The Department of Information Technology in association with the Institution of Engineers (India) organized a guest lecture on “No Code – Low Code Auto ML” on 8th February 2025 at JRD Tata Hall. The presidential address was delivered by Dr.K.Selvi, Dean of Academics. She emphasized the significance of the latest technologies and motivated the students to excel in order to seize career growth opportunities. Dr.B.Venkatesan, Head of the Department of Information Technology, facilitated the event. Mr. K. Vishal Kowsik, a second-year IT student, welcomed the gathering. Ms. J. Aafiya Bareen, a third-year IT student, introduced the resource speaker.
The resource speaker, Dr.R.Anandha Murugan, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of HRBluSky & Connect, Pruvity Group, India & Dubai, the guest speaker started the session with a word of introduction. It was an interactive session that paved way to several interesting responses. He spoke about how machine learning tools are being automated to be more accessible for people with little to no coding experience. The focus would likely be on platforms that allow users to build and deploy machine learning models through graphical interfaces or simple configurations, rather than needing to write extensive code. The differences between Auto ML and conventional ML sparked curiosity in the minds of students. He easily demonstrated information retrieval and analysis from Weka data depository. The session was highly interactive and informative.
Nearly 250 participants were really benefitted by this guest lecture. Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms.K.Varsha, a third-year student, and the Guest Lecture was successfully concluded.