The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with ISTE have organized an Alumni guest lecture on “FUTURE OF AI – OPPORTUNITY AND CHALLENGES” on 22nd July at 11 a.m. at Kalams chamber . Ms.M.Preethiga, Quality Assurance Engineer, Syneos Health, Salem was the Alumni speaker. The welcome address was given by K.S.Loshika from 3rd year ECE , and T.Jayasuriya from 3rd year ECE introduced the Alumni speaker.
The objective of organizing the alumni guest lecture was to create an awareness among the students about future of Artificial Intelligence, its scope,and opportunities. In the presidential address, Dr.M.Premkumar, Principal addressed that “Alumni are the greatest backbone of any Institution”. Followed with it, the alumnus explained about benefits and important of AI. She also explained the challenges and future of AI. She gave lot of ideas about the applications used in AI. She also stressed the importance of the opportunities of AI in future. Finally, queries were asked, and it was clarified by the alumnus.
The vote of thanks was delivered by P.Aasha from third-year ECE. Dr.M.Sudha, Professor and Head, ECE, Dr.R.Mohana Priya, ASP, ECE , Association Coordinator, Mr.S.Sathish, Alumni Association Cell Coordinator, faculty members and 230 students were present in the meeting. As per the feedback received from the students, it was useful for the students to get themselves familiarized with AI and its development in various arenas.