A one day Technical Webinar on the title “Predication of Building Strength using Machine Learning Approach” was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with Paavai Civil Engineering Association, Paavai Engineering College (Autonomous) on 19.07.2023. Ms.K.Sandhiya, Third year student welcomed the gathering. Dr.M.Premkumar, Principal, Paavai Engineering College delivered his presidential address on this event, he elaborated about the application of Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks in Civil Engineering field.
Mrs.K.Sharmiladevi, Head of the Department introduced the speaker and gave an overview about need of Machine Learning Approach. Dr.T.Palanisamy, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal was the resource speaker. He briefed about the problems in the Beam-Column joints, Machine Learning Techniques and development of model through Artificial Neural Network (ANN). At the end of this technical webinar, the students have gained knowledge about the Machine Learning tools, methodologies and ANN Algorithms involved in the prediction of strength in Beam-Column joint in a structure.
Prof.K.Sharmiladevi, HoD/Civil, Ms.S.Gayathri, AP/Civil and Mr.M.Rajkannan, AP/Civil Faculty coordinators along with faculty members, and around 53 participants were present in Webinar.
Finally the vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.L.Dhanush, Third year student and our one day Technical webinar was successfully concluded. The session was very interactive and knowledgeable.