As directed by Madam Correspondent, the Department of Mathematics organized National Mathematics Day 2024 to commemorate the birthday of the legendary mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. A series of events were conducted to celebrate his remarkable legacy and inspire the students of Paavai Engineering College.
The first event, titled “Essence of Mathematics” (Mathematical Working Model), was held on 27th November 2024. The event’s theme aimed to encourage students to creatively express their thoughts and ideas about mathematics. Approximately 69 models were displayed by the first-year students of Paavai Engineering College, involving a total of 152 participants. The judging panel was led by Mrs. Vimala M (Head of Mathematics, PCE) and Dr. Thyagarajan (Associate Professor, Computer Science, PEC), both of whom played a pivotal role in evaluating the students’ models.
The second event, “Ramanujan’s Legacy” (PPT Presentation on Ramanujan’s Life History), took place on 30th November 2024. This event aimed to showcase the students’ mathematical prowess and presentation skills. Over 55 participants registered for the event, and 10 students were shortlisted by the scrutiny committee. Dr. Deepa M (Associate Professor of Mathematics, PCAS) served as a jury member for the PPT presentations. She declared the winners on the spot and shared her enthusiastic feedback on the students’ work.
The two-day celebration of Ramanujan’s birthday was a remarkable success. Faculty members encouraged students to participate enthusiastically, offering them a platform to express their creativity, explore profound mathematical ideas, and honour Ramanujan’s significant contributions to the field. The events received overwhelmingly positive feedback and impressive participation, making it an unforgettable and inspiring occasion.