The Electronics club of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with The Institutions of Engineers (India)(IEI) has organized a Project Expo – “TECHNOVA 24” on 09.12.2023. The objective was to encourage students to come up with creative ideas and assist them in turning those ideas into functional prototypes. Dr.C.Nirmala, Prof/Head of the Department/Biotechnology, Paavai College of Technology was the Judge.
The main goal of putting this exhibition together was to give students a platform, help them realize their full potential by showcasing their creative projects that were developed with an emphasis on user- or industry-defined problems, and give them a chance to share what they had learned. During this event, the students’ ideas were evaluated for practical challenges and they learned about potential failures when implementing them for real-time applications. The students exhibited projects covering different areas of electronics.
Around 26 batches of students from second year ECE (A, B, C) participated in the Project Expo event. The event was organized by Convenor Dr.M.Sudha Prof/Head of the Department/ECE. Mr.S.Vijaykumar, Associate Professor/ECE, Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari Assistant Professor/ECE and Ms.K.Prasanna Mery, Assistant Professor/ECE, Mr.D.Sathish Kumar,Assistant Professor/ECE was coordinators of the event.
Winners:R.Bhuvaneshwari ,K.Jayaharshitha,D.Janani,S.Bhavya(II-ECE A)
Runner I: A.Manthiramoorthy,S.Mohan,K.Pruthiviraaja,B.Mouli,P.Nithishkumar,S.Saleem ulla Khan(II-ECE B)
Runner II: L.Sivasurya,M.Thamaraiselvi,G.Shubashree,S.SandhiyaS.Sanjay and team(II-ECE C)
The Project Expo concluded with the Prize distribution .Dr.C.Nirmala Prof/Head appreciating and encouraging the student’s efforts. Dr.M.Sudha,Prof/Head express the gratitude to the staff coordinators, Student coordinators and Participants who played a crucial role in the success of the event. The “TECHNOVA 24” was a resounding success, and we express our sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to its success.