Achievements (2023 – 2024)
S.No. | Name of the Faculty with Designation | Department | Name of the Award | Venue and Date | Photo |
1 | Dr.D.R.P Rajarathnam | MCT | Best Senior Faculty Award | 05.09.23 Novel Research Academy-Puducherry | ![]() |
Achievements (2022-2023)
Acedemic Year 2019-2020
Acedemic Year 2018-2019
1. Mr.R.Balaji -IV year MCT has won “Ball Badminton Winner Trophy” held at KCT-Coimbatore on 10.08.17.
2. Mr. G.Abishekmaniraj and M.Perumal-IV year MCT has won IVth Place in “Dr.G.Rajagopal Memorial Trophy State Level Hand Ball Tournament – 2017” held at Coimbatore.
3. Mr. G.Abishekmaniraj and M.Perumal-IV year MCT has won Runner Place in “Kumaraguru Inter College Sports “KICS’17 Hand Ball Men Tournament – 2017” held at Coimbatore from 16th -18th August-2017.
4. Mr. RAMA KRISHNAN. M -III year MCT has won 3rd Place in “3rd State Level Championship – 2017”, (under FLY 52-56 BOXING) organized by Sara Boxing Academy held at Salem on 25th, 26th and 27th August-2017.
5. Mr. Gokulapriyan -II year MCT has achieving an eminent world record under the theme “World Biggest International Hands-on- Security Forensics Workshop” conducted by Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai on 10th September-2017.
6. V.Manivannan-II year MCT has participated in the paper presentation titled “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN CYBERCRIME” and won the FIRST Prize in the 14th National Level Students Technical Symposium held at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 16th September 2017.
7. R.Gokulakrishnan – III MCT has participated in the YOGASANAS (Men) Team secured “RUNNERS” position in the Anna University Inter-Zonal Tournaments for the year 2017-2018, held at J.J. College of Engineering & Technology, Trichy on 26.09.17
8. M.Perumal – IV MCT has participated in the Hand Ball (Men) Team secured “WINNER” position in the Anna University Sports Board, Inter Zonal Tournaments 2017-2018, held at Anna University, Chennai on 4th & 5th October 2017.
9. M.Perumal – IV MCT has participated in the Hand Ball (Men) Team secured “FOURTH PLACE” in the Dass Memorial Trophy, held at
Dindugul on 8th & 9th September 2017.
10. RAMA KRISHNAN. M -III year, AHAMED HUSSAN and KAPILESH.N –IV year has won WINNER Place in “Inter Zonal Tournaments 2017-2018”, (BOXING-MEN) organized by Anna University Sports Board at Kumaraguru College of Technology on 12th November-2017.
11. Mr.R.Balaji, IV year MCT has won “CIT PARTHASARTHY MEMORIAL WINNER TROPHY 2018” in Ball Badminton held at Chennai in the month of January.
12. Mr. S.Shanmugaraj, III year MCT has participated in the “8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad” organized by MIT World Peace University, Pune and Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad Foundation from January 19th to 21st January 2018.
13. Mr. M. Perumal and Mr.G.Abishek Maniraj of IV year has won IIIrd place in State Level Hand Ball Tournament held at Selvam College of Engineering from 1.02.18 to 02.02.18.
14. Mr. M. Perumal and Mr.G.Abishek Maniraj of IV year has won Ist place in KCT YUGAM TROPHY Hand Ball Tournament held at Kumaraguru College of Technology from 5.02.18 to 07.02.18.
15. Mr. M. Perumal and Mr.G.Abishek Maniraj of IV year has won IInd place in PSG TROPHY Hand Ball Tournament held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 9.02.18 to 11.02.18.
1. Mr. M. Jegan, student of IV Year Mechatronics Engineering Department of Paavai Engineering College received the “Best NSS Volunteer Award” on 24.09.2016 at Vivekananda Auditorium, Anna University, Chennai-25.
2. M.Ramakrishnan – II year won Silver Medal in the State Level Rural Games (BOXING) held at Pallavan Engineering College, Kanchipuram, on 15.07.16.
3. Mr.N.Kapilesh student of III Year Mechatronics was a member of Anna University BOXING (Men) Team and Participated in All India Inter-University Tournaments, held at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar during the period 30.01.2017 to 04.02.2017.
1. K. Yuvaraj, III Year Mechatronics Student has been appointed as “Regional Coordinator (Salem Division)” to create awareness among the government school’s students.
2. S. Gunasekar from III-year Mechatronics had won Ist prize in common category in the ALL-INDIA INTER-STATE INVITATIONAL YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP, held at Nehru Indoor Stadium – Chennai on 26.07.2015.
3. Jegan.M and Kandiban.R from III Year Mechatronics who has been nominated as “STUDENT CAMPUS AMBASSADOR” in the one-day International Workshop on Automotive IC Engines [Horse Power – 2015] organized by Top Engineers (Upgrading Engineering Version an ISO 9001:2008 Certified company) held on 01.08.2015 at ICSA Seminar Hall, Chennai.
4. S.Gunasekar from III year Mechatronics had won Ist prize in the “21-25 age group of players in the category of Athletic/Artistic Single/Artistic Pair/Rhythmic pair” yoga competition held at Namakkal on 07.08.2015 conducted by Namakkal District Yoga Association.
5. S.Gunasekar from III year Mechatronics had won title “Champion of Champion” in the “20-25 age groups of players in the 8th All India Yoga Competition held at Chennai on 16.08.2015 conducted by Mahasakthi Academy Jaya Sri Mahadhev Trust and Santhineketan Group of Schools.
6. Mr. M.Jegan, student of III Year Mechatronics Engineering Department of Paavai Engineering College who has been selected as an “NSS Volunteer”, among the 10 NSS Volunteers at the Tamilnadu State Level for “NSS Adventure Camp” which is going to be organized by National Service Scheme under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India through Anna University –Chennai from 15th to 24th October-2015 at Narkanda, Himachal Pradesh.
7. N.KeerthaSanjai from II Year Mechatronics had participated one day National Level Technical Symposium GnanWhizkid 2k15 and won IIIrd prize in the event “Para glider” held at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, on 2nd September 2015.
8. Final year mechatronics student Mr.H.Srivatsan participated and got 1st prize in ROBOWAR in National Level Technical Symposium held on 19.09.2015 at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
9. Final year mechatronics students T.Rajeshwar, P .Maheshwaran and B .Santhanamoorthy participated and got 2nd prize in ROBOWAR in National Level Technical Symposium held on 19.09.2015 at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
10. Final year mechatronics students N.Tamilarasan, P .ArunPrasath and P.Sangameshwaran participated and got 3rd prize in ROBOWAR in National Level Technical Symposium held on 19.09.2015 at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
11. Final year mechatronics student Mr.H.Srivatsan participated and got 1st prize in Online Photography in National Level Technical Symposium held on 23.09.15 at Paavai Engineering College
12. Mr.D.Veeramani, Mr.B.Tamilselvan, Mr.P.N.Arunprasad from III year has attended and won Ist prize in the event “ADZAP” “MEXTREME 2K16” held at Nandha Engineering College, Perundurai on 10.03.16
13. Mr. M.Jegan – III year has attended 7 days “National Integration Camp 2016” organized by Davanagere University, Davanagere, Karnataka and NSS Regional Directorate, Chennai from 14th to 21th March 2016.
14. S.Saranya and G.Sindhuja from III year has secured 3rd prize in the paper presentation in KCT IMPULZE -16 held on 19th March 2016 at King College of Technology, Namakkal.
15. Mr.C.Vibinstalin and Mr.G.Susindharan from IV year has won IInd prize in the event paper presentation in INCEPTO’16 a national level technical symposium held at KEC on 3rd March-2016.
16. Second year mechatronics student Mr. S.Ahamed Hussain participated and got 1st prize and GOLD MEDAL in BOXING (52-56Kg)in 5th National Rural Games 2015 held on 18.09.15 to 20.09.15 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology.
17. Mr.C.Maneesh – II Mechatronics had secured SECOND position in the Anna University Inter-Zonal Tournaments category – 90kg for the year 2015-2016, held from 13.12.2015 to 14.12.2015 at Park College of Engineering and Tech, Coimbatore.
18. Mr.AbhishekManiraj.G and Mr.M.Perumal from II year Mechatronics has secured Winner Place in the event Handball at COLOSSEUM, National Level Sports Fest held during Feb 10-14, 2016.
19. Mr.G.AbishekManiraj and Mr. M.Perumal student of II Year Mechatronics had secured WINNERS in theAnna University Inter-Zonal Tournaments for the year 2015-16, held at PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 19.12.15 to 20.12.15.
1. Mr. Nandagopal.P awarded as IIIrd prize in HEXAPOD WALKER event at the National Round of Indo-US Robo League -2015 conducted by Technophilia systems and Robotics and Computer Applications Institute of USA, held at IIT, Bombay in 2015.
2. S.Gunasekar and D.Periyar Selvan (II Year Mechatronics) had participated and won Second Prize in the Inter Zonal 2014-2015 held on 23.02.15 and 24.02.15 at Coimbatore organized by Anna University, Chennai.
3. S.Gunasekar and D.Periyar Selvan (II Year Mechatronics) had participated and won Third Prize in the age category of “BOYS-SENIOR” on XXXII State Yoga sports Championship- 2015 held on 23.01.15 at Coimbatore organized by Tamilnadu State Yoga Association.
4. S.Gunasekar (II Year Mechatronics) had participated and won two First Prize in the events “BALANCE ASANA” and “ARTICTIC YOGA (PAIR)” in Tamil Nadu State Yogasana Champion 2014 (Open) held on 23.08.2014 at Namakkal conducted by Namakkal District Yoga Association.
5. S.Gunasekar (II Year Mechatronics) had participated and won two Second Prize in the events “16-20 (ARTISTIC PAIR)” and “16-20 (FORWARD)” in All India Inter-State Invitational State Yoga Championship held on 31.08.2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium –Chennai organized by Patanjali College of Yoga & Research Centre.
6. M.Jegan and K.S. Anushya from II Year Mechatronics has got “CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT” on completing the submission of their project ideas in the “Fifth annual Go Green in the City” organized by Schneider Electric SE, France which to be held at Paris on June 2015.
1. S. Gunasekar (II Year Mechatronics) had participated and won Second Prize in the age group of “18-21 years” on 27th Tamil Nadu State Yogasana Champion 2014 (Open) held on 11.10.14 and 12.10.14 at Trichy conducted by Sports Development Authority of Tamilnadu & Tamilnadu Olympic Association.