The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with the IETE, organised an online Guest Lecture titled “CMOS in VLSI Design” on 17.02.2023. It was aimed at disseminating knowledge to the students about the role of electronics engineers in the CMOS VLSI. The welcome address was given by Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Professor, ECE, Dr. M. Premkumar, Principal gave the presidential address. Ms.V.Shanmathi, from third year ECE introduced the resource speaker. Dr.K.Nirmaladevi, Associate Professor, ECE, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai was the resource speaker.
In her address, she started the guest lecture with MOS transistor and explained about DC characteristics of CMOS. She also discussed the topics of threshold voltage, regions of MOS transistor, and advantages of Integrated circuits. The students were able to acquaint themselves with the various applications of the MOS devices.She also discussed about the various job opportunities in the area of VLSI. Queries were posted and it was clarified by the resource speaker.
Around 100 students participated in the online Guest Lecture. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks by Mr.G.Nandhakumar, Assistant Professor, ECE. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Professor, ECE and Mr.G.Nandhakumar, Assistant Professor, ECE, organised the event. Dr.M.Sudha, Professor and Head, ECE, also attended the guest lecture along with faculty members of ECE.