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About the Department

The Department of Mathematics of Paavai Engineering College (Autonomous) started functioning along with the establishment of the College in the year 2001. In this college, the mathematics as basic to engineering studies was given importance from the very beginning. In the competitive examination for admission to the college, ability in mathematics was made the decisive criterion for selection. The syllabus of the subject Mathematics was prepared according to the requirement of the engineering subjects. Mathematics is taught up to fourth semester classes in the under graduate level. Besides teaching Mathematics in under graduate course, the faculty members of the department also teach the subject at the post graduate level. The objective of the department is to impart quality education to the engineering students in mathematics so that they can apply the mathematical knowledge to the problems arising in various disciplines of engineering, Science and technology. At present the department consists of 20 faculty members with Dr. P.Jayakumar as Head of the department. Four of its faculty members were completed their Ph.D. Two of its faculty members are working for Ph.D. Three of its faculty members were qualified in SET exam. All of the faculty members have participated in number of national and state level seminars and workshops and published number of research papers to their credit in different journals.