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Academic Year 2022-2023

S.No Name of the Faculty Member Title Organized by Date
1. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Workshop on Challenges and opportunities in 5G antenna design for smartphone wearables and communication Coimbatore Institute of Technology 10.03.2023 & 11.03.2023
2. Dr.T.Loganayagi Six Days Development programme on , “ Enhancing the Research Papers and Usage of Research Tools” Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology 06.03.2022 – 11.03.2023
3. Mrs. R. Bhuvaneshwari Six Days Development programme on , “ Enhancing the Research Papers and Usage of Research Tools” Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology 06.03.2022 – 11.03.2023
4. Mr. S. SatheeshKumar 5 Days Faculty Development program on “ Deep Learning Application Development , Tools and Research” VVIT, Pune , India 28.2.2023-04.03.2023
5. Mr.G.Nandhakumar Workshop on Analytical Consulting Jobaaj Learnings online course 30.01.2023
6. Mr.S. Vijayakumar Workshop on Analytical Consulting Jobaaj Learnings online course, 30.01.2023
7. Mr.K.Venkatachalam Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles Sri Krishna College of Technology, under Institutions Innovation Council (IIC), Coimbatore 30.01.2023 – 03.02.2023
8. Mrs. S.Usha Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles Sri Krishna College of Technology, under Institutions Innovation Council (IIC),Coimbatore 30.01.2023 – 03.02.2023
9. Mr.S.Satheeshkumar Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles Sri Krishna College of Technology, under Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) 30.01.2023 – 03.02.2023
10. Mrs.C.Vanaja Online Development Programme titled on ,” Innovation in Mentoring Pedagogy and Incorporation of ICT techniques in Education Paavai Engineering College , Autonomous Institution, Approved by AICTE, A fileted to Anna University, Accredited NAAC with’A’ Grade, Namakkal 30.01.2023 – 04.02.2023
11. Mr. S.Vijayakumar Internship Programme in Artificial Intelligence using Python MARCELLO TECH , Tiruchirapalli 20.01.2023 – 25.01.2023
12. Mr.G.Nandhakumar Internship Programme in Artificial Intelligence using Python MARCELLO TECH , Tiruchirapalli 20.01.2023 – 25.01.2023
13. Mr.S.VIjayakumar Turnip Innovations as a One day Online Workshop in Intellectual Property Commercialization Turnip Innovation Festival 2023,Kolkatta 21.01.2023
14. Mr.G.Nandhakumar Turnip Innovations as a One day Online Workshop in Intellectual Property Commercialization Turnip Innovation Festival 2023, Kolkatta 21.01.2023
15. Mrs.T.Loganayagi Webinar on “ National Startup Day” Paavai Engineering College , Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) in association with EDC 16.01.2023
16. Mrs. C. Vanaja Webinar on “ National Startup Day” Paavai Engineering College , Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) in association with EDC 16.01.2023
17. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Webinar on 7 Top Universities of Taiwan (NTNU,NSYSU,NYCU,CMU,CGU.KMU,YZU) on Real-Time Information about Admission, Scholarship ,Applicable Majors & Internship Opportunities. EduCare Taiwan 8.1.2023
18. Mrs.C.Vanaja Webinar on Entreneurship skill, attitude and Behavioral Development St. Mother Teresa Engineering College, Vagaikulam, Thoothukudi 07.01.2023
19. Dr,.T. Loganayagi International Webinar on Importance of Preparedness for Educators “Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society “ , Hyderabad 31.12.2022
20. Mr.Satheeshkumar Program on Fundamental of Digital Image Processing Scientific International Publishing House (SIPH) 25.12.2022
21. Mr.K.Venkatachalam Program on Fundamental of Digital Image Processing Scientific International Publishing House (SIPH) 25.12.2022
22. Mr. S.Satheeshkumar Skill Development programme on, “Advanced Feature Tools in Office Automation” Periyar Manammmai Institute of Science and Technology 28.11.2022 – 03.12.2022
23. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Webinar on Solar Photovoltaic for Sustainable Future Centre For Research and Development in Education and Social Integration ( CRESIHRD “Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society “ , Hyderabad 24.11.2022
24. Mr.S.Vijay Murugan Webinar on Solar Photovoltaic for Sustainable Future Centre For Research and Development in Education and Social Integration ( CRESIHRD “Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society “ , Hyderabad 24.11.2022
25. Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari Webinar on Solar Photovoltaic for Sustainable Future Centre For Research and Development in Education and Social Integration ( CRESIHRD) “Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society “ , Hyderabad 24.12.2022
26. Mrs.C.Vanaja, Webinar on Energy Conservation in Domestic Sector – Do’s and Don’ts Christ The King Engineering College Coimbatore 14.12.2022
27. Dr.T.Loganayagi Online Seminar on Turn Your Ideas into Patient Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), 30.11.2022
28. Dr.T.Loganayagi One Week Online Skill Development Programme on “ Advanced Feature Tools in Office Automation” Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Thanjavur 28.11.2022 03.12.2022
29. Mr.S.Satheeshkumar One Week Online Skill Development Programme on “ Advanced Feature Tools in Office Automation” Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology,Thanjavur 28.11.2022 03.12.2022
30. Mr.S.Vijaya Murugan Workshop on Designing of Smart Security Device for Women Safety Using IOT Kishori Raman PG college 26.11.2022- 27.11.2022
31. Dr.T.Loganayagi International Webinar on “ Advanced Transparent Ceramic Materials For Difference Applications” Centre for Research and education in Social Integration and HR Development, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology. 26.11..2022
32. Dr.S.Vijayakumar International Webinar on “ Advanced Transparent Ceramic Materials For Difference Applications” Centre for Research and education in Social Integration and HR Development, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology. 26.11..2022
33. Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari International Webinar on “ Advanced Transparent Ceramic Materials For Difference Applications” Centre for Research and education in Social Integration and HR Development, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology. 26.11..2022
34. Dr.S.Vijayakumar International Webinar on “ Advanced Transparent Ceramic Materials For Defence Applications Centre for Research and education in Social Integration and HR Development, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology. 26.11..2022
35. Mrs.S.Usha FDP on Application of Machine Learning in Modern Cloud ERA Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Thanjavur 28 .10-2022-03.11.2022
36. SATHISH.S FDP on Applications of Machine Learning in Modern Cloud Era Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur 28.10.22 to 03.11.22
37. Dr.R.Mohana Priya FDP on Applications of Machine Learning in Modern Cloud Era Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur 28.10.22 to 03.11.22
38. Dr.T.Loganayaki Webinar on Effective teaching: Insights from Education Psychology Bharath Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hydrabad 15.10.2022
39. Mr.S.Loganathan Webinar on Building and leading a Volunteer organization St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai 05.10.2022
40. Mr.S.Vijaya Murugan Seminar on Understanding of Key Indicators and Metrics for Preparation of DVV and Documents for Submission of SSR of Autonomous Institutes AISSMS Institute of information Technology,Maharastra 01.10.2022
41. Mrs.S.Usha Webinar on Advanced Materials for Armor Applications Bharat Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Hydrabad 01.10.2022
42. SATHISH.S Webinar on Become Entrepreneur through Practicing Advances in CFD SIMATS School of Engineering 28.09.2022
43. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Webinar on Become Entrepreneur through Practicing Advances in CFD SIMATS School of Engineering 28.09.22
44. S. Vijayakumar Trainer Program on Powering IOT using Ardiuno/Raspberry PI Skills da Center for Advance Training 26.09.2022- 30.09.2022
45. Mr.S.Loganathan FDP on Recent Tools & technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Mandapalle, Andhra Pradesh 19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022
46. Mr.G.Nandhakumar FDP on Recent Tools & technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Mandapalle, Andhra Pradesh 19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022
47. Mr.S.Vijayakumar FDP on Recent Tools & technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Mandapalle, Andhra Pradesh 19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022
48. Dr.T.Loganayagi FDP on Recent Tools & technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Mandapalle, Andhra Pradesh 19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022
49. Mrs.S.Usha FDP on Recent Tools & technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Mandapalle, Andhra Pradesh 19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022
50. Mr. S.Satheeshkumar FDP on Recent Tools & technologies for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Mandapalle, Andhra Pradesh 19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022
51. Mr.S.Sathish FDP on Recent Tools & Techniques for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science,Chittoor 19.9.22 to 26.9.22
52. Dr.R.Mohana Priya FDP on Recent Tools & Techniques for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science,Chittoor 19.9.22 to 26.9.22
53. Dr.S. Vijaya kumar Webinar on Educator’s Role in Promoting Mental Health and Wellness Jointly Bharat Institute Of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad 17.09.2022
54. Mr.S. Vijaya kumar Webinar on Educator’s Role in Promoting Mental Health and Wellness Jointly Bharat Institute Of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad 17.09.2022
55. Mr.S.Sathish Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights St. Mother Theresa Engineering College 17.09.22
56. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights St. Mother Theresa Engineering College 17.09.22
57. Mr.S. Vijaya kumar Mr.G.Nandhakumar Online course on Learnathon 2022 ICT Academy 25.08.2022
58. Mr.S. Satheeshkumar Eight Day Faculty development Program on Research ,Publication and patent inn humanities and sciences SRM institute OF Science and Technology, Ramapuram campus 22.08.2022 – 30.02.2022
59. Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari Webinar on Amazon wed services M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering 22.08.2022- 27.08.2022
60. Mr.S.Sathish Expert talk on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Sri Sairam Engineering College,Chennai 12.08.2022
61. Mrs.S.Usha Mr.S.Vijay Murugan Webinar on Electrified Transportation The Past ,Present and Future Simats School of Engineering,Chennai 05.08.2022
62. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Race for 5G supremacy and security Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai 05.08.2022
63. Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari FDP on Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles PSN College Of Engineering And Technology 25.07.2022- 29.07.2022
64. Mr.S.Loganathan Workshop on International and National Patent Drafting and Filing T.John Institute of Technology,Bangalore 23.7.2023
65. Dr.R.Mohanapriya Workshop on International and National Patent Drafting and Filing T.John Institute of Technology,Bangalore 23.0.2023
66. Mrs.C.Vanaja Acted as Resource Person on Development Programme titled on “Antennas and Microwave Engineering” RVS College Of Engineering And Technology 21.07.2022
67. Mr.S.Vijaya kumar FDP on SOC Design Methodologies Using INTEL FPGA’s St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology 20.07.2022- 22.07.2022
68. Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari Online Faculty Development on Programme, “EC8701 Antennas and Microwave Engineering” RVS college OF Engineering and Engineering, Coimbatore 18.07.2022 – 22.07.2022
69. Mr.S.Satheeshkumar Online Faculty Development on Programme, “EC8701 Antennas and Microwave Engineering” RVS college OF Engineering and Engineering, Coimbatore 18.07.2022 – 22.07.2022
70. Mrs.S.Usha Training Program on “National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission” Intellectual Property Office and MoE’s Innovation Cell India 28.04. 2022

Academic Year 2021-2022

S.No. Name of the Faculty Title Organized by Date
1. Dr.M.Sudha One week online certificate course on “Recent Trends in wastewater Treatment and Management” St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad. 07.07.2021 to 13.07.2021
2. Dr.M.Sudha Art of Writing Research Paper TEAM 2020 Helpers(Non-Profit Organization, West Bengal, India) 04.07.2021
3. Dr.M.Sudha Power Electronics: The past, Present and Future Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai. 19.06.2021
4. Dr.M.Sudha International Webinar on “Channel Modelling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR)” KL University, Vijayavada. 14.06.2021
5. Dr.M.Sudha Research Methodology Dept. of EEE, AMET, Chennai. 01.06.2021
6. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Future of data transmission Lifi Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore 25.07.2020
7. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Where will you fire in real time project Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore 02.07.2020
8. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Using Autocrat for document Automation. Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad. 19.06.2021
9. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
10. Dr.S.Vijayakumar (STTP) – FPGA based Digital System Design with HDL Dept, of ECE, Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College, Chennai 03.05.2021 to 08.05.2021
11. Dr.S.Vijayakumar High Performance Metallic Materials For Energy Storage And Power Generation Sector (MATAPP 2021) VIT vellore 22.04.21 to 23.04.21
12. Dr.S.Elango International Webinar on “Channel Modelling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR)” KL University, Vijayavada. 14.06.2021
13. Dr.S.Elango Using Autocrat for document Automation. Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad. 19.06.2021
14. Dr.S.Elango Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
15. Dr.S.Elango AICTE STTP on Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Institute of Technology 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020
16. Dr.T.Aruna Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
17. Dr. T. Loganayagi Research Avenues in Microwave Technologies Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 28.06.2021 to 30.06.2021
18. Dr. T. Loganayagi Impact of High Frequency Switching on Electrical Machines – Part Institute of Engineering and Technology 24.04.2021
19. Dr. T. Loganayagi The Use of Machine Learning in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Data Institute of Engineering and Technology 24.04.2021
20. Dr. T. Loganayagi Real Time Drives and Motors Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur 21.04.2021
21. Dr. T. Loganayagi Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
22. Dr. T. Loganayagi Opportunities for students and faculties – Early Stage Entrepreneurs CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru 12.05.2021
23. Dr. T. Loganayagi Impact of High Frequency Switching on Electrical Machines – Part 1 Institute of Engineering and Technology 14.05.2021
24. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari International Webinar on “Channel Modelling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR)” KL University, Vijayavada. 14.06.2021
25. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
26. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Emerging Trends in advanced Signal and Image Processing Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women 15.02.2021 to 20.02.2020
27. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari IoT and Embedded Applications IISc 07.12.2020 to 11.12.2020
28. Mr.S.Vijayakumar Using Autocrat for document Automation. Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad. 19.06.2021
29. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Workshop on RF system design using ADS. Kumaraguru College of Technology. 28.07.2021 to 30.07.2021
30. Mrs.E.Sangeetha International Webinar on “Channel Modelling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR)” KL University, Vijayavada. 14.06.2021
31. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Controlled Partial Image Encryption Based on LSIC and Chaotic map Yelagiri Hills ACM Professional Chapter 05.06.2021
32. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Workshop on RF system design using ADS. Kumaraguru College of Technology. 28.07.2021 to 30.07.2021
33. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Career Opportunities in EV Industry Mohammed Sathak AJ College of Engineering. 12.07.2021
34. Dr.R.Mohana Priya FDP on “Innovation Incubation Start-ups & Research Challenges in INDIA. Idhaya Engineering College for Women, Chinnasalem. 07.06.2021 to 11.06.2021
35. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Current Research in VLSI Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 03.06.2021
36. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Hardware Aspects of Embedded System CSI College of Engineering, The Nilgiris. 02.06.2021
37. Mrs.C.Vanaja IOT in Telemedicine Dept. of ECE, Hindustan Institute of Technology 26.06.2021
38. Mrs.C.Vanaja Webinar on Intelligence unit commitment with vehicle to grid using hybrid optimization technique St.Joseph’s IEEE student branch chapter 25.06.2021
39. Mrs.C.Vanaja Teachers Role in NEP-2020 Implementation BharatiyShikshan Mandal and NITI Aayog 19.06.2021
40. Mrs.C.Vanaja Channel Modeling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR) Dept. of ECE, KL University 14.06.2021
41. Mrs.C.Vanaja Webinar on Atomic Science St. Joseph’s College of Engineering 12.06.2021
42. Mrs.C.Vanaja FDP on “Recent advancement in Electronics and Communication Engineering” Dept. of ECE, Dr. N.G.P institute of technology, Coimbatore 08.06.2021-12.06.2021
43. Mrs.C.Vanaja FDP on “Role of Materials in Electrical Vehicles” AICTE Training And Learning(ATAL) Academy 07.06.2021-11.06.2021
44. Mrs.C.Vanaja Green technology and sustainability Engineering Indian Institute of Carpet Technology 31.5.2021 to 04.06.2021
45. Mr.S.Loganathan Importance and Demand of Cyber Security in Digitalization TEAM 2020 Helpers(Non-Profit Organization, West Bengal, India) 20.07.2021
46. Mr.S.Loganathan One week online certificate course on “Recent Trends in wastewater Treatment and Management” St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad. 07.07.2021 to 13.07.2021
47. Mr.S.Loganathan Art of Writing Research Paper TEAM 2020 Helpers(Non-Profit Organization, West Bengal, India) 04.07.2021
48. Mr.S.Loganathan FPGS Based Digital System Design with HDL Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College 28.06.2021 to 03.07.2021
49. Mr.S.Loganathan Using Autocrat for document Automation. Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad. 16.06.2021
50. Mr.S.Loganathan International Webinar on “Channel Modelling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR)” KL University, Vijayavada. 14.06.2021
51. Mr.P.Periyathambi International Webinar on “Channel Modelling and Antennas for 5G New Radio(NR)” KL University, Vijayavada. 14.06.2021
52. Mr.G.Nanthakumar Using Autocrat for document Automation. Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad. 19.06.2021
53. Mr.G.Nanthakumar Hardware Aspects of Embedded System Dept, of ECE, CSI College of Engineering, Ooty. 02.06.2021
54. Mr.S.Sathish A Primer to embedded software development Departmenr of ECE,Paavai Engineering College 07.08.2021
55. Mr.S.Sathish Business model canvas Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 11.08.2021
56. Mr.S.Sathish How to plan for Startup, Legal & Ethical steps Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 20.08.2021
57. Mr.S.Sathish Google Sheets Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) 21.08.2021
58. Mr.S.Sathish Opportunities for early stage Entrepreneurship Sri Venkateshwaraa college of engineering and technology, Puducherry 21.08.2021
59. Mr.S.Sathish MENTORSHIP SESSION FOR INNOVATORS ON LEAD THE LEADERSHIP Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 03.09.2021
60. Mr.S.Sathish Research Methodology: ‘A Prelude to Academic Excellence’ Yeldo Mar BaseliosCollege, Kerala 01.09.2021 to 03.09.2021
61. Mr.S.Sathish Google Data Studio Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) 04.09.2021
62. Mr.S.Sathish Prototyping and product development Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 08.09.2021
63. Mr.S.Sathish Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics in RAAF of NAAC Rajalakshmi Engineering College 17.09.2021
64. Mr.S.Sathish INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR STARTUPS Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 18.09.2021
65. Dr.R.Mohana Priya A Primer to embedded software development Departmenr of ECE,Paavai Engineering College 07.08.2021
66. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Business model canvas Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 11.08.2021
67. Dr.R.Mohana Priya How to plan for Startup, Legal & Ethical steps Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 20.08.2021
68. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Google Sheets Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) 21.08.2021
69. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Opportunities for early stage Entrepreneurship Sri Venkateshwaraa college of engineering and technology, Puducherry 21.08.2021
70. Dr.R.Mohana Priya MENTORSHIP SESSION FOR INNOVATORS ON LEAD THE LEADERSHIP Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 03.09.2021
71. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Research Methodology: ‘A Prelude to Academic Excellence’ Yeldo Mar BaseliosCollege, Kerala 01.09.2021 to 03.09.2021
72. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Google Data Studio Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) 04.09.2021
73. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Prototyping and product development Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 08.09.2021
74. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics in RAAF of NAAC Rajalakshmi Engineering College 17.09.2021
75. Dr.R.Mohana Priya INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR STARTUPS Puducherry Technological University,Puducherry 18.09.2021

Academic Year 2020-2021

S.No. Name of the Faculty Title Organized by Date
1. Mr.J.Asokan Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
2. Mr.G.Nanthakumar Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
3. Dr.M.Sudha Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunities for early Stage Entrepreneurs Panimalar Institute of Technology 21.05.2021
4. Dr.M.Sudha The Spread of Happy Virus Vaccinate with NLP International Institute for Professional Excellence, Canada 20.05.2021 to 21.05.2021
5. Dr.M.Sudha Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
6. Dr.M.Sudha STTP- Emerging Trends in Advanced Signal & Image Processing Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Hyderabad 03.05.2021 to 08.05.2021
7. Dr.M.Sudha (STTP) – FPGA based Digital System Design with HDL Dept, of ECE, Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College, Chennai 03.05.2021 to 08.05.2021
8. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar CCTV Practical Training Workshop Skill, Mumbai 26.05.2021 to 28.05.2021
9. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
10. Mr.P.Periyathambi Workshop on Noise Characterization in Communication Dept. of ECE, Annapoorna Engineering College, Salem 11.05.2021
11. Mr.S.Loganathan Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
12. Mr.S.Loganathan STTP- Emerging Trends in Advanced Signal & Image Processing Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Hyderabad 03.05.2021 to 08.05.2021
13. Mr.S.Loganathan Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunities for early Stage Entrepreneurs Panimalar Institute of Technology 21.05.2021
14. Mr.P.Periyathambi Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
15. Mr.P.Periyathambi Webinar on Research Scope in Satellite Image Processing Dept, of ECE. Jai Sriram Engineering College, Thirupur. 12.05.2021
16. Mrs.C.Vanaja “Nano Fluids in Solar Energy: Applications and Challenges” Ramco Institute of Technology, Chennai 06.05.2021
17. Mrs.C.Vanaja 3-Day Workshop on Role of Electrical Engineer in Space Agency St. Joseph College of Engineering (Jeppiaar Educational Trust IEEE) 14.05.2021 to 16.05.2021
18. Mrs.C.Vanaja Energy Storage Institute of Aeronautical Engineering 17.05.2021 to 21.05.2021
19. Mrs.C.Vanaja Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
20. Mrs.C.Vanaja Image Dehazing Technology centre for Embedded and IoT and IIC,MSAJCE 27.05.2021 to 28.05.2021
21. Mrs.C.Vanaja Robotic Vision IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and Power Electronics Society 24.05.2021 to 25.05.2021
22. Mrs.C.Vanaja IoT sensors with cloud logging Dept. of ECE, Hindustan Institute of Technology 29.05.2021
23. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
24. Dr.R.Mohana Priya Emerging research areas of Heterogeneous network in Wireless Communication Hindusthan Institute of Technology 21.05.2021
25. Dr.R.Mohana Priya International webinar on “Intelligent Robotic Process automation” Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering 21.05.2021
26. Dr.R.Mohana Priya International webinar on “Exploring Real time technology” Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering 31.05.2021
27. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Why this nasa chief scientist recommend to study-Reliability Educare Taiwan 9.5.2021
28. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Writing a Textbook CSI Madras, ACM and CSI Chennai 12.5.2021
29. Mrs.E.Sangeetha A garden of web based system-Not a silver bullet CSI Madras, ACM and CSI Chennai 15.5.2021
30. Mrs.E.Sangeetha General Discussion Educare Taiwan 16.5.2021
31. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021
32. Mrs.E.Sangeetha General Discussion Educare Taiwan 30.5.2021
33. Mrs.E.Sangeetha How do you write a research paper for journals University of Stirling 20.5.2021
34. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Role of Augmented reality in manufacturing and supply chain today Manufacturing today and Team Viewer 21.5.2021
35. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Automation Studio E7.0 FamicTechnologies,Pune 26.5.2021 & 27.5.2021
36. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Talk on 5G Tech and Deployment across globe AICTE ,India 28.5.2021
37. Mrs.E.Sangeetha Current trends in cyber security for modern Aircrafts/UAVs CSI Madras, ACM and CSI Chennai 28.5.2021
38. Mr.S.Vijayakumar (STTP)-Emerging Trends in VLSI Technology Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Secunderabad 24.05.2021 to 29.05.2021
39. Mr.S.Vijayakumar Additive Manufacturing PEC in Association with Wipro 3D. 19.05.2021

Academic Year 2019-2020

S.No. Name of the Faculty Title Organized by Date
1. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Expanding the scope of Robotics Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore 21.05.2020
2. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Future of Communication Engineering Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore 20.05.2020
3. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Industry 4.0 Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. 19.05.2020
4. Dr.S.Vijayakumar FDP on”RF System Design – Research Perspective Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem (Dt), Tamilnadu, India. 16.05.2020
5. Dr.S.Vijayakumar FDP on CYBER SECURITY Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Narsapur, W.G.Dt,Andhra Pradesh 15.05.2020 to 16.05.2020
6. Dr.S.Vijayakumar The Power of Google Sheet KarpagaVinayaga College Of Engineering And Technology, Chengalpet. 15.05.2020
7. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Machine Learning with Covid’19 Department of IT, Mahendra Engineering College(Autonomous), Mallasamudram. 09.05.2020
8. Dr.S.Vijayakumar CAN Protocol for Automotive Applications Dept, of EEE, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Mallasamudram. 09.05.2020
9. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Nutrition, Fitness and Psychology CII – Yi YUVA 29.03.2020
10. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Find Leadership in You – FLY CII – Yi YUVA 04.04.2020
11. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari ASK -2.0 CII – Yi YUVA 07.04.2020
12. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari In the open sky, Dreams have no borders CII – Yi YUVA 08.04.2020
13. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Future proofing careers CII – Yi YUVA 13.04.2020
14. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Online session on excel CII – Yi YUVA 20.04.2020
15. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Design your career CII – Yi YUVA 27.04.2020
16. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Building a personal brand in digital era CII – Yi YUVA 16.05.2020
17. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Turn setbacks into comebacks CII – Yi YUVA 16.05.2020
18. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Cook with ranveerbrar CII – Yi YUVA 22.05.2020
19. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Growing revenue with near-zero investment CII – Yi YUVA 23.05.2020
20. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Internet of Things National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh 10.04.2020 to 14.04.2020 (1week STTP)
21. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari An Introduction to Cloud Computing AWS Educate 16.04.2020
22. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Basics of Electronics Crystal Clear Technology and Innovation (CCTI) , Coimbatore 29.04.2020
23. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari The Power of A Teacher Skycampus, ICTACADEMY 04.05.2020
24. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Research in 5G Communication and Beyond Rohini College of Engineering & Technology, Kanyakumari 04.05.2020 to 06.05.2020
25. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Tips for Clearing Patent Agent Examination Velammal Engineering College, Chennai 06.05.2020 & 07.05.2020 (FDP)
26. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Effective Project Proposal Writing Velammal Engineering College, Chennai 08.05.2020 & 09.05.2020 (FDP)
27. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Challenges and Innovation in Renewable Energy Technologies by 2020 Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attur 09.05.2020 & 10.05.2020 (FDP)
28. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Current Trends in IT and Reality Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 11.05.2020
29. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Grid Connected and Standalone Microgrid Design Using Homepro Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode 14.05.2020
30. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari RF System Design- Research Perspective Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attur 16/5/2020 (FDP)
31. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari LaTex and Xfig St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology & Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay 15.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 (FDP)
32. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Future of Entrepreneurship and Employment Opportunities Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 13.05.2020 to 15.05.2020.
33. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Specific Designs with Altera Quartus II Nandha College of Engineering, Eorde 22.05.2020
34. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Digital System Design with Verilog and Vivado Sandeepani School of Embedded System Design, Bangalore 11.05.2020 to 15.05.2020
35. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Technology- The Future of Recruitment Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore 23.05.2020
36. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Recent trends in Electronics Industry RTEI-2020 Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Rajampet, AP 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 (FDP)
37. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Network Simulation and Protocol AnalysisUsing NS2 NSG-2.1 and Wireshark Narshimareddy Engineering College,Seecunderabad 23.05.2020 to 25.05.2020 (FDP)
38. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Big data and AI The Ohio State University 15.05.2020
39. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Advanced Embedded controller for power electronics applications Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam. 27.05.2020
40. Mrs.A.Samundeeswari Writing Quality Research Paper and Proposal International School of Management, Patna 22.05.2020 (FDP)
41. Mrs.E.Sangeetha COVID 19 Infodemic and Communication Challenges Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. 23.05.2020
42. Mrs.E.Sangeetha 5G Enabling Technology and its PROS and CONS Dept, of ECE, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. 16.05.2020
43. Mrs.E.Sangeetha NAAC Awareness Programme for faculty Marathwada Mitra Mandal Institute of Technology(MMIT),Pune 08.05.2020 to 14.05.2020
44. Dr.R.Mohanapriya Patent Drafting for Beginers Salem College of Engineering,Salem 26.04.2020
45. Dr.R.Mohanapriya Knowledge sharing session on success tips for research proposal and research paper K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,Trichy 01.05.2020
46. Dr.R.Mohanapriya How to build your personal brand on LinkedIn SNS College of Technology 08.05.2020
47. Dr.R.Mohanapriya 21st century communication skills powered by Artificial intelligence Chennai Institute of Technology 08.05.2020
48. Dr.R.Mohanapriya A new approach for writing academic papers and improving citation index Excel college of Engineering 13.05.2020
49. Dr.R.Mohanapriya Positive attitude during crisis or lockdown Excel college of Engineering 14.05.2020
50. Dr.R.Mohanapriya IPR and IP management for innovation and startups R.M.K College of Engineering 15.05.2020
51. Dr.R.Mohanapriya Good Teacher to Great Teacher ICT Academy Sky Campus 14.05.2020
52. Dr.R.Mohanapriya NAAC Awareness Programme for Faculty Marathwada Instiute of Technology 08.05.2020 to 14.05.2020
53. Dr.R.Mohanapriya BOSS-LINUX UBUNTU Operating system Karmaveer Patil College of Engineering,Satara. 15.04.2020to 21.04.2020 (FDP)
54. Dr.R.Mohanapriya Network Simulation and protocol analysis using NS2 and Wireshark Narshima Reddy Engineering College,Hyderabad 23.05.2020to 25.05.2020 (FDP)
55. Mr.G.Nandhakumar Grid Connected and Standalone Microgrid Design uisngHOMERpro Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode 14.05.2020
56. Mr.G.Nandhakumar AI – From Zero to Hero Dept, of CSE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal. 22.05.2020
57. Mr.G.Nandhakumar IOT using Arduino VSM College of Engineering 24.05.2020
58. Mr.J.Asokan Cyber security Dept of CSE, Swarnandhra College of Engineering& Technology. 15.05.2020& 16.05.2020
59. Mr.J.Asokan learning opportunities during COVID-19 Dept, of ECE, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai 14.05.2020
60. Mr.J.Asokan How to start your Journey as a Entrepreneur Dept, of ECE, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai 12.05.2020
61. Mr.J.Asokan Current trends in IT and Reality Dept, of ECE, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai 11.05.2020
62. Mr.J.Asokan Grant and Research proposal writing Dept of ECE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. 20.05.2020
63. Mr.J.Asokan IOT using Arduino Dept of ECE, VSM College of Engineering, Kakinada. 24..5.2020
64. Mr.J.Asokan AI and Image processing using MATLAB Dept of ECE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. 19.05.2020
65. Mr.J.Asokan Home automation using IoT Hands on training with Ticker CAD simulation software Dept of ECE, Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 26.05.2020 & 27.05.2020
66. Dr. T. Aruna RF Design Research Perspective Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem. 16.05.2020 (FDP)
67. Dr. T. Aruna Smart Grid Technology for Modern Power System Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. 15.05.2020
68. Dr. T. Aruna Artificial Intelligence VBEC, Telengana. 22.05.2020 to 26.05.2020 (FDP)
69. Dr. T. Aruna Internet of Things MHRD, IIC, Vinayaga Mission’s KirupanandaVariyar’sEngg College, Salem. 21.05.2020
70. Dr. T. Aruna Home Automation using IoT Tinker cad ide tool hands on training through online simulator Johnson Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 26.05.2020 & 27.05.2020
71. Dr. T. Aruna “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – An Overview” Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu 29-05-2020
72. Dr.S.Elango Deep Learning in Telecommunication Dept of ECE, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 20.05.2020
73. Dr.S.Elango COVID 19 Infodemic and Communication Challenge Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. 23.05.2020
74. Dr.S.Elango Intellectual Property Rights and its Commercial Aspects Dept of S&H, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. 23.05.2020
75. Dr.S.Elango Psychological strategies to Overcome COVID 19 SRM Institute of Science and Technology 15.05.2020
76. Dr.S.Elango IOT using Arduino Dept, of ECE, VSM College of Engineering, Ramachandrapuram. 24.05.2020
77. Mrs.C.Vanaja How to prepare good research and grand proposal PSNA college of Engineering and technology, Dindigul. 20.05.2020
78. Mrs.C.Vanaja Role of IoT,Embedded and power convertors for electrical vehicles St.Joseph college of Engineering. 18.05.2020 to 22.05.2020 (FDP)
79. Mrs.C.Vanaja Computing Paradigms DON BOSCO College of Engineering. 21.05.2020 & 22.03.2020
80. Mrs.C.Vanaja NAAC Awareness Programme for Faculty Marathwada Mitramandal’s Institute of Technology (MMIT) 08.05.2020 to 14.05.2020
81. Mrs.C.Vanaja Applications of speciality of opicalfibres and photonic ICs RMK college of Engineering and technology. 25.05.2020
82. Mrs.C.Vanaja Computing Electromagnetics Nandha college of technology 26.05.2020
83. Mr.P.Periathambi Advanced Simulation Tools For Electronics Engineers S A Engineering College, Chennai 26.04.2020 to 01.05.2020 (FDP)
84. Mr.P.Periathambi 5G Enabling Technology And Pros And Cons Sathiyabama Institute of Science And Technology, Chennai. 16.05.2020 (FDP)
85. Mr.P.Periathambi Research Visibility- Impact Metrics Vellalar College Of Engineering And Technology, Erode. 11.05.2020 to 13.05.2020 (FDP)
86. Mr.P.Periathambi Network Simulation And Protocol Analysis Using NS2,NSG 2. Wireshark Narashima Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad, 23.05.2020 to 25.05.2020 (FDP)
87. Mr.P.Periathambi 5G Technology And It’s Application Sri Vasavi Institute Of Engineering And Technology, AP 28.05.2020
88. Mr.P.Periathambi “Developing Python GUI Application Using Pyqt5 Sathiyabama Institute Of Science And Technology, Chennai. 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020 (FDP)
89. Mr.P.Periathambi “VLSI IC Design Flow” Anurag University, Hyderabad. 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020 (FDP)
90. Mr.S.Loganathan Challenges and Opportunities in Modern World Through Modern Technologies Surya Engineering college, Erode 22.05.2020
91. Mr.S.Loganathan EDUCATION 4.0 – Future of learning in Pandemic World IQAC, PSR Engineering college, Sivakasi 22.05.2020
92. Mr.S.Loganathan 5G Enabling Technology and it’s PROS and CONS Sathyabama Institute of Science and technology, Chennai 16.05.2020
93. Mr.S.Loganathan Deep Learning for Computer Vision Using MATLAB Dept, of ECE, PSNA College of Engineering and technology, Dindigul. 15.05.2020
94. Mr.S.Loganathan Camera and Image Sensor Features you should know hobbyist Dept, of ECE, PSNA College of Engineering and technology, Dindigul. 14.05.2020
95. Mr.S.Loganathan Python for Data Science Dept, of IT ,Vivekanandha College of Technology for women, Thiruchengode. 12.05.2020
96. Mr.S.Loganathan Grid Connectred and Standalone Microgrid Design using HOMERpro Dept, of EEE, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode 14.05.2020
97. Mr.S.Loganathan RF System design- Research Perspective Dept, of ECE, Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem 16.05.2020 (FDP)
98. Mr.S.Loganathan Insights into Quality Research and Innovation R&D cell and IIC of Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Thiruchengode 13.05.2020 to 20.05.2020 (FDP)
99. Mr.S.Loganathan Scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Automation Dept, of IT, Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology. 11.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 (FDP)
100. Mr.S.Vimalnath Deep Learning for Computer Vision Using MATLAB Dept, of ECE, PSNA College of Engineering and technology, Dindigul. 15.05.2020
101. Mr.S.Vimalnath RF System design- Research Perspective Dept, of ECE, Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem 16.05.2020 (FDP)
102. Mr.S.Vimalnath Role of IoT, Embedded for smart world St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 18.05.2020 to 22.05.2020 (FDP)
103. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Grid connected and Standalone Microgrid Design using HOMERpro Erode Sengunthar Engineering College 14.05.2020
104. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Good Teacher to Great Teacher ICT Academy 14.05.2020
105. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Deep Learning with Computer Vision using MATLAB PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul. 15.05.2020
106. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Solar PV Technology and Applications SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore 15.05.2020
107. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Unlock the Challenges using Research and Innovation Annapoorana Engineering College 15.05.2020
108. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy RF System Design – Research Perspective Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology 16.05.2020
109. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy 5G Enabling Technology and It’s Pros and Cons Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology 16.05.2020
110. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Top Trending Technologies M.P.Nachimuthu M.Jaganathan Engineering College 17.05.2020
111. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Bio medical applications of fiber bragg grating sensor SRM University 18.05.2020
112. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy AI from zero to hero Gnanamani College of Technology 22.05.2020
113. Mr.RavishankarKandasamy Python 3.4.3 St.joseph’s college of Engineering, Kanchipuram 25.05.2020
114. Ms.S.Pavya Energy Auditing and Career Opportunities Sri Eswar College of Engineering 12.05.2020
115. Ms.S.Pavya AI & Machine Learning Sri Eswar College of Engineering,Chennai 14.05.2020
116. Ms.S.Pavya Design, Simulation and Development of unmanned Aerial Vehicles(Drones) and applications in Various Engineering Sectors NAFEMS in association with Rajarambabu Institute of Technology 30.04.2020 to 04.05.2020
117. Ms.S.Pavya How to write a research paper Erode Sengunthar Engineering College 15.05.2020
118. Ms.S.Pavya Virtual FDP on “RF System design Research Perspective” Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology,Salem FDP
119. Ms.S.Pavya Cyber Security Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Chennai 15.05.2020
120. Ms.S.Pavya Data Science for Engineers Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Chennai 13.05.2020
121. Ms.S.Pavya 5G Enabling Technology and It’s Pros and Cons Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology 16.05.2020
122. Ms.S.Pavya What’s Next KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology 16.05.2020
123. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran Energy Auditing and Career Opportunities Sri Eswar College of Engineering 12.05.2020
124. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran AI & Machine Learning Sri Eswar College of Engineering,Chennai 14.05.2020
125. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran Learning through gamification PSNA College of Engineering and Technology 30.04.2020
126. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran Machine Learning with Covid 19 Abe semiconductor Mahindra Engineering 09.05.2020
127. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran Virtual FDP on RF system design Research Perspective Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology,Salem FDP
128. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran Cyber Security Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Chennai 15.05.2020
129. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran Data Science for Engineers Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Chennai 13.05.2020
130. Mr.S.Jotheeswaran What’s Next KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology 16.05.2020
131. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar DIVE INTO IEEE -AN OCEAN OF RESOURCES IEEE Student Branch -Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 04-08-2020
132. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar IMAGE PROCESSING & COMPUTER VISION IN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION & TURBID MEDIA ANALYTICS IEEE Student Branch -Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 04-08-2020
133. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar HACKATHON AWARENESS IEEE Student Branch -Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 04-09-2020
134. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar DATA ANALYTICS AND THE BASICS OF R LANGUAGRE IEEE Student Branch -Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 04-11-2020
135. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar CURRENT TRENDS IN IT AND REALITY Department of ECE, IEEE Student Branch -Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 05-11-2020
136. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar ELECTROMAGNETIC POLLUTION HAZARDS OF CELL PHONE BASE STATION ON ENVIRONMENT Department of ECE, IEEE Student Branch -Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai 13/5/2020
137. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar GRID CONNECTED AND STANDALONE MICRIGRID DESIGN USING HOMERpro Department of EEE, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai,Erode 14/5/2020
138. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar INDUSTRY 5.0 Department of ECE, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai 14/5/2020
139. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar GOOD TEACHER TO GREAT TEACHER ICT Academy Sky Campus 14/05/2020
140. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Industrial Based Embedded System online class(PIC Microcontroller) Crystal Clear Technology and Innovation (CCTI) , Coimbatore 15/05/2020
141. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar MOBILE SERVICE (Esseential Knowledge for all) Crystal Clear Technology and Innovation (CCTI) , Coimbatore 17/05/2020
142. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Experimental Learning Using Virtual Labs UNITIEUP 30/05/2020
143. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar LABVIEW Crystal Clear Technology and Innovation (CCTI) , Coimbatore 06-05-2020
144. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar “Role of Electronics Engineers in Building India: Post COVID-19” Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, G.S. Mandal’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad 06-05-2020
145. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Virtual Interactive Classroom for Teachers and Challenging Technologies in Post COVID 19 Era IFERP 06-05-2020
146. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar PLC Crystal Clear Technology and Innovation (CCTI) , Coimbatore 06-07-2020
147. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar INTERNET OF THINGS National Institute of Technical Teachers Training And Research (NITTTR),Chandigarh 10/04/2020 – 14/04/2020 (1WEEK)
148. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar THREE DAYS FDP ON LaTex and Xfig ST. Joseph’s Institute of Technology & Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay 15/05/2020 – 17-0502020 (3 DAYS FDP)
149. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar An online Faculty Development Programme on RF System Design- Researsh Perspective Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attur, Salem 16/5/2020
150. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar SCOPE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING IN AUTOMATION Velalar College Of Engineering And Technology, Erode 11/05/2020 17/05/2020 (1 WEEK FDP)
151. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Online Teaching-Learning Processes using ICT Tools for Education 4.0 Department Of Information Technology, SVPCET Nagpur, IN Association with Computer Society Of India 8/6/2020 13/6/2020 (1WEEK FDP)
152. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Antenna and Microwave Engineering Department of ECE & IETE Chapter and Society Of EMC Engineers of K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Samayapuram, Trichy 8/6/2020 13/6/2020 (1WEEK FDP)
153. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar 5 DAYS HANDS ON WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING Department Of ECE, Panimalar Institute Of Technology, Chennai 29/04/2020 – 03/05/2020
154. Mr.D.Satheesh Kumar Introduction to Raspberry Pi Department Of IT, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode 06-05-2020

Academic Year 2018-2019

S.No. Name of the Faculty Title Organized by Date
1. S.Loganathan Emerging Cyber Security Trends The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 07.02.2019
2. S.Satheeshkumar Emerging Cyber Security Trends The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 07.02.2019
3. S.Loganathan Recent Trends in Biomedical Communication M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering 19.01.2019
4. A.Samundeeswari Recent Trends in Biomedical Communication M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering 19.01.2019
5. R.Mohanapriya Recent Trends in Biomedical Communication M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering 19.01.2019
6. Dr.T.Loganayaki Investigations on morphological Feature Extraction of Organs from MR Images for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumors Kongu Engineering College, Erode 30.10.18 to 31.10.18
7. L.Punitha Investigations on Morphological Feature Extraction of Organs from MR Images for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumors Kongu Engineering College, Erode 30.10.18 to 31.10.18
8. M.Sudha Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing Using LABVIEW Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram 31.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
9. Dr.S.Kumarganesh Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing Using LABVIEW Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram 31.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
10. A.Kumaravel Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing Using LABVIEW Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram 31.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
11. S.R.Thiruvasagam Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing Using LABVIEW Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram 31.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
12. Dr.T.Loganayagi VLSI and Embedded Systems for IoT Applications SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kancheepuram 30.10.18 to 03.11.18
13. D.Tharani VLSI and Embedded Systems for IoT Applications SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kancheepuram 30.10.18 to 03.11.18
14. P.Krishnasudha VLSI and Embedded Systems for IoT Applications SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kancheepuram 30.10.18 to 03.11.18
15. K.Brindha VLSI and Embedded Systems for IoT Applications SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kancheepuram 30.10.18 to 03.11.18
16. P.Johnvivek Modern Antenna Design for ISM Band Applications Kongu Engineering College, Erode 4.10.18 & 5.10.18
17. J.Asokan Modern Antenna Design for ISM Band Applications Kongu Engineering College, Erode 4.10.18 & 5.10.18
18. E.Sangeetha Recent Trends in MEMS Technology Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Namakkal 29.09.2018
19. Dr.P.Rajkumar Recent Trends in MEMS Technology Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Namakkal 29.09.2018
20. R.Mohanapriya Analysis and Design of 1KV Photovoltaic Array for Domestic applications Cheran College of Engineering 20.9.2018
21. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Analysis and Design of 1KV Photovoltaic Array for Domestic applications Cheran College of Engineering 20.9.2018
22. M.Sudha Analysis and Design of 1KV Photovoltaic Array for Domestic applications Cheran College of Engineering 20.9.2018
23. E.Sangeetha Analysis and Design of 1KV Photovoltaic Array for Domestic applications Cheran College of Engineering 20.9.2018
24. C.Ganesh Recent Trends in Wireless Communication and its Applications M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur. 31.08.18
25. S.Vijayakumar Recent Trends in Wireless Communication and its Applications M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur. 31.08.18
26. C.Vanaja Sensitization on Intellectual Property Rights for Professional Innovators in ICTE Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal 31.08.2018
27. Dr.R.Pushpavalli Sensitization on Intellectual Property Rights for Professional Innovators in ICTE Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal 31.08.2018
28. M.Sudha Digital Signal Processing AVS Engineering College, Salem. 31.08.2018
29. E.Sangeetha Digital Signal Processing AVS Engineering College, Salem. 31.08.2018
30. J.Asokan Business English Certification Cambridge 1.10.2018
31. S.Vimalnath A Recent survey on various Energy Aware routing mechanisms for Collision avoidance in Manet Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women 08.02.2019 to 09.02.2019
32. R.Bhuvaneshwari Investigations on morphological Feature Extraction of Organs from MR Images for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumors Kongu Engineering College, Erode 30.10.18 to 31.10.18
33. K.R.Ganeshkumar Investigations on morphological Feature Extraction of Organs from MR Images for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumors Kongu Engineering College, Erode 30.10.18 to 31.10.18
34. S.Gnanasekaran Analysis and Design of 1KV Photovoltaic Array for Domestic applications Cheran College of Engineering 20.9.2018
35. Dr.N.Angayerkanni Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing Using LABVIEW Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram 31.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
36. R.Boomidevi Sensitization on Intellectual Property Rights for Professional Innovators in ICTE Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal 31.08.2018
37. R.Vetrikani Sensitization on Intellectual Property Rights for Professional Innovators in ICTE Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal 31.08.2018
38. Dr.R.Arangasamy Emerging Cyber Security Trends The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 07.02.2019
39. Dr.V.Sakthivel Emerging Cyber Security Trends The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 07.02.2019
40. G.Nandhakumar Emerging Cyber Security Trends The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 07.02.2019
41. N.MohanRajadurai Recent Trends in Wireless Communication and its Applications The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 31.08.18
42. N.Jeevitha Recent Trends in Wireless Communication and its Applications The Kavery Engineering College, Salem. 31.08.18
43. R.Mohanapriya MATLAB ONRAMP KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode 22.02.2019
44. K.R.Ganeshkumar MATLAB ONRAMP KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode 22.02.2019
45. R.Bhuvaneshwari MATLAB ONRAMP KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode 22.02.2019
46. K.Brindha Digital Signal Processing AVS Engineering College, Salem. 31.08.2018
47. R.Boomidevi Digital Signal Processing AVS Engineering College, Salem. 31.08.2018
48. A.Samundeeswari Short term Course – 5G Technology and Applications Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 28.05.2018 -03.06.2018&6
49. C.Vanaja Short term Course – 5G Technology and Applications Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 28.05.2018 -03.06.2018&6
50. S.Loganathan Short term Course – 5G Technology and Applications Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 28.05.2018 -03.06.2018&6

Academic Year 2017-2018

S.No. Name of the Faculty Title Organized by Date
1. Dr.R.Arangasamy National Startup Summit Ministry of Science and Technology-India International Science festival 13.10.2017 to 16.10.2017
2. R.Mohanapriya National Startup Summit Ministry of Science and Technology-India International Science festival 13.10.2017 to 16.10.2017
3. Dr.T.Loganayaki Automatic Tracking system for student and vehicle by using GPS and GSM Muthyammal Engineering College 30.03.2018 31.03.2018
4. Dr.N.Angayarkanni Impact of Smartphones and Mobile devices on Human health and Life Karpagam College of Engineering 19.04.2018 & 20.04.2018
5. Dr.S.Vijayakumar Applications of Mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering problems Muthyammal Engineering College 31.08.2017
6. S.Vijayakumar Applications of Mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering problems Muthyammal Engineering College 31.08.2017
7. S.Kumarganesh Applications of Mathematical modelling and adaptive neuro fuzzy sets for designing an efficient medical image diagnosis system for identifying common diseases. Mahendra College of Engineering 20.09.2017 &21.09.2017
8. A.Kumaravel Applications of Mathematical modelling and adaptive neuro fuzzy sets for designing an efficient medical image diagnosis system for identifying common diseases. Mahendra College of Engineering 20.09.2017 &21.09.2017
9. L.Punitha Automatic ream handling system for an effective storage in paper industry PSNA College of Engineering and Technology 23.03.2018
10. S.Loganathan An Enhanced method to improve the consistency of paper pulp in paper industries PSNA College of Engineering and Technology 23.03.2018
11. M.Sudha Grid Frequency Based Load control using PIC Microcontroller Nandha Engineering College 23.03.2018
12. E.Sangeetha An efficient approach for adversary node detection in wireless sensor networks Annaporna Engineering College 25.01.2018
13. C.Vanaja Wireless Patient Healthcare monitoring system using IoT Ambal Professional Group of Institutions 27.03.2018 & 28.03.2018
14. A.Samundeeswari Cardio Vascular Diseases -Symptoms and remedial features Nandha Engineering College 07.10.2017
15. G.Nandha Kumar Digital System Design,Verification and Implementation using FPGA Kongu Engineering College 28.09.2017
16. C.Ganesh Digital System Design,Verification and Implementation using FPGA Kongu Engineering College 28.09.2017
17. P.John Vivek Digital System Design,Verification and Implementation using FPGA Kongu Engineering College 28.09.2017
18. S.Satheesh Kumar Digital System Design,Verification and Implementation using FPGA Kongu Engineering College 28.09.2017
19. S.R.Thiruvasagam Cardio Vascular Diseases -Symptoms and remedial features Nandha Engineering College 07.10.2017
20. R.Mohanapriya Cross layer Framework for Traffic Management during Vertical handover in HetNets Knewton Institute of research 02.06.2017 & 03.06.2017
21. S.Vimalnath Cardio Vascular Diseases -Symptoms and remedial features Nandha Engineering College 07.10.2017
22. S.Gnansekaran Cardio Vascular Diseases -Symptoms and remedial features Nandha Engineering College 07.10.2017
23. K.Thendral Cardio Vascular Diseases -Symptoms and remedial features Nandha Engineering College 07.10.2017
24. Ravishankar Kandasamy Applications of Mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering problems Muthyammal Engineering College 31.08.2017
25. K.Nirmala Applications of Mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering problems Muthyammal Engineering College 31.08.2017
26. P.Krishnasudha Cardio Vascular Diseases -Symptoms and remedial features Nandha Engineering College 07.10.2017
27. R.Karthika Applications of Mathematical modelling and adaptive neuro fuzzy sets for designing an efficient medical image diagnosis system for identifying common diseases. Mahendra College of Engineering 20.09.2017 & 21.09.2017
28. G.Thirupathi Applications of Mathematical modelling and adaptive neuro fuzzy sets for designing an efficient medical image diagnosis system for identifying common diseases. Mahendra College of Engineering 20.09.2017 & 21.09.2017
29. D.Tharini Applications of Mathematical modelling and adaptive neuro fuzzy sets for designing an efficient medical image diagnosis system for identifying common diseases. Mahendra College of Engineering 20.09.2017 & 21.09.2017
30. N.Mohanrajadurai Embedded Zero tree Wavelet image compression Nandha College of Technology 08.06.2017 & 09.06.2017
31. R.Vetrikani Embedded Zero tree Wavelet image compression Nandha College of Technology 08.06.2017 & 09.06.2017
32. K.Saranya Embedded Zero tree Wavelet image compression Nandha College of Technology 08.06.2017 & 09.06.2017
33. G.Dhanasekar Embedded Zero tree Wavelet image compression Nandha College of Technology 08.06.2017 & 09.06.2017
34. N.Jeevitha Impact of Smartphones and Mobile devices on Human health and Life Karpagam College of Engineering 19.04.2018 & 20.04.2018
35. K.Baskar Applications of Mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering problems Muthyammal Engineering College 31.08.2017
36. E.Sangeetha Impact of Smartphones and Mobile devices on Human health and Life Karpagam College of Engineering 19.04.2018 & 20.04.2018
37. M.Sathyapriya Applications of Mathematical modelling and simulation in engineering problems Muthyammal Engineering College 31.08.2017
38. R.Mohana Priya Art of writing and publishing effective research paper in Journals and conferences Kongu Engineering College 07.10.2017
39. S.Gnanasekaran Web Development    
40. K.Thendral Web Development    
41. S.Loganathan Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
42. S.R.Thiruvasagam Web Development Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.09.2017
43. R.Iswarya Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
44. N.Shanmugapriya Web Development Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.09.2017
45. C.Vanaja Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
46. M.Senthuran Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
47. N.Thennarasu Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
48. P.Krishnasudha Web Development Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.09.2017
49. A.Samundeeswari Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
50. A.Divya Cyber Security Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.08.2017
51. N.Gayathiri Web Development Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.09.2017
52. N.Jeevitha Web Development Kumaraguru College of Technology 02.09.2017
53. C.Vanaja STTP on Recent research trends In Smart Grid Coimbatore Institute of Technology 23.04.18-29.04.2018&7
54. C.Vanaja Faculty Development on optical communication and Networks M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering 23.06.17-29.06.2017 &7
55. A.Samundeeswari Faculty Development on optical communication and Networks M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering 23.06.17-29.06.2017 &7