The Department of chemistry has organized an online Guest Lecture on” Challenges and
Oppurtunities in Solid Waste Management”on 04thAugust 2023 at 06.30p.m.. The Resource
person was Dr. P. Pachamuthu Assistant Professor (SG), Department of Chemistry, Bannari
Amman Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamilnadu.The
welcome address was given by Mr. A. Jeeva from the Department of Chemistry and
Dr.R.Sharmila, ASP /Chemistry introduced the resource person .
The objective of organizing the online guest lecture was to create awareness about
challenges and opportunities in solid waste management and source control, and also, to
determine composition and qualities of waste bearing generated. To introduce the real concern of
environment to ensure sustainability, minimizing the formation of waste is an essential one. With
the help of biodegradation, it can eliminate contaminants, pollutants, toxins from soil, water and
other environments. We should carefully dispose of waste to encourage health standard. The
Improper disposal of waste can lead to various harmful effects and bring in diseases so, to
protect our environment from pollution, contamination and the damage caused by pollutants, we
need to predict any potential environmental impacts from the generation of waste in our ecology
and Secure the environment to cut down the threats by analyzing the pattern.
Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. P. Suganya AP/Chemistry the Faculty
members and the students around 200 were present in the meeting. The feedback was received
from the students to know the problems and to solve these issues in a simple way with the help
of this valuable webinar.