The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers – IETE, Indian society for Technical Education -ISTE and Wizards systems have organized a Hands on training titled “Signal Processing” on 31.03.2023. It was aimed to disseminate knowledge about signal processing and the software tool used to analyse the signal for various applications. The welcome address was given by K.S.Loshika of second year ECE.
In the presidential address, Dr.M.PremKumar, Principal, Paavai Engineering College insisted that knowledge acquisition, skill upgradation, to learn and re-learn are the areas of focus today. He also added that “Knowledge is power” and motivated the students to utilise all the opportunities available to them. The Chief guest introduction was given by L.Puja Maharana of second year ECE. Ms.S.Sowndeswari, Assistant Professor, Sambhram Institute of Technology, Bengaluru was the Chief guest. In her address, she cited the different career opportunities available in the signal processing sector and motivated the students to utilise all learning opportunities.
The main objective was to provide the platform to the students to focus on industry defined problems and provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their learning experience. The training session was from 11.00a.m. to 4.30p.m. with two sessions. Ms.S.Sowndeswari explained the basics of MATLAB programming followed with hands on training of basic generation of signals, convolution and design of filters. The practical difficulties in the program executed were identified and they were given knowledge about the process of debugging that may arise when they are implemented for real-time applications. 120 students from second year ECE participated in the training session. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks by R.Mahalakshmi of second year ECE. Dr.M.Sudha Prof/Head of the Department/ECE, Dr.R.Mohana Priya, Associate Professor/ECE, Mrs.E.Sangeetha, Associate Professor/ECE, Mr.S.Sathish, ISTE coordinator, Mrs.S.Usha, AP,ECE and Mr.S.VijayaMurugan, IETE coordinator and other faculty members attended the session. The outcome was students were able to execute and analyse the basic signal generation and computation of it.