The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering have organized an online guest lecture on “Evolution of Science and Technology – Contemporary trends in academia and industries” on 02nd August at 6.30 p.m. through Microsoft team’s platform. Dr.A.E.Narayanan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Computing science and Engineering, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology was the resource speaker. The welcome address and the chief guest introduction were given by Dr.R.Mohana Priya
The objective of organizing the alumni guest lecture is to engage the students to cultivate and enrich their science education and to make them understand the needs that bridges the gap between academia and industries. In the session, the guest speaker explained the evolution of various courses, about STEM – a framework for teaching across various disciplines, University-Industry-Laboratory partnership. He illuminated the students with the building blocks and impacts of industrial revolution. He also elucidated the cyber physical systems and its importance. He highlighted the top ten skills that are relevant to the industry, emerging technologies, and convergence themes. He finally clarified the queries posted by the faculty and the students.
Dr.M.Sudha, Professor and Head, ECE, thanked the resource speaker. Dr.R.Mohana Priya, ASP, ECE , Association Coordinator, Mr.G.Nandha Kumar,AP,ECE were the coordinators. The faculty members of ECE and around 60 students were present in the meeting. As per the feedback received from the students, it was useful for the students to know the developments in various fields of science and technology.