Alumni guest lecture titled “Concept of Server Architecture” on 25.03.2023 organized by the Department of Mechatronics, Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal.
It was aimed at providing awareness to students about the server architecture. Welcome address was given by R. Navanithan, III-MCT. Mr. B. Tamilselvan, Tech Lead, Gamersback Pvt Ltd, Bangalore was the resource speaker. N. Pugazhenthi, III-MCT introduced the resource speaker.
Mr. B. Tamilselvan gave introduction about the Server Architecture. He explained about the types of client server architectures. He pointed out the benefits of Client-Server Network such as Easy recovery of files, less damage and more secure since files and everything else is centralized on such networks. He also briefed about Client-Server Model, How the Client-Server Model works, How the browser interacts with the servers, its merits and demerits. He finally listed the various job opportunities for mechatronics engineers in software industries. He also focused on the industries expectations from freshers and what are the additional skills to be required. Around 100 students participated in the guest lecture. Queries were asked and it was clarified by the resource speakers.
The session ended with a Vote of Thanks by Senthamil Selvan M, III-MCT. The event was organized by Dr.D.R.P. Rajarathnam, HoD/MCT and Mr.R. Arunbabu, Assistant Professor.