A guest lecture on the title Advanced Embedded System Design Solutions Using Linux OS was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Paavai Engineering College (Autonomous), Namakkal in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) and ISTE on 12 September 2023.
The guest lecture started in the presence of Dr.M.Premkumar, Principal, Paavai Engineering College, Dr.M.Sudha, HoD, ECE, Resource Person Mr.K.Santhakumar, Corporate Trainer, Live wire, Namakkal, Faculty Coordinator Dr.S.VijayaKumar, Prof, ECE, staff Co-coordinators Mr.S.SathishKumar, AP, ECE, Mr.G.Nandhakumar, AP, ECE and Faculty members, along with more than 100 student participants of ECE Department.
In the presidential address, Dr.M.Premkumar, Principal, Paavai Engineering College addressed that Automation is the need of the hour. He also appreciated the efforts taken by the department in organising the guest lecture.
The session was carried over by the Expert speaker Mr.K.Santhakumar about Embedded Systems with advanced technology and the use of LINUX OS. The resource speaker explained about the Recent trends and developments in the Advanced technology used in Automotive manufacturing field. He also explained the important features of CAN. He explained about the Automotive Embedded Systems, CAPL, CANOPEE, ISO 14229 and their important features. He explained the expectation of interviewers from student’s side. He gave lot of ideas to ace interviews during placement. He also stressed the importance of the core subjects that students need to focus on during their course of study.
Ms. B. Dharani, Final year B.E. ECE welcomed the gathering, Ms.V.Shanmathi, Final Year B.E. ECE introduced the expert speaker to the gathering and Ms. A.Adhilabanu, Final year B.E. ECE proposed the vote of thanks.