A one day Guest Lecture titled “Ethical Hacking ” was organized by the department of Electronics and communication Engineering in association with The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) and Electronics Club, Paavai Engineering College (Autonomous) on 19/09/23 Ms.P.Aasha Third year student welcomed the gathering. Dr.M.Sudha HOD, ECE convened the program and Mrs.A.Samudeeswari ASP, ECE delivered the welcome address. Mr.S.Srithar third year student Introduced the speaker.
Mr.M.Sathishkumar, Assistant Vice President, JP Morgan , Singapore was the resource speaker. He briefed about impacts of Hacking and suggested about the new technology for betterment of students. He also briefed the revolution and the concepts of Hacking ways. He explained about the job as a Ethical Hacker as strong in ECE, CSE and IT related fields. At the end of Guest Lecture the students have gained knowledge about various opportunities in Electronics and communication Engineering in the field of Ethical Hacking.
Mrs.R.Bhuvaneshwari, AP,ECE and Mr.G.Nandhakumar,AP,ECE are the faculty coordinators along with faculty members and around 90 participants were present in the Guest Lecture .Finally the vote of thanks delivered by Ms .P.Priyadharshini Third year ECE student and our Guest Lecture was Successfully completed. The session was very interactive and knowledgeable