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Planning and Evaluation Committee





The main objective of the college is to achieve academic excellence. The College has several mechanisms in place to plan and evaluate the process and to initiate the required reforms.  The different departments, committees, clubs, forums are advised to formulate their action plan and arrange programmes in consultation with this committee at the beginning of each year.


Sl. No Name of the Member Designation Category
1. Dr. M. Premkumar Chairman Principal
2. Dr. V. Subburam Member Senior Faculty
3. Dr. S. Vijayakumar Member Nominated by Management
4. Dr. D. Banumathi Member Nominated by Management
5. Dr. A. Rathinam Member Nominated by Management
6. Dr. R. Arravind Member Nominated by Management

Functions of Planning and Evaluation Committee

  • To review the academic and Non-academic activities of the college.
  • To scrutinize the students and faculty development programmes.
  • To visualize and formulate perspective plans for the development and growth of the college.
  • To formulate strategy Plan for college development, facilitating implementation of the provision of the perspective plan.
  • To evolve new schemes of development for the college.
  • To plan for resource mobilization through industry interaction, consultancy and Extra-mural funding.
  • To promote research and extension activities in the college campus.
  • To encourage teaching innovations and student placement programmes.
  • To suggest for sustaining the quality of education, quality improvement and accreditation of the college.
  • To recommend schemes to promote participation of academic departments in Community development activities in the region.
  • To enhance activities for furtherance of academic excellence.

MOM – planning and Evaluation Committee

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