, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore
20. 06.09.2022 Online seminar Recent Trends In Automotive and Embedded Systems in association with IETE Mr.S.Surender, System validation engineer (Automotive embedded), Visteon Technical and Service Center, Chennai
21. 30.08.2022 Fine Arts Club activity Art drawing and pencil sketching on account of ‘Vinayagar Chathurthi’ in association with IE(I) Mr.G.Nandhakumar AP,ECE Paavai Engineering College
22. 20.08.2022 Alumni guest lecture How IT works and recent trends in IT in association with IE(I) Mr.S.Sivasudhan, Senior Lead Engineer, Randstad Technologies, Chennai
23. 18.08.2022 Electronics Club activity Quiz Buzz –Tech Quiz in association with IETE Dr.M.Sahaya Sheela, Professor and Head, ECE, Pavai College of Technology
24. 12.08.2022 Online guest lecture Antenna Design and its Applications in association with IE(I) Dr.R.Sudarmani, Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore

Academic Year 2021-2022

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource Person
1. 27.06.2022 to 02.07.2022 Faculty Development Programme Recent Advancements And Application of Data Science in association with Institute of Engineers (IE) of India Dr.S.P.Kogilavani, asP/AI, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,Erode.

Dr.S.Sridevi,ASP,ECE, VelTech Institute of Science & Tech, Avadi. Prof.S.Sathish,AP,ECE,ECEKCT,Coimbatore Dr.S.K.Aruna,AP, CSE, Christ Deemed University, Bangalore.

Dr.P.Anandan,AP,(Senior Grade)/ECE,VIT,Chennai.

Dr.A.Bhavani Sankar, Professor & Head / EEE, Anjali Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Tanjore.

2. 05.06.2022 Alumni Guest Lecture Essential Skills to Ace interviews Mr.Manish Kumar Singh, Automation Manager, Accenture(North America), NJ,USA
3. 03.06.2022 Webinar Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks – Institution of Engineer IE(I) Ms.M.Kanthimati, Associate Professor, ECE, Sri Sairam Engineering College
4. 02.06.2022 Electronics Club activity Electro Vision in association with IETE Dr.T.Arunkumar, Head of the Department, Bio Medical Engineering, Paavai Engineering College.
5. 31.05.2022 Inauguration of IE(I) Inauguration of Institution of Engineers(India) – Students Chapter Er.R.Saravanan,FIE, Chairman,IE(I),Salem local Centre, Salem.

Mr.SenthilKumar, Honarary Secretary,IE(I), Salem Local Centre,Salem.

6. 18.05.2022 19.05.2022 Hands on Training Two days Hands-On training on Chip level testing and debugging for smartphone and tablets in association with IETE. Mr.B.KrishnaKumar, Managing Director, New Technology Mobile Service &Training Institute, Coimbatore.
7. 16.05.2022 Guest lecture Digital Design Process and Technology in association with ISTE. Mr.M.Theiventhiran, Digital Design Engineer, Synopsys India Private Ltd ,Banglore.
8. 29.04.2022 Workshop Industrial experts- MoU Testing and Working of electronic components Mr.V.Thiyagu, Chief Admin of Indian Info Tech, Namakkal.
9. 27.04.2022 Electronics Club activity Tech Talk Mr.S.Prabhu, Profesor & Head,Paavai College of Engineering.
10. 12.04.2022 IIC Seminar How to startup-Legal and ethical steps Dr.Shanmuga Kumar, Managing Director, Modern agricultural Technological innovation Center.
11. 07.04.2022 Alumni Guest lecture Software Testing and Automation Mr.S.Gopi kannan, Software Tester and Quality Analyst , Datazoic Machine Private Limited,Chennai
12. 07.04.2022 Fine Arts Clubs Activity Paper Minders Dr.M.Sudha, Professor & Head, Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Professor,ECE
13. 21.01.2022 Presentation Inaugural Presentation – Reopen Dr.M.Sudha, HOD,ECE
14. 12.01.2022 Online Webinar “Important Concept In Communications For Competitive Examinations” Mr.Seravan Kumar, Senior Teaching Faculty ACE Academy
15. 04.01.2022 Online Webinar “FIR and IIR filter design using MATLAB” Mr.L.A.Prakash, Experimental Research Head, Matrixz Research, Kanyakumari
16. 17.12.2021 Electronics Club Event Electro Finder Dr.R.Mohana Priya, Associate Professor and Mr.Ravisankar Kandasamy, Assistant Professor, Electronics Club coordinators
17. 10.12.2021 Societal development and Welfare Club Activity Benefits of Professional societies Dr.M.Sudha, Professor & HOD , Students – Final and Third year.
18. 09.12.2021 Workshop NPTEL awareness Mr.S. Sathish, Assistant Professor, ECE
19. 08.12.2021 Online webinar IPR and E-filing strategies for Copyrights Mr.T.Jaychandran, Assistant Professor, ECE, Nandha Engineering College, Erode
20. 03.12.2021 Fine Arts Club Activity Carved Stokes Dr.S.VijayaKumar, Professor,ECE
21. 25.12.2021 Fine Arts Club Activity Sound Feast Dr.S.VijayaKumar, Professor,ECE
22. 24.11.2021 Electronics Club Event Technical Buzz Dr.R.Mohana Priya, Associate Professor and Mr.Ravisankar Kandasamy, Assistant Professor, Electronics Club coordinators
23. 22.11.2021 Online Alumni Guest Lecture “Art of Success Mantras” Ms.G.Janani Bai, Lead of the Process, Ocwen Financial Solutions, Mumbai
24. 15.11.2021 Online webinar |Smart Technology Devices Dr.N.Sasirekha, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem
25. 08.11.2021 to 13.11.2021 FDP – Faculty Development Programme Emerging Technologies in Information & Telecommunication Engineering Mr. Boopathi Sakthivel, Founder, CEO & Biomedical Engineer, Prashan Medical Technology, Coimbatore. Mr.K.Kavinkumar, Honorary treasurer, IETE-Erode Center.

Dr. G. Ravi, Associate Professor/ECE, Sona College of Technology, Salem.

Dr. Md Rashid Mahmood, Professor/ECE, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Hyderabad.

Dr. R. Lalitha, Professor/CSE, Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai. Dr.V.Agalya, Associate Professor/EEE, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. Dr.M.Packia Sudha, Assistant Professor/EEE, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore

26. 20.10.2021 Conference ICATS 21 Dr. Buddha Chandrasekar, Chief Coordinating Officer, AICTE, Ministry of Education, India
27. 19.10.2021 Fine Arts Club Activity World Student’s Day Dr.S.VijayaKumar, Professor,ECE
28. 17.10.2021 Farewell Virtual Farewell Dr. M. Sudha, the Head of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department.
29. 12.10.2021 Electronics Club activity Technical Masterminds Dr.S.Sumathi, HoD, Department of Management Studies, PEC
30. 12.10.2021 Alumni Guest lecture Microsoft Essential skills for tech job Mr.P.Logesh, Software Engineer, Softura Private Limited, Chennai
31. 02.10.2021 Fine Arts Club Activity “Big Tech Match Dr.K.Subhashini, Professor, Faculty Development Department, Paavai Institutions
32. 18.09.2021 Online Guest Lecture Smart Innovations in IoT and Embedded systems Er.R.S.Venkatachalam, Managing Director, Wizard system,
33. 15.09.2021 Online Guest Lecture Digital Transformation Technologies – AI And BOTS Mr.Gopal Kumar, Product Engineer, Max Life Insurance Company Limited, Gurgaon
34. 05.09.2021 Fine Arts Club Activity Teachers Day Celebration Dr.S.VijayaKumar, Professor,ECE
35. 25.08.2021 Inauguration of Association Paavai Association Of Communication Engineers Dr.Harry Gilbert, Senior Geologist, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Chennai
36. 23.08.2021 Online Webinar How To Get Research Internship at MITACS N. Yuthan, A. Thirupughalvan and M. Pragadeesh, IV Year students of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department.
37. 07.08.2021 Online Webinar A Primer To Embedded Software Development Mr.P.Ramkumar, Managing Director, MAX IKON SOLUTIONS Chennai was the guest speaker
38. 31.07.2021 Online Webinar Engineers Impact In Digital Industries Mr.M.Parthiban, Technical Product Manager, Caliber Embedded Pvt. Ltd, Salem
39. 19.07.2021 Guest Lecture “Opportunities After Engineering Through GATE | ESE | PSU Mr.S.Manimohan Trinath, GATE/ESE Faculty, ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad, Telengana
Academic Year 2020-2021

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource person
1 19.05.2021 Inauguration Inauguration of IETE Student Forum Mr.K.Kavin Kumar,
AP, ECE, IETE Erode centre.
2 19.05.2021 Webinar Recent Technological Advancements in VLSI Design Mr.P.Vignesh,
IC Verification Engineer,
Simulus Automation Pvt., Ltd., Chennai
3 17.03.2021 Webinar Career Opportunity for Higher Studies in Abroad Ms.Anusuya Marimutbu,
Pursuing MS in Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.
4 13.03.2021 Webinar Opto Electronics – Light sources and Display devices Dr.L.Bharathi,
Professor & Head ECE,
Ramachandra College of Engineering,
Andhra Pradesh
5 10.10.2020 Guest Lecture Industrial Application of Embedded Systems Dr.D.Rukmani Devi,
Professor,ECE,R.M.D Engineering College, Thiruvallur.
6 26.09.2020 Webinar Internet of Things: Present and Future Mr.S.Sunilkumar,
Technology Strategy Architect,
Decoding&Coding, E2E Technology
7 16.08.2020 Alumni Guest Lecture Enrich Your Skills in Cloud Before Being a Graduate Ms.Menaka Priyadharshini Baskar, Associate Software Engineer, Accenture, Chennai.
8 18.07.2020 Webinar – Online Teaching Techniques and Tools 1.Dr.A.Kalaivani , Associate Professor, CSE Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai. 2.Dr.Vishaldatt Kohir, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, KBN University, Bangalore.
9 15.07.2020 Webinar Recent trends in Microstrip Antenna Technology Dr.Swagata Sarkar , Professor & Head , Department of Artificial Intelligence, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
10 11.07.2020 Webinar Recent Trends in Enbedded Systems(Automative Domain) Mr.Karthik Kandasamy, Technical Leader, Veoneer Automative India Ltd., Banglore.
11 07.07.2020 & 08.07.2020 Quiz Program Quiz – Digital Electronics
12 03.07.2020 Webinar Things to do in your 20’s to be Successful. Dr,M.Issa Fathima Jasmine, Consultant Orthodonist, Founder, Ayyamittu Unn, CHRO, Dynamic Netsoft Technologies
13 21.06.2020 Webinar Cognitive Radio: An Intelligent Wireless Communication Systems Mrs.M.Sarawathi, Associate Professor,ECE, Panimalar Engineering College
14 13.06.2020 Webinar Recent Trends in Semiconductor Industry and ASIC Verification Ms.Lavanya Ayiraramu, IC Verification Engineer, Stimulus Automation Pvt., Ltd.,
15 04.06.2020 Alumni Guest Lecture Life After Engineering Degree Mr.Ajay Antony, Assistant Manager, Global Customs, Vestas Wind India Pvt., Ltd., Chennai

Academic Year 2019-2020

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource person
1 26.06.2019 Alumni Guest lecture Telecommunication-Software development perspective Mr.Anbarasu Shanmugam, Project Consultant, Capgemini technology services india limited, Bangalore.
2 06.09.2019 Guest lecture RF MEMS for Wireless Communication Dr.B.Nataraj, Associate Professor,ECE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore-641022.
3 18.12.2019 Workshop Future of Leadership Mr.Ajit Moorthy, Co-Chair, E&I Vertical Chain, Coimbatore.
4 20.12.2019 Workshop Ethical Hacking Mr.S.Vivek, CEO , Ozone Cyber Security, Kerala.
5 22.01.2020 Workshop Blue Ocean strategy Mr.K.Aravindhan, Post Chair, Yi Salem Chapter, CEO, MSV groups.
6 04.02.2020 & 05.02.2020 Workshop Synchronization with IoT Mrs.Vimaladevi, HR, Caliber Embedded Technologies.

Academic year 2018 – 2019

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource person
1 1.3.19, 2.3.19 CSIR sponsored Two Day National Level Workshop Technological Advancementand Development for the safety of Women Mrs.L.Mukhil, Block Stastical Investigator, Department of Statistic, Namakkal
2 20.12.18, 21.12.18, 22.12.18 CSIR sponsored National level three days seminar Challenges in charging of Electrical Vehicle for Green Environment Dr.E.Chandra sekaran, Associate Professor, Dept.of EEE , Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
3 7.1.19 Paper Presentation Through “Electronics Club” Recent trends in respective departments Dr.R.Arangasamy
4 7.1.19 ELECTRA 2K 19 Quiz General Quiz and current affairs Dr.R.Arangasamy
5 21.02.19 Guest Lecture Industry Expectation Versus Student Expectation Mr.R.Thamarai Selva Prakasam, Technical Specialist, Tech Mahendra, Quatar.
6 20.1.19 Guest Lecture Discover the ifference in Networking and Data Communication Mr.S.Santhakumar, Application Security Engineer, Cognizant Technology Solutions (I) Pvt.Ltd, Cochin Naveda Campus (CNC), Kerala.

Academic Year 2017 – 2018

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource person
1 14.03.2018 One-Day
5G Technology Mr.V.Anbalagan,
Sub Divisional Engineer,
BSNL, Salem.
2 01.12.2017 One-Day
Challenges in hardware
interfacing with ARM processor
using Embedded C
Assistant Professor
Paavai Engineering College
3 28, 29 & 30.11.2017 Inplant Training Workshop On Fundamentals Of
Agm(Enterprise Business),
BSNL Salem
4 23.09.2017 Guest
Mobile App Development Mr.KarthikVaradharaj
Lead Engineer (Technical)
Accenture Services
Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
5 14.09.2017 Guest
Communicate to Express not
to Impress
Director- Learning and Development Learning Solutions @ De’arc, Chennai
6 07.09.2017 Intra
Recent Trends in
Mr.K. Sriram Kumar
Engineer (Technical)
Accenture Services
Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

Academic Year 2016 – 2017

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource person
1 11.03.2017 Guest
ElectromagneticCompatibilityEducational andIndustrial Perspectives Dr.T.R.SureshKumar,
Treasurer,IEEE EMC Society
Madras Chapter and
Associate Professor,
School ofElectronics Engineering,VIT, Vellore
2 06.10.2016
& 07.10.2016
ElectronicProductDesign Mr.NirmalSharavanan
Breathe Electronics,
3 08.08.2016 Guest
IndustrialNeeds inVLSI Design Dr.V.Selvakumar
EngineerSynopsys(I) Pvt.Ltd,Bangalore

Academic Year 2015 – 2016

S.No. Date Type of the programme Title of the programme Resource person
1 19.03.2016 Project
PARIKSHA Dr.K.K.Ramasamy,
2 14.09.2015 Two-day
National Level
Technical Symposium
VIBRANTZ2K15 Mr.B.GangadharaRao
Electrical Division,
IIGM Private Ltd,Bangalore
3 01.08.2015 Guest
RecentTrendsin Fiber Optic
Dr.D.SriramKumar, Professorand Head,
Dept of ECE,NIT,Trichy